Wednesday, December 18, 2019

in search of the round yon virgin

Christmas was always a big deal at our house when I was growing up.  Lots of food and presents with my Grandparents coming down to spend the night.  We had just moved into our new house in suburbia, and the thing to do was have Santa come and visit.  Not quite six, but going on 16, when the bell rang and the door opened and Santa Claus himself was there, it was a big deal.  I went along with it although I had a sneaking suspicion it wasn’t really Santa, but Mr. Howarth our next door neighbor.  I had a few things going for me, one Mr. Howarth was tall and had two different colored eyes like this Santa, he smelled of asphalt, he owned a paving company next door, and I was always looking at the dump trucks and tractors, but the dead give away was his shoes, covered with tar.  But I went along with it, until he was gone, then telling my parents my suspicions.  They thought I was so smart and clever, but I didn’t push it too far, I didn’t want to take any chances not getting the presents that Christmas meant to me.  I may have wavered in my belief in Santa, but I would cling to the concept, just in case I was wrong about him.
It was popular in school to learn about Jesus and the real Christmas story.  We never got into the background, just what the songs said, born in a manger, to a virgin, whatever that was, wondered if anyone had ever seen a round young virgin, and all about the three wise men.  Later I would learn a manger was a feeding trough, swaddling clothes were really strips used in burials, and there weren’t three wise men, no number is mentioned.  But the story of Jesus being born stuck with me, and if it meant more toys, I was willing to hang with the concept...just in case.....
But in junior high after being out till 10 pm with friends on Christmas Eve, any doubt about Santa was confirmed with a note on the door.  Seems they all went to bed early, and left me a note, stating Santa had left the presents in the closet, would I please put them under the tree.  Which also confirmed my doubt in the chimney concept, as we had no fireplace, so no chimney for him to come down.  Most likely as always Grandma and Grandpa were the Clauses, but being a Santa’s helper wasn’t so bad, after all it meant presents, so I once again clung to the concept.  Just in case....the closet was handy for him.
But it was after becoming a Christian that Christmas became real to me.  My first Christmas after being saved and moving to Albuquerque with John.  And the four of us going to California for Christmas, until Mr. Hansch died  unexpectedly, and the trip was cancelled.  The others were able to get flights at the last minute, I couldn’t, so spent my first real Christmas alone, just me and Jesus.  No tree, no presents, just a silent night and the same the next day.  But it was special to me, as the concept of Jesus being real became more real.  I saw past the toys and saw the gift God gave that day.  I never told my family as they would have worried, I will admit to missing Christmas morning and the excitement, but it was like having been one of the wise men that night.  Christmas became personal, and all doubts about him became true to me.  A dinner at Burger King on Christmas Day should have been a bummer, but I was filled with joy.  The concept of Jesus being the reason for Christmas had become real, and instead of wanting to receive gifts, I wanted to give.  Just as God did, setting the precedent of being a cheerful giver, and how it is more blessed to give than receive.  Only Jesus can do that for matter how old a kid you are.
Now there are many stories, tales, legends, and philosophies about where did Santa Claus originate.  I like the one I read recently, about a man named Nick, who when he heard a family didn’t have food or the things they needed, he threw a bag of gold coins into their window one night and ran off.  Later when the town discovered it was him, the legend was born.  It wasn’t until 1934 that Santa had no personality, it was Coca Cola in an ad that gave us the Santa we know today.  Who would have thought a soft drink would be involved as a major part of who he is?  So today we give gifts at Christmas, and to many throughout the year, you see Christmas comes but once a year, Jesus Christ is in our lives daily.  Our giving reflects how God gave his only son, and we do it in love.  Yes we still have the tree, we tell the young ones about Santa, but we also tell them about Jesus.  You see Jesus is the real reason for the season.  Imagine that he never came into the world, and we would have no Christmas, no day of Christ.  Maybe when we look at it that way, it can mean more than shopping, and buying things for those we don’t like but want to impress, with money we don’t have.  Today wise men still seek him, I still haven’t found what out what a round yon virgin is, but I still cling to the concept of giving gifts.  Just in case....And if you really want to make me a believer, I’ll leave the window open on Christmas Eve.  Just in case that bag of gold is on your shopping list....
For maybe the Grinch was right, it isn’t about toys from the store, for Christmas is really much more.  At least to me.....Merry Christmas to all!  I rest my case.
love with compassion,