Tuesday, October 21, 2014

riding out loud

How many times have you passed something cool along the road and didn’t stop?  You may have been riding with someone, or even had a passenger along, and figured you would talk about it at the next stop light, gas stop, or snack stop.  But when you mention it, the other person missed it, they don’t know what you are talking about, and the more excited you were, the more they missed it, and couldn’t care less.  They needed to water a lemon tree and were looking for a rest room, you were enjoying the road and nothing else.  And you find although you were both on the same ride, the same road, and maybe the same bike, you were on two different trips.  Many times I have been greeted with “did you see the fill in the blank back there?” when I was only looking for the next turn.  Missing cops at high speed used to be a specialty of mine, slower speeds have helped cure that.  But often you can ride alone together, or is it together alone, and both parties have taken a separate trip.
Over the years Theresa has taken thousands of photos from the back of the Tiger, thanks to the gift of digital cameras.  And when reviewing them when we get home, many times I have to ask “where was that taken?”  Only to get the full story, and shaking my head in approval.  But the scary ones are when I am in them and still don’t remember...déjà vu only works if you remember.  So when looking at the pics, I look for landmarks, signs, road signs, or even license plates to tell where I was, for what good is a memory if you don’t remember it?   And yet I still don’t remember but still go along for the ride.  Almost as bad is seeing something along the way and failing to stop.  You know you may never ride there again, yet you file it away for future reference, the next ride.  And you wished you had stopped, you wish you had taken the time, and later read about what you missed when you get home.  Seeing signs for riding the Snake are not the same as riding the Snake!  That one I didn’t miss, but the more you ride, the more you see, and the more plans you make for your next trip back, even though many times you know you will never return.  Almost pacifying yourself over your poor choice, you promise not to make the same mistake again.  So a few years back, we decided to take the roads we used to pass by, to see where they go.  And have developed a flexibility that has taken us places we didn’t know about, would have passed, and changed the rest of the trip.  One long trip down a side road when you were planning on making time will reroute your whole trip, for some that is a bummer, for us we go with it, knowing God has provided us with special trip planning we would have otherwise missed.  And one key to our better rides is conversing more, pointing to things, and not being afraid to go back and try that road.  We communicate, you could call it riding out loud, and our rides may not be as long, or as far away, but I have seen things now I didn’t know about, gone to see things I had no interest in before, and met some nice people I otherwise would have passed by.  I, we took the time to visit when we were there, rather than waiting until we stopped.  “Did you see that back there?” has turned to “I’m glad you pointed that out, I would have missed it.”  All because we took the time to ride out loud with each other.
Thanks to phones identifying the caller, and Theresa knowing my voice after 37 years, I don’t have to tell her who it is when I call.  She knows my voice, and I know hers.  Ask yourself, is your prayer life like that?  How many times do you feel like a stranger to God, going into great details about your problem, which he knows about anyway, and then hanging up?  It’s like asking directions when lost, then going your own way...proving you are never lost as long as you have gas, and God.  But as much a our prayer time needs more intimacy, to be more personal and a dialogue and not a monologue, so does our Bible time.  Ever read through a chapter just to stay on your schedule with a study and not get it?  Would it have not made more sense to stop and ask God what he is trying to show you?  And then falling behind, and finally giving up on the study, and praying less.  Falling out of fellowship with God and with church.  And the later seeing the photos of what you had missed, if only you had asked God to come with you.  Now I am not against Bible study, but too many study on a set course, they know the word better than anyone, but don’t get to know Jesus.  He is words on a page, a missed photo op into what the spirit has to say, and although you can quote him, you really never heard his words.  And too many without seeing it is him who called will not recognize him.  They read alone as we used to ride alone, when asking God as we read can enlighten us.  Stumbling over that one word  you plan on asking about later can lead you to missing the whole message God had for you that day.  He had a word for you, you were looking for sentences, but really more concerned about finishing the paragraph.  So stop and ask God, before you read.  Invite Jesus along on your reading journey, he is the perfect tour guide.  It is the spirit that reveals the mysteries of God, without him you have many words, with him they mean something.  It is his book, his story, why not bring him along?  Get some real insight yourself.  It is like hearing someone who went to Israel.  Then hearing about it.  Then seeing the photos.  But when you see them in the photos, then it means something, now it is personal.  And so is Jesus...for riding out loud.
On a trip to Mt. Rushmore years ago we were taken in by the beauty and history.  But meeting Mr. Clifford, who actually worked on it, talking with him and having our picture taken with him made it personal.  When I look at the four faces now, I see a fifth, Mr. Clifford’s, I know him.  No longer am I just a visitor, I know someone who was there, who built it.  Is your walk with God like that?  Do you see the face of Jesus when you read?  Do you hear his voice or just read the words?  Do you ask directions, stop and listen, or figure you will catch up next trip?  You may be in all the pictures, but where is Jesus?  Unless he is in the picture, maybe you are on a different ride.  Maybe you should stop and ask him along and follow his directions.  When you read, whose face do you see?  Whose face do you first look for in your trip pics?  The best photos, the best memories, and the best times are when Jesus is in the picture with you.  Along for the ride, riding out loud with you.  Now if it can work on a trip on two wheels, imagine the ride you can have when reading the Bible with him?   All you need to do is ask, and hang on for the ride of your life.  Ask him along, follow his lead, and see things others only read about.  They only read the book, you know the author. 
love with compassion,