Wednesday, August 4, 2010

you are never lost as long as you aren't out of gas

Years ago I had a new boss move from Arkansas. He was going to reroute our sales territories, making them more efficient, or so he thought. Looking at a map of So Cal, he broke areas up, using east to west boundaries. Only thing is no one told him that the reason they are defined north to south is that there are mountains as a line of demarcation-with the only way over them every 35-40 miles. And the Pacific Ocean as another boundary, a little tougher to negotiate around.
When preparing for a trip, a major consideration is how do you get there from here? For all roads labeled east-west aren't. US 52 in South Carolina goes north-south, but in Kentucky goes east-west. And when travelling, so many route numbers can be the same road. And in all directions! I-20 travels east or west, but is also aligned with I-59 going north to south, which is also US 11 north and south, but also US 80 east to west. And that is just in Alabama! So much for signs.
A few years back I tried to find the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, and got as close as Delaware, when I followed a sign that said Bay Bridge-not the same. The CBBT goes north to south, both in direction and on US 13, unless you take US 113 and avoid five traffic lights. Ended up in Washington, DC, not Virginia Beach. But this year following directions, made it down the Delmarva peninsula,Delaware-Maryland-Virginia, for those wanting to know, and across the CBBT. Warning-if you don't like bridges or tunnels, go another way. But for 17 miles across the bay, it is magnificent. Traversing a causeway, much like in the Keys, you are riding along and then the road dips-not good when you are riding over water, but you are entering into one of the two, mile long tunnels. And if you need to turn around-there is only one place, which of course offers a fishing dock, and a gift shop-about five miles to the closest shore. And if you do turn around, figure a four hour ride to where the bridge would take you in 20 minutes.
I have learned to be wary of signs, but even more wary of people who follow them. I know people who lead their lives following signs, only to end in destruction. And God warns us not to follow them. Or our feelings either. His directions to heaven are easy, and easy to follow. Straight and narrow, and only one way to heaven-Jesus Christ. No detours, or u-turns-ask Lot's wife about looking back, God allows them, but doesn't recommend them, and if you keep focused on Him, you will have a great trip. But so many look for alternative routes, and end in failure. You cannot work your way to heaven, or join a church to get there. Passing out magazines to unwanting neighbors will not get you there, or will monetary gifts. Jesus is the way, simple enough. But yet, why do so many believe the lies of someone who is the father of lies-Satan? Do they think he might slip up and tell the truth? Are you willing to bet on that or go with the one who is trustworthy, and cannot lie? No one who goes to hell escapes, anyone going to heaven doesn't want to return.
Even The Ten Commandments, which are a great way to live your life, don't offer salvation from your sin. Only Jesus does.
Don't be like a trip I took to visit a girlfriend in Ohio. She lived in West Carrolton, and approaching Carrolton, got excited, as I thought I was close. And adjusted myself to a short ride. But you see West Carrolton is only 200 miles and two freeways away-don't let the names mislead you. Two towns, with no relation to each other.
And don't be led by false stories of people dying and following a light. Even Satan can appear as a shining light-Lucifer, and God tells us eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor mind imagined the things of heaven. Be secure in the fact He won't make an exception for you! So set your sights on things on high. Stay in the word, and if it doesn't sound like God, it probably isn't. And as for bridges, He is the bridge between life and death-and the only way. With no place to turn around once you've decided on the right course.
A "free" way, not a turnpike. No tolls along the way-Jesus paid for them all up front. So fill your tank, air up the tires, and prepare for the neatest trip you'll ever take.
I choose two wheels, but He has been known to accept four wheelers also. See you on the road-and if I do, believe you are on the right one-the same one I chose over 35 years ago.
Do this-don't do that-can't you read the signs? Yes, that is why I chose Jesus. Don't even get me started about road signs-or lack of them in Massachusetts!
love with compassion,