Tuesday, September 27, 2011

happiness is...

I stopped in that bastion of higher learning yesterday, Barnes and Noble, to see if they had my friend Mitch Boehm's excellent magazine Moto Retro Illustrated, only to find they were out. But while noticing others treating this like the public library, I too caught up on reading the British motorcycle mags, for free, saving myself $10 in the process. And I might have read more, but the smell coming from the coffee shop reminded me of the odor that came from an old Mercury I once owned just before it lost first and third gears, and became a second gear only automatic trans. Noticing that the few who would endure that smell to read free magazines had no coffee cups in front of them, I can see why they are losing money, and may go bankrupt-their most enterprising value is free, with little enterprise! But not deterred, I walked through the cheap books, and noticed a whole section of self help books. Which made me think, if I could help myself, why would I need their book? And there were many titles and topics to choose from. Many ways that promise happiness, from keeping your dog happy with more cheese, to yoga and goofy New Age practices, to how to how to make more money-as if that would actually bring happiness? My experience is that you generally just want more-and are never happy. And when a great document like the Declaration of Independence can only promise the pursuit of happiness, why would all these so called happiness seekers try a lesser reading than the D of I?
Remember the old Peanuts cartoons from the sixties Happiness is a .....? Even good old Charlie Brown couldn't find it, and today you still can't. There is always some Lucy out there to move the football at the last moment. It is temporary at best, fleeting at least, and is based on your perception of if you get what you want you will attain it. It is transitional at best, situational, and once you get it, you fear losing it, and have lost it. Think of it as your favorite team is winning with 4 seconds left, you are already celebrating when the QB fumbles on the last play, the other team recovers and scores! Can't happen? Ask the Giants? Or the Cowboys? Truly happiness is temporary, so why seek it? Is there something better? Or will Lucy always appear to move the ball?
I'm glad you asked. Too often joy and happiness are confused with each other. Happiness with its temporal existence falls far short of joy. Limited to emotions. For true joy-is there any other, only comes from God. It can be emotional, but not based on emotions-God is much more loving than that. Trusting Jesus allows that joy to enter your life. And the best definition of joy is "Joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of God." It doesn't checkout when the going gets tough. For joy is not temporal, not based on situations, and yours when you accept the Lord. And it is listed as part of the Fruit of the Spirit-right there between love and peace. What a great place to be!
You see joy is not an emotion, for that would limit its success. It is based on a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is eternal, and cannot be stolen from you, although many times we give it up when we try to equate it with happiness, therefore limiting its potential. Now that's a good example of why self help doesn't work. Joy is there when you lose your job. When the doctor orders more tests. When your spouse says she doesn't love you anymore. Even when your car won't start. Joy is there, for it is the presence of God. Who states He will never leave you or forsake you-unlike happiness. It is trusting God when there is no evidence of Him, just because of who He is. Not based on Him acting on your behalf, but you acting in trust of Him. Not seeking a temporary emotional lift, but a satisfying of your soul.
And you can't help yourself. Like Bob Lutz once commented, "you can't put two #2's together to make a #1!? You must trust God! So don't rob yourself of the joy God promises you. Trust Him today, and get something way beyond the ordinary-or more than you could ever expect or ask for.
Because with it comes the love and peace of God which surrounds it, and also brings kindness, goodness, patience, meekness, and long suffering-endurance of the situation. There are no laws against these things, and with God in the midst of them, who can be against you? Maybe this is why the Bible again this year will be the worldwide best seller. It is the only book to offer you peace, a peace that surpasses understanding. And that requires only trusting God from you to enter into it.
God is more than emotions. And more than situations. All things work for glory to those who love Him, and are called to His purpose. Simple, like the gospel. he doesn't need our help. God doesn't help those who help themselves-but is ready, willing, and able to help all who call on Him. Mercy-not getting what you deserve, and grace-getting what you don't deserve. He is waiting patiently for you to ask Him into your life now.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Help yourself to it right now! Sure beats helping yourself any day! And leaves more time for riding! Now that's JOY!
love with compassion,