Thursday, June 6, 2019

the new Harley next door

A friend stopped by and saw the Harley parked next door and went to look at it.  He came back telling me how well the guy had taken care of his bike, it was spotless, looked like new, and on and on he raved about it.  I smiled to myself, because this friend is known for not listening, and not wanting to embarrass him, didn’t tell him the bike was only a month old with 600 miles on it.  It better look new!  Seems the first impression still reigns supreme, at least to the unknowing or uneducated.  Some stereotypes still ring true, but so does the “don’t judge me,” crowd. But a few years ago while looking for a car, I did see some patterns form....
We never have been nor will be a mini van family.  So looking for a used car I could afford, I narrowed it down to a Z28 Camaro, or Mustang GT.  Convertible.  I was partial to the looks of the Chevy, but the Ford won out, with some observations along the way.  Almost all Mustangs were higher mileage, had a five speed, and were owned and maintained by men.  Well taken care of.  The Z28’s on the other hand, were all women owned with automatics, low miles, and needed maintenance.  I must have looked at dozens of them, to come to this conclusion.  Now some might call this a judgment call, some a poll taken and some would come up with any excuse that fits the moment.  But it was an observation, and I ended up with the Mustang GT, and was happy.  So was my wife, as it would be her daily driver.  Turned out to be a good buy, as when we traded it, I got more on trade than I had paid for it.  I just love it when that happens....
Too many times it is buy for love and sell for money, and the converse is also true.  But when our worldly mindset dictates our decisions, it tends to leave God out of the equation.  We are told you cannot serve both God and man, and living in a fallen world we are pressured, but we as Christians have the assurance of the holy spirit in our lives, and that should make the difference.  But first impressions still are powerful, and as the bumper sticker says, “bad decisions make for better stories.”  But it doesn’t have to be that way, as we will see.
Abram and Lot were cousins, both men of God, but only Abram chose to follow God’s lead.  When offered a place to settle by the Lord, he let Lot choose first, and he chose what his eye could behold, the beauty of the land in what was Sodom and Gomorrah.  Leaving the desert land to Abram, but with God’s promise, “you shall inherit all you see and your descendants shall not able to be counted.”  Seems God sees not only the present, but sees the future, do we in all our decisions?  In any?  It turned out Sodom and Gomorrah were the sickest and most sinful places on earth, two names that represent debauchery today.  It was not at all what Lot had envisioned, and soon it almost killed him.  It did his wife, as she looked back at what was her dream instead of looking ahead to God, and turned to a pillar of salt.  Meaning death and a message that is still told today.  But it was Abram who prayed and God allowed him to rescue his cousin.  Like the new Harley next door, Lot’s first impression was wrong without all the facts. 
God was so upset with Sodom and Gomorrah he wiped out all traces of them from the earth, today they have never been found, but we know they once existed.  Representing sin, we have a picture of how Jesus wipes out the sin form our lives, the scripture means as if it never happened, leaving no trace, no S&G to remind us.  Past, present, and future.  We are forgiven, a new heart is installed and our sinful nature is wiped out.  We will still sin, but with every sin see how it comes between God and us, and as our heart changes, we do too.  That day Lot’s life was changed forever, so was his wife’s.  Sin will do that, but going back to Abram’s decision, his life was forever changed that day he let Lot choose first.  And God still lets us choose today, for perfect love demands a decision.  The things of the world may look good, but come and see the new Harley after 10,000 miles.  If not maintained, it will be old and worn before its time.  So are we if we don’t maintain a solid walk with Christ.  If we don’t pray continuously like Psalm 1 states, if we don’t recognize the spirit and give him a place in our lives, if we don’t read the Bible with his influence, and if we don’t fellowship with other believers, we stand a good chance of the world influencing our decisions first.  The devil does seek to destroy, but can also ruin us one bad decision at a time.  You may not die from an illness, but death may be welcomed after enduring one.   But God had never abandoned us, and can restore the relationship if we want, but on his terms. 
Today you may be in a point in your life where what the world has offered seems better than the promises of God.  It worked for Adam and Eve, but did it really?  Are you willing to give up all God has for you and heaven too, for a shiny new ride?  A desirable place to live?  The right job at the right salary with the right office?  Or are you willing to let the spirit guide you?  It is always best to trust the one holds the future....even when buying a car.
So look twice at the shiny Harley, ask “how many miles?”  Then decide.  After the new fades, it will just be another used bike.  Don’t think so, try to trade it in, see how it has depreciated.  That’s life and that’s the world.  Maybe Proverbs says it best, “ an empty barn stays clean, but produces no profit.”  Just like a low mileage bike, if not ridden, it still gets old.  Second Law of Thermodynamics, everything is in a constant state of atrophy.  Don’t you.  Grow in grace and the love of Jesus Christ, high miles mean better stories, like riding, we don’t quit riding because we got old, we got old because we quit with God too....but follow his lead.  All roads lead somewhere, only one leads to Jesus. 
Oh and if this seems harsh, no I’m not judging you, just describing you!
love with compassion,