Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mama said there'd be days like this

The last job I had in my selling career was for Bowman Distribution, who had recruited me from a competitor.  It is always good to be wanted, and Bowman was the largest and oldest company in the small parts, fastener industry.  Look at any NASCAR race car in the 90’s, that sticker on the front fender was us, me.  Bowman was known for taking care of its own, in house we called it Ma Bowman, and they did in fact take good care of us.  A card with a $100 bill in it for your birthday, signed by the execs, an office support staff that you got to know personally, and was there to encourage you, as we all worked from home.  Some would stay late, some call just to check in, long before cellphones and emails were popular.  For over 75 years the family owned company had thrived, Bowman was a cash cow, hated by competitors, but respected by everyone else.  Some even had Bowman tattoos, long before the public skin defacing became trendy.  And it wasn’t unusual to see long term employees of 30, 40, or even 50 years employed, some with many family members.  It was a great place to work, we all made money, and Ma took care of us all.  And then the scare of Y2K, a perceived change in markets was announced, and things changed.
The business thinking at the time was that the new millenium would bring about a new way to make profits, and if you weren’t at the forefront, the bus would run you over.  Old ways will not work in the new century, change or be gone.  So Bowman hired a group of young idealists, with no experience in selling, to revamp the company.  Take to market, or TTY as it was called, shook up the company.  Reduce the sales force, those that were kept would make more money, but they forgot one thing, people buy from people, not from companies.  And they lost a  lot of business when old friends were fired, or went to competitors and the business went with them.  Sales tanked, and so did morale.  Old managers with 30+ year tenure left or were fired.  Some were reassigned in an emergency, and panic set in.  The pay plan was revamped, you sold more and made less, and no one could tell what their check would be.  Every 30-60 days we had a new CEO, sales manager, and executives, one even left during his first meeting, he saw the disaster and wanted no part of it.  Then the final death blow to Ma, the girls in the office.  They were told they were too friendly, and to clear their desks.  No personal pictures, only  a calendar, no phone calls over 5 minutes, and no favors.  The support staff now had no support, and many times they would call us after hours to give us insight, for our own protection.  Within 9 months this large Fortune 500 company was reduced to rubble, the ship was taking on water faster than it could be pumped out, and many fled, myself included.  From bad philosophy, to poor planning, to poor management, to implementation of a lie, how could a profitable industry leader sink so far, so fast?  And ruin the lives of so many who used to call her Ma?  What had happened?  Mama said there’d be days like this, was this one of them?
2 John warns us of false teachers, of those who will draw us away from the truth.  At a Balboa Park celebration this weekend there were Muslims handing out tracts, misquoting the Bible, and even a huge sign saying “Allah is Jesus.”  Anything to deceive the elect, and to those who don’t know the truth.  They deny the deity of Jesus, as do Mormons, who believed he is a created brother of the Archangel Michael, and Jehovah Witnesses, who deny he is God altogether.  And preach against the cross!  Changing words to mislead and draw people into darkness, some knowingly, some just following.  The scriptures are true, but when misquoted as they were, if you didn’t know the truth, you may be inclined to go along.  These were nice guys, I watched, and were kinder than some Christians I have seen out handing tracts to whoever will take one.  But they too are deceived, and the warning in 2 John is addressed to a woman, unidentified for her protection, as many were out to destroy the gospel, and the work of Jesus Christ.  Here we find John the beloved keeping the main thing the main thing, the love of Christ, and to be wary of those who show love, but are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. He warns that whoever does not abide in the doctrines of God, does not have Jesus.  Remember God’s will for your life is to know Jesus personally, and to walk in his spirit.  He who has Jesus has known the father, he who denies Jesus has neither.  Jesus is the way to God, not a way as some will proclaim.  Do not be deceived, for bad company will corrupt good morals, and the truth.  So John warns do not even let them in your house, do not engage them, they will win you over before you change them.  Slowly and painfully...do not even say “God bless you,” to them, for the God they acknowledge is not the God of creation, nor of Abraham and Isaac.  They worship the ways of deceit, maybe not knowingly, but they end in destruction.  For those that follow or partake in these ways are evil.  Play with fire you will get burnt.  And end up burning.
Some years back a group of women made small gifts for seniors at a nursing home.  They fellowshipped together, prayed together, and were blessed.  Some Mormon women asked to join, and were allowed to join, their wish that no one speak about Jesus so that no one got upset.  And soon the cancer of deceit, the one John warns of took over, and the group broke up.  The Christian ladies left.  The church had let them down, they were in disobeyence of the word.  The evil was among them, and now they made the same gifts, but sold them for a profit.  All within a church that was strong in the word, but lax in the application.  The spirit of anti Christ, a substitute, the anything but Jesus spirit is alive and well, beware, for even the elect can be fooled.  It worked at Bowman, it worked in a senior’s ministry, and it is warned about by John.  For not all who talk about Jesus come in the name of the Lord. 
Stay within the things of Christ you know to be true, and if anyone introduces new theology, becomes accepting of sin, or denies Jesus, have nothing to do with them.  Stick close to Jesus and he will stay close to you, do not lose the full inheritance he promises.  Stay away from doctrinal arguments, in all cases show love.  Sometimes by shutting the door before the evil can enter.  We believe in a resurrected Christ, who will return in the flesh for his church of believers.  Until he does, walk in love, and in the spirit, and see God change lives.  He changed us, imagine what he can do for others.  Flee from infidelity, hate what is wrong, love the sinner, but hate the sin.  Just as Jesus did.  Walk in truth and be set free from religion and bad doctrine.  All lies are based on truth, the cults know this.  Now you do to.  Read 2 John and take it to heart.  John rejoiced when he saw the churches walking in truth, does your life match up to the commandment of love?  Or are you just trying to be accepting of all others, thinking that is love?  Jesus is truth, all others are liars.  Simple theology for simple folks.  And free so we can afford it.  The gospel of Jesus Christ, don’t leave earth without it.  Mama may have said there’d be days like this, John warned one mother almost 2000 years ago of it.  Social ideas, common employers, even attending the same church or denomination does not bind us together.  Only Jesus.  Remember that, only Jesus.  Let his grace, mercy, and love shine from you today.  And they will know we are Christians by our love.  We have been given the spirit and the word to guide and abide.  No Jesus and nothing but Jesus.  No knew revelations, no knew doctrines.  Nothing new under the sun, beware of those who masquerade as Christians, life is too precious to give up our life and freedom for a lie.  The accuser will always go after the weakest one, stay in the word, and the word, Jesus Christ will stay in you.  Beware, Jesus is coming soon, sooner than expected.  Heaven awaits, hope to see you there.
love with compassion,