Thursday, October 28, 2010

first aid for, and from the heart

Having never been in a tornado before, when the sirens went off that night in Red Wing, we had a clue, but until Theresa confirmed it with the desk clerk we weren't sure. Or sure what to do. I knew I didn't want to lay in the bath tub with a mattress over me, so we were advised to go to the lowest part of the building, where we met other guests. One older couple, retired Minnesota farmers, were there. He waited patiently, as he said they mostly pass. She worried patiently, just to make sure it did. And in the midst of a thunder storm that lasted for five hours, we all stood in the hall of a basement for a half hour, while the loud sirens continued to blast away. Fortunately no tornadoes, but I think my hearing was affected. Could you repeat the question please?
Now as foolish as it may seem afterward, the warnings were there, and we would have been even more foolish not to heed them and ended up in Munchkinland, or worse. But even before the sirens blew, we had been in prayer, like thousands others, about the storm. Not knowing if or when, we went to God, and found comfort. Never a bad thing, and it should always be the first thing.
A few days ago I forwarded a prayer request from a friend about a little boy who had stapled his heart by accident, and to pray for him and his mother. Via prayer chain. Which so many of you did-my thanks. I am careful to send forwards, as I get many prayer requests each day, and although I amen or pray for them, don't wish to overburden you, and get an important forward dumped, thinking "oh no, not him again." And my response to this one was overwhelming. And I wish to make this the only answer I have to date. I don't know-I never heard back. But a few things I did hear in response to my request bothered me. A few well meaning people, forwarded me a response that this was a hoax based on a Snopes investigation. And although it may be true, I wonder about those that run to Snopes first instead of God. God knows more, even the false claims, but I have found even a quick prayer ends in thanks, never a bad thing to God. It's called worship. And it leads to other prayer, and others praying. You see, scripture tells us that one day in his house is better than thousands elsewhere. And all things, work to good to those who love God. It also tells us a lot about a caregivers, or prayer givers heart. They seek God first, because they know Him well, and don't have to research Him. They know Him, and go to Him first. They don't have to ask, "what would Jesus do,"they know. And they don't have to ask Snopes. It's called love and trust-which go hand in hand.
I checked a Snopes report forwarded to me for the first time last week. And found that what Snopes said was slightly skewed from what was told to me, to politicize their opinion-beware-people that use scripture or twist truths for their own agenda. You can never go wrong with God, and even though we may occasionally ask in vain, God never hears in vain-He only hears one of His children calling out to Him. And what loving parent doesn't love to hear his child's voice on the other end of the line?
And one other interesting note-the same people that always quote Snopes to me, very rarely do I find my prayer requests on their prayer lists. But I always seem to get theirs on mine. Makes me wonder, what does Snopes say about me?
So, if you are one who must right click to find truth, I heartily recommend Jesus instead. He offers more than insight, or opinion. He offers truth. And salvation. Something legalism cannot do for you. Nothing the law could ever offer. Right click that one. And while you are at it, see what Snopes has to say about Jesus? And John 3:16. And let me know.
Keep us in prayer, and if I hear anything about this little boy and his mom, I will forward it. As for now, you did right in going to God-think of it as FIRST aid, never stop, as He advises to pray without ceasing. It tells me a lot about who Jesus is in your life, and may be the testimony that wins others to Christ-your kind and thoughtful words expressed in love. For the rest of you, hang up the phone, and call upon Jesus.
Sent from my heart, not my i-phone.
love with compassion,