Monday, September 21, 2009

if I ran the world-with apologies to the cowardly lion

If I ran the world... would only be played on Sunday afternoon, on a grass field.
...all quarterbacks would call their own plays-from the field, and audible most of the time like Joe Namath. two point plays, and goal posts would be on the goal line, like their name implies. instant replay-pay off the refs like they used too, and probably still do in Chicago! would have no designated hitter-make the pitcher hit, and use strategy to win.
...only doubleheaders on Sunday. save a game you must give up no runs. Make it a real stat. and you pay the team if you blow one. get paid per win-when you lose you owe the fans. May change their entire approach to the game. are only hurt if the bleeding can't be stopped or a bone shows. otherwise we expect you to be there, on time. artificial turf-this is baseball, and not an indoor game. if a horse can't eat it, you don't play on it.
... no player would make more than a teacher. and in the off season spend time volunteering in schools.
...Tim Mc Carver would be banned from doing play by play.
...someone would leave the door open and Chris Berman would go all the way-and stay there. slow cars in the fast lane, if caught they would be impounded.
...dui or drunk driving meant removal of hands, at the elbow. you don't want to know if there is a second offense.
...only motorcycles allowed in fast lane. commuter lanes would be motorcycle only.
...only vacation if you can drive there. and never ride anything you can't put gas in.
...all motorcycles would have horns louder than car stereos.
...all cars would only have radios with two knobs, on/off/volume and station selector. cell phones in cars. if used when driving, same penalty as dui. ugly rims, and none above 19"-get over it. Cragar SS would be standard on all vehicles. helmet laws, but we should get a discount if we wear one and are involved in an accident.
...every 3 years, give one free year of vehicle registration.
...all riders would be instructed in using their front brake-might just save their life.
...mandatory 3 week vacations for bikers in summer-must be used to ride or possible loss of job .
...political campaigns would be restricted to elections only. early and vote often precincts would be eliminated.
...daylight savings time would be the norm.
...anything motorcycle related would be tax deductible. van owners would pay a tax for taking up space-and drivers would have to have special license to drive one. they would actually have to learn to drive. think of the lives saved.
...divorce would not be an option. "I do" means just that, and you better. with someone without being unwed should be triple taxed, sin costs.
...all inmates should be given a Bible, and someone to help them understand it-may just thin out the repeaters.
...the gospels would be a required course in the schools-every year until graduation. atheists would get summer school.
...politicians have to have the same health care as they vote for. dogs under 20 pounds-call them little rats, that what they are. must be registered as a non-dog. laws against incessant barking means death.
...we would work weekends, and have week days off to ride.
...chocolate would be the official food, and part of all daily nutrition.
...Krimpets would a food group, as would ice cream, tootsie rolls, and pretzels. would start on time, and only last one hour for those of us with a short attention span.
...pastors would make more than CEO's, and get double-time for Sundays. cases of dispute, pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more.
...maintenance engineers would be called janitors, administrative assistants would be secretaries, sanitation engineers would be called garbage men, and if you had a problem with that take it to personnel-not human resources.
...God would get 90%, and we would be able to live on the other 10%, and still have money left over.
...everything that has breath would be encouraged to praise the Lord.
And I would be very lonely, as having to enforce these laws would leave me alone-I forgot to mention the death penalty for anyone disagreeing. After all, these are my rules. As King, first rule would be to obey all rules. Second rule, would be obey the first. A despot, not quite benevolent. And as I hope you laugh and see yourself in some of the rules above, aren't you glad God has a better way. But yet we put ourselves under the law, when God wants to give us grace. A true freedom in the spirit. He gives us choice, for love would not be loved if it were required or legislated. So next time you get complaining about anything, thank God for the freedom to do that. It could be worse-I could be in charge. And God offers forgiveness. Where I just may have had a bad day, God doesn't have any. Aren't you glad he is never in a bad mood? It is important to remember what love is-not a set of rules, but a relationship. Corinthians 13 reminds us love is kind, patient, does not demand its own way, rejoices in the right and not in the wrong, and endures. It hopes and believes all things. And it never fails. And since God is love, aren't you glad he is God, and you're not? It leaves you weekends to ride, and to sleep in on your days off. God is at work all the time. With no overtime, unless you consider eternity overtime.
Maybe the system He set up is better than you think it is. If not, consider me as your ruler. All of a sudden the gospel looks pretty good. So choose Jesus, and pray for me. See things are not nearly as bad as you think they could be.
And join me as I celebrate with some of Theresa's brownies. Or some Krimpets. We truly have a lot to be thankful for. Amen.
Rest well, with my permission of course. And God's blessings. With Sundays off. To ride.
love with compassion,