Today is wear red day to remember women’s cardiac health. Which bothers me
a bit, as I have a cardiac history, I even made history, and I will wear a red
shirt, but not only for women-but for all. I don’t remember women in Cardiac
Critical Care where I spent 20 days except for the great nurses, it was all
men! So men, let’s get out and support the cause-for all. But perhaps the
underlying agenda here that bothers me is that those wearing a shirt believe
they are actually doing anything. I have found trendy people wearing pink, even
the NFL does, but does it change their lives until they become a victim. I see
people on toy runs feeling so good about giving toys to kids, but treat their
family with little or no respect. Where are all the Charger fans who wear their
shirts when they are winning, but not when they are whining? Where are all the
Bronco jerseys today? And so where will all the red shirted do gooders for the
day be tomorrow and what will they be eating? Harsh words, take it from someone
who has been there, as close to death as you can come without dying from not
taking care of his heart. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle make a difference.
Costco hot dogs may taste good, but are so loaded with sodium they exceed the
recommended daily requirements. Cheese on pizza, and Double Doubles, all things
in my past, but yet I eat more flavorful things day that are healthy, my choice,
and reinforced by Theresa. Yes a steak with melted butter sounds good, but so
did the chicken with pineapple and ginger I had for dinner. Tough choices, but
eating wrong got me there, and I don’t want to go back. No matter the color of
your shirt, you can make better choices starting now.
I get told that I am not very stylish in Wranglers and t-shirts, yet when
attending an event where I am underdressed, invariably someone comes up and
tells me they wished they had dressed the same. For years I wore Christian
shirts, only to find the only ones responding were other Christians, and others
were staying away. So I wear motorcycle shirts most of the time, but at least
I don’t scare such a big crowd away. And I wear what I live, a man telling me
once that don’t put it on your shirt if it ain’t in your heart. Red today, what
trend do you follow tomorrow? Do you dress for your audience, or for yourself?
Who are you really can be found by how you act when no one is looking. It is
called character. And Peter, yeah that Peter, was called on it one day by Paul,
yeah that Paul.
It seems Peter was telling the Gentiles about Jesus, eating with them, and
even eating their food. But when the Jewish bros showed up, went back to the
Kosher habits, and Paul confronted him on it. He looked like a hypocrite, doing
one thing with one group, and another with another group. Wanting to appease
both, but really saving face, he upset both, and was not as effective as he
could be. His heart was double minded, and while trying to appease both sides,
ended up cheesing both off. All without wearing red shirt.
Are you really in favor of a healthy heart? Then don’t wear
your shirt into Wendy’s. Forego the Big Mac, and be manly enough to eat a
salad. And be manly enough to be who you are in Christ to all you meet.
Imagine if Jesus treated all he met differently, like we do? Can you see Him
looking down on hookers and bikers, like most society does, then having Him sit
next to you in church? How would you feel if you found out the person next to
you had heart disease, and your red shirt with habits not portraying it bothered
him? Would you listen, or are you too busy being trendy? What if that person
was my wife, my sons, or even me? I don’t have to wear red, I have a 12” scar I
wear every day....not trendy, but part of a club I hope you don’t ever have to
belong to. How trendy is that?
But everyday I am also a Christian, a representative of Jesus
Christ. And sometimes I fail miserably, but even in my failures He shows His
grace. Maybe a better witness than my actions. For my life is not about what I
wear or what I ride, it is about Jesus. And I find I can fit into any crowd,
not based on the color of my shirt, but because of His love shining through me.
He allows me to eat with bikers, clothe the homeless, and even attend church
with other sinners. And to be myself every day, which if you know me can be a
full time job. Today I will wear red, and if someone asks, I will share my
testimony. And how Jesus held my heart is His hands, and how I am alive today
because of Him. What story will your red shirt tell? Where Jesus and who Jesus
is in your life will tell much even before you open your mouth. Christianity
isn’t trendy, never has been, never will be. But it is eternal, something that
tomorrow’s trends won’t be today. Take care of your health. We are body, soul,
and spirit. What you put into your body will reflect what comes out of it.
Your soul is your emotions, and who you are. But your soul will last forever,
notice I didn’t say live. For death in Jesus takes us into eternal life,
without Him is death. No matter the cause or color of your shirt.
Don’t bother passing the salt...where is Jesus or wear is Jesus
in your life? On Any Sunday should be a movie about motorcycling not about your
only time spent with Christ. Be healthy, and be saved. A man wrote a surgeon
about his dad’s aorta bursting.
“nothing can be done for a burst
aorta. this is the biggest artery in the body. If it had happened in his own
country with surgeons standing by nothing could of been done to save him.
I’m so sorry for your loss. your dad would of felt no pain and it would of happened really quickly. Please take care and again I’m so sorry. nothing would of been able to save your dad so please don`t feel in any way that you have let anyone down xxxxx “
I’m so sorry for your loss. your dad would of felt no pain and it would of happened really quickly. Please take care and again I’m so sorry. nothing would of been able to save your dad so please don`t feel in any way that you have let anyone down xxxxx “
That could have been me but for the grace of God.
She’s right, nothing could have saved him, only someone-Jesus.
love with compassion,Mike