Tuesday, September 11, 2012

characters with character

I have observed over the years how people react to stressful situations, and know that their reactions tell more about their character than their actions. In other words, how do they handle the situation they were placed in-and under stress their true character shows. I offer three examples of character under fire-
We all remember the dates November 22, 1963, and September 11, 2001. The question is often asked, "where were you on those dates?" But while watching a show about the Secret Service men who were assigned to Kennedy in Dallas that day, I gained an important insight into the event, and the men involved. First, they loved the President and his family, with each member assigned an agent. And how when he was shot, they jumped into action. Training played a big part in it, but just as you cannot legislate morality, you cannot mandate heart. I watched as the man assigned to Caroline had to tell her she couldn't go to a party. Not able to tell her about her dad. How the man assigned to Jackie showed compassion as she climbed over the trunk to retrieve part of her husbands skull. How he stayed with her, and listened, and showed care. And how when she wouldn't let go of her husband, he realized she didn't want anyone to see him like he was, so put his own coat over the President's head. Then she let him go. You don't teach things like that-they come from inside-it is called character. Which only shows when needed, but is always there at the ready. No one planned for this to happen-again their reactions outweighed the actions of Lee Harvey Oswald. Or as God puts it, "where sin abounds, does grace abound even more." Grace is not an emotion, it is deeper-it has to be experienced. It only comes from God.
September 11 was a beautiful summer day. And then the terrorists tried to carry out their plans-and almost did. Two planes into the Twin Towers, and one into the Pentagon. But the heroes of Flight 93 prevented the final disaster-which was meant for either the White House or Capitol. The passengers, 40 people who were strangers when they boarded the plane, showed their real character when the hijackers tried to take it over. Todd Beamer's words "Let's roll!" have become immortal in our memory of how they united and gave their own lives to save the nation. No one knew they would affected history that morning, but today we show honor and respect to and for them-and their families. True heroes-again scripture coming to life as we saw "greater love has no man than to lay down his life for another." If you want a witness of Jesus Christ's character, look no further than these brave men and women. They didn't panic in a panic situation-now that's character!
For me June 25, 2012 is also an important date. It is the date of my open heart surgery, to repair an aneurism on my aorta. But when Dr. Walinsky got into the chest, and went to solve the problem, he found my heart filled with pus from the infection. And when he touched my aorta, it exploded. Yet he didn't panic, in a panic situation. He kept his cool, and in a situation where you bleed to death in less than 30 seconds, today I am alive and well-with my Dacron aorta. He showed character under pressure, true his training and experience helped, but in all three of these cases, God's grace was there. He had the right men there for the Kennedy's, the right people on Flight 93, and the right doctor for my surgery. Although they caught us all by surprise, they were no surprise to God, who had the right people in the right place, at the right time.
But the greatest show of character came on a yet to be called Good Friday some 2000 years ago. When Jesus went willingly to the cross, giving up everything, knowing that what He did had to be done, and that a loving God-His Father, would restore Him and resurrect Him. The same promise He offers us-if we believe and let Him. Today you will undoubtedly be challenged, maybe something small, which can be harder to deal with than a big tragedy. Remember Jesus and His character. Remember how it played out on November 22, September 11, and June 25. Remember how it is played out everyday in your life. And give it all up to Jesus.
You are never alone in any situation, for He never left you, and nothing surprises Him-He knows and is the future. Now the question is-what is the character you show to others? Your witness is more important than going out witnessing. Witnessing is all about our actions, being a witness of Jesus Christ is all about His actions in us, so we can portray Him and His love-and encourage and strengthen others. For God so loved the world....I call that character.
love with compassion,
Thunder on the Mountain by Fr. Al-founder of Flight 93 Memorial Chapel, and my friend

Tread gently on our hills, be aware of where you are. You are welcome here among us. We were quiet once, secluded and alone. These mountains and our checkered fields are not much changed. Their appearance endures in much the same way as it has been for a very long time. Something is different now. It cannot be explained or defined. Our world is shattered and we have been touched even as the entire world has been shaken. From the terrible events of that September morning have emerged Giants who are specially honored here. Strangers to us all, they have become the Heroes of our towns, our people, of our nation and the world. In the final moments of their lives, they demonstrated courage, strength, purpose and commitment. Their message is clear: to be free, completely free, let no one, let no thing take control. We are Captains of our Destiny, Masters of our soul. We can make a difference in our own lives, we can make a difference in the destiny of the world.
These Heroes of Flight 93 have hallowed our land. We honor them and hold in our hearts a special gratitude for what they have done for us all. Their relatives and friends have walked among us, and for awhile we shared their grief. Our lingering grief is the sadness of the Nation and it will make us stronger and more determined to adhere to the principles that have made our Nation great. These are the very principles guiding the Heroic Passengers of Flight 93. Theirs is the Spirit of America, the spirit of human nature to be free.
There is a sanctity here. Be aware of the silence in your heart. Remember what they have done. Treasure the gift they have given, together with so many others who have demonstrated bravery, so many of whom will never be known to us. Honor the sacrifice they have made, and take from here the memories of your life. Honor this land and this place. It is sacred to us now. We see our sky in a different way, we travel our countryside in awe. There are tears in our hearts. We will remember the Thunder that has shaken our mountains. They traveled our sky for a moment, they have touched our land forever.
Tread gently on our hills, Welcome Visitor, tread gently. You are on hallowed ground.