Wednesday, November 9, 2011

it's better in the wind

Those of us who ride call cars cages for a reason. They are restrictive, not as much fun, no freedom like on two wheels, and you can't lane split. Set the temp, stick in a CD, adjust the cruise, and wander off in your private womb, safe from sensory input. And also fun. Yes, when riding we brave cold, hot, dry, and wet conditions, but we also get to explore sensory inputs like no others. And once you have ridden, riding in a car really is like being in a cage.
On a trip to Jersey a few years back, I rode from Escondido to there in under 70 hours. No rushing, just riding-alone. Lots of rain though, and if you have never crossed the Texas Panhandle in the rain, you haven't ridden in it. High winds, cold, and it is possible to get rained on from each side, not just from up above. Stopping in Adrian, along I-40 to get gas, it was blowing and raining so bad I had to lean against my Sprint ST so it would not blow over. And as I watched a Lincoln next to me filling, all the people crammed inside had fogged the windows from their breathing. And even though I was wet, cold, and had only 350 more miles to go that day, I as so glad I wasn't stuck in that car. It gave me a second wind, sort of speak, and I was rejuvenated. They were miserable in the car, and I was free. Too bad they couldn't see the smile inside my helmet. If you ride you know what I mean, if not, then you know how the people in the Lincoln felt-in a cage.
There are as many types of riders as there are roads and bikes. From over chromed Harleys, to over loaded Wings, from Bonnevilles and Scramblers to trailers and trikes, all ride-but all ride differently. And after watching a clip from the movie "It's Better in the Wind" I now know why I prefer the simplest of machines, with a few friends. Back roads, old diners, and older motels-who love bikers. Who can appreciate how the trip is the destination, and the destination is wherever you are at that moment. It takes me back to days when we would just ride, and camp out or find a motel after dark-never been left without a room yet. How when you met a fellow rider, no intros were needed, the bikes were what we had in common, and shared tales and roads and place to eat. Talking like we were old friends, but not even knowing names or where each other was from many other times. A trust, a brotherhood, and a way of life-with style. A better class of people who respected you, and watched your back, without even asking. Freedom from class warfare, news, jobs, and all the hassles life puts on us-we who ride know and are glad to be part of this brotherhood. Simple things done well. And like a friend told me, "if you are not confused, you are not thinking clearly." He obviously doesn't ride. And definitely needs to go on one.
But the brotherhood, like the church isn't perfect. Some have too many rules, and are brand/denomination oriented. Some preach brotherhood, but it is their agenda you must follow to be accepted. Some will go the other way, and accept anything-"do your own thing" their mantra. But taking it back to the basics-without rules, allows freedom to be expressed easier. That is what Jesus was all about. He came to save us from ourselves and our sin. To fulfill all the laws, because we never could. To establish a brotherhood based on love-which He was and still is. Encouraging us to fellowship with other believers-keeping the main thing the main thing-Jesus. Stay away from concentrating on the differences, but concentrating on Him. Freedom that being a biker comes close to, but never fully realized until you are saved. And He even extends freedom to choose Him or not. And the price of this freedom is FREE! Just like the word it represents.
Remember when riding was fun? Before meeting with a kick stands up leaving time? When a few of you together had fun all day, and into the night? When you didn't ride as fast as the slowest rider, he kept up or got left behind. And did because he wanted to, not because he had to. No plans, except to enjoy the freedom of the ride. Acting like kids, because no one expected you to act otherwise. Waving to other riders, no matter the brand, and keeping the main thing the main thing.
Church-it's time to get back to the basics. To your first love, to that experience that changed your life. Get back with Jesus, He is waiting for you. He never left you, we left Him. Reunite with your first love, and if you ride, go for one with Him. Don't get locked in a cage in a storm, ride through the storm, but never alone. Ride with the one who can calm the storms in your life. And don't look back-look ahead. The devil might just be gaining. Let the Rushing Wind of the Holy Spirit direct your paths. Trust God. Stay within the freedom the gospel provides, for as all of us who ride know, "It's better in the wind..."
love with compassion,