Monday, October 12, 2009

a rose by any other name will still have thorns

My friend Peter Swerdlick used to yell "hey idiot" in a crowd, and watch everyone turn around. And we would laugh. Were they really all idiots, or just known by that? The power of a name. So while waiting for the elevator at my physical therapy appointment, I noted there was a Dr. Joseph College in the building. And I wondered if his parents ever realized the curse they put on him at birth. Joe College-wasn't that a t-shirt that Snoopy wore in the 70's? Would you go to a doctor named Joe College? And I almost laughed when the sign outside his office said sick people could not come in. Huh? Why else go to a doctor? They were told to wait in the hall. Is that considered a house call-since you are not seen in the office? A lesson in why patients are called patients-it takes patience to be a patient of Joe College. Dr., that is. Rah!
It made me reflect on other signs I have seen. In Durango at the end of Main Avenue, there is a sign that states dead end. And under it a sign saying no U turns. And to think that I saw it not on Mulberry Street! Eat here and get gas is a popular truck stop sign in the midwest, but hey I can get gas anywhere-even at home. And 30+ years ago Chevy sold a car called the Nova. And it failed in Mexico because no one in Detroit understood that Nova means "no go" in Spanish. And I don't understand why anyone would buy a car called Limited? See Nova. Don't we at least want our money's worth? "Why doesn't my car perform better?" "It's a Limited mam." Maybe it is like in Animal House when Belushi gives out pins. When he names Larry, Pinto, Pinto asks "why?" And Belushi answers "why not?" And perhaps there we are given an insight as to why things are like they are.
Like in Phillipsburg, there is a Firth Street. Does that mean the next street is Thecond? Thounds ok to me!
Names mean something. And when you read the genealogy after Adam, it tells a wonderful story. When someone asks why read the old testament, there is no salvation in it, refer them to Genesis 5. A perfect description of Jesus-told by generations, and by the men's names. Simply put, their names, in order means "Man appointed, subject to death. From the presence of God, one comes down, dedicated to die, to send to the poor and lonely-comfort and rest." A beautiful heritage, over hundreds of years, a precursor of Jesus. A perfect description of Him by name, and character. The gospel! In the beginning, or at least right after. Only God could do that!
So next time you meet a guy named Ford driving a Chevy, or a Harley riding a Honda, remember that God also has a sense of humor. After all He made you, and He knows your name. Do you know His? Try Genesis 5, and then the four gospels. Meet the wonderful counselor, the Prince of Peace, the begotten and unique Son of God-who came to seek and save. He calls you friend, and what a friend He is. The signs are all there, too. And no matter what you drive, or ride, you are welcome.
And I'll bet he knows Joe. Joe who? Joe momma! And all you other Joes, too. Seems His dad was called Joseph, too. Hey, wood that make him Joe Carpenter? No pun intended. Very simply put-Jesus the Christ. Yeshua. Master, savior. A name to know and remember. He said what he meant, and meant what He said-He is the Son of God, 100%! We could all use a little Jesus today.
love with compassion,

postcards from the heart

Well it's that time of year when after dinner we can't sit on the porch for a couple of hours and solve all the day's problems. It is getting dark, and cooler early, so we find ourselves moved inside. Theresa uses her time for her woman's Bible study, another sign of fall, and I find myself at the table with maps, magazines , and brochures, brainstorming next year's trip. So many places to go, and the articles make them all sound so appealing. I call them chamber of commerce moments, the ideal photo to make you have to go, and assure you any other destination will leave you wishing you had.
We have chamber of commerce times when traveling. A few years back, when travelling to Durango with my old boss Gary Murphy and family, we went to Francisco's, the Mexican restaurant for me. Francis, Jr,. aka Skip is a friend, and when we were standing in the traditional long line to get in-only an hour wait-I hear "hey Mike Mohn!" And it's Skip-asking how many then "c'mon, your table is ready!" For all ten of us. A chamber of commerce event I couldn't have scripted-but not for all those ahead of me in line. Sorry-hope your wait was worth it. Great food and great times, thanks to Skip. Just interview me for the restaurant reviews now-I dare you!
Another time in St. Louis I needed to have the oil changed in the Tiger. Wouldn't make the entire 7500 mile trip without it, so I called Donelson Cycles, and talked to Pat the service manager. After being told to come on by in an hour, I found myself waiting in line, with the man in front of me being told "we are too busy to service your bike today." And my heart sunk. When it became my turn, I introduced myself to Pat, and he said "glad to meet you Mike, it will be about 45 minutes." And in 35 minutes it was ready. And while waiting upstairs in the store, toured their excellent museum of old bikes-free, memorabilia and racers, and met Carl Donelson, the owner-who also had a Tiger. Who when asked where I was from, knew Lance, who sold me my first Triumph. And who had sold Lance his first Norton. He even gave us a fridge magnet and a t-shirt. Another chamber of commerce moment, one that no advertising dollars could compete with.
God also gives us these chamber of commerce moments when he talks about heaven. For over 6000 years He has been inviting people to come and stay, and for the last 2000 has sent out more brochures/books than anyone in the world. The most advertised destination-heaven, in the largest selling book, the Bible. And He wants us all to come, and we can't just visit-we have an eternal home there, that He is preparing. Simply put, to get there you must be born again. And when Nicodemus, the rich Pharisee, asked how can you be born again, Jesus explained it is a spiritual rebirth, a reuniting you with God that must take place. It took him less than 20 chapters in John to get it, as he was there with Joseph to claim Jesus' body, how long will it take for you?
What about heaven don't you like? The great weather, the great roads, the clean air? Maybe it is the people you will be with, other Christians who like you gave their lives to Christ. Perhaps it is giving up all the pain and suffering on earth, and realizing the something you need is really a someone. What ever your reason for not accepting the invite, accept it now. Time is short, and no one is promised tomorrow. And if you wait too long, you may miss out. The alternative-hell. No light, extreme loneliness, extreme pain and burning, and an eternity without God-just like you chose-but didn't know He would honor. Same God-your choice on destinations.
It seems in these moments these memories are the only thing that matters-all cost considerations go out the door. But God understands cost, so He paid for your trip for you. In full, and He has a reservation for you, all you have to do is trust Him. Pick up a travel brochure today-the Bible-and find out what you are missing. Do it soon, as the season you are in may be the last. Make plans to spend eternity in heaven, with Jesus, and in a mansion He is building specifically for you. Where everyday is a chamber of commerce day, all the food is cooked just right, all the roads designed for motorcycles, and where you have eternal weekends to ride them. In between other days to ride them. Not a visit, but a destination. Make sure of your reservations today-ask Jesus into your heart.
And just like knowing the boss, you know the owner-and He knows you. Tell your friends-word of mouth is second only to the Word. See you there. Now, I hear that West Virginia is beautiful in June. How will I ride there? So many roads, so few time. Take the right road to heaven today. Make your plans now.
love with compassion,