Thursday, May 19, 2011

and on the fifth day we rested

Years ago when I lived in Farmington, jokingly I suggested riding to San Diego on Memorial Day weekend for lunch. If we left after work on Friday, it would give us four days on the road, an easy schedule to ride the 1600 mile round trip. And so after discussing it, Brett, Bill, George, David, and myself decided to do it. And we had more fun. Even got to stick our feet in a cold Pacific Ocean, and George got his first sight of the Saguaro cactus-he "didn't realize that Arizona looked like this," having never been out of New Mexico. And the trip went pretty smooth, and this fun group of guys made it memorable.
At one point we switched bikes riding across the Arizona desert on I-8. I ended up on a Virago, which had four way flashers on it. Earlier George and Dave had mooned someone, and I figured this was a good time to get them. Falling back, far enough so that I lost sight of them, I turned on the flashers, and flipped the hi beam on and off, appearing to be a cop in pursuit to them. All four instinctively pulled over when they saw the flashing lights, and I went by waving. But George and Dave thought the moonee had called the cops and they were under going to be arrested, in Arizona where George had never been before. They laugh now, but they didn't then. I did both times.
All in all it was a fun trip, with only minor problems,that we overcame easily. And it was the first long trip for any of them except me. And our loose schedule had allowed us fun, without stress of where to be, or when. But that was to change. They decided to do it the next year, with Bill in the lead. He planned a similar trip, but had it down to 15 minute intervals, including sleep on rest area tables for 15 minutes. Four days broken down in 15 minute intervals, and they were surprised when I declined to ride with them. And at first, their feelings were hurt. They had with me accomplished a long weekend of 1700 miles, had a great ride, eaten well, but didn't quite understand the freedom of the road. I am not sure of details of their trip, but rest assured it didn't go according to schedule. At least once they got on the road!
It has been said into each life a little rain must fall. And being an outside person, I am not a big fan of rain. At night, fine but let all the roads be dry by morning. But this spring in So Cal, we have had more than an average spring rainfall, so I haven't had time to ride. And we have been forced to be inside, which means more reading, more trip planning, and more time in front of the TV. All things which in themselves are not bad, but when you rather be somewhere else, each carry their own penalties. Not a complaint so much, as a suggestion to God-send sun! Please! But God knows how much we need rain, how pretty it makes everything after it, and how we need to trust Him, even when it rains. For our lives are not Bill's planned trip. He left no room for flexibility, therefore never being able to be guided by God. They missed taking detours, or different roads, because they were on a schedule. They made four days of freedom into four days of exhaustion, by trying to keep to a rigid schedule, that no one imposed on themselves, except for themselves. A choice to be under bondage, rather than freedom.
Now I can't do much about the rain, but I can about my plans. And I have found that flexibility is a key to a successful trip, and can be to a successful life. When things don't go our way, like rain, we should seek God for His plans, His will to be done, just like Jesus said. And find out that He has blessings for us we didn't know about. Safer roads, with better places to eat. And new roads, which at times can feel like they were made just for us.
Being bitter about God's decisions reflects more on us than Him. He knows all-He's God. His love is perfect, and without bounds, conditions, or weather encouragement. When He allows time for rest, we need to rest. When we need to go faster, He will make the way. Slower, I think we all have been stuck in traffic, but only God can see how He may have saved us from what was ahead.
Apply your life's plans to your next vacation. Vacate the things of the world, the schedules, the trials, and ask God for what you should do today. And better yet, make every day a vacation, by starting it with Jesus. Yes, it may rain, but He is with you. Sunny days, he is with you too. But only, if you ask Him along. For His presence in your life is like godly advice, it only works if taken. Take some Godly advice today, seek God. Listen to Him, even if it makes no sense. And follow it. Enjoy the ride of life God has given you. Take in the sights, eat good food, and rest in body, soul, and spirit. Take the time you have to take the time.
Sleep soundly every night. It sure beats 15 minutes on a picnic table! And enjoy the ride of your life!
love with compassion,