Thursday, October 31, 2013

for some there's therapy, for the rest motorcycles

“Look out for cages,” the homeless man told me as I pulled away from the light.  He had been admiring my Bonneville, and was telling me how in better times he used to ride.  And knowing what a cage was, biker lingo for cars, he must have been part of the community of bikers at one time.  But sadly, as he was talking of cages or cars, I thought about how he was in a cage of his own, trapped into a life that led him to begging on street corners, and losing his ride.  He was in more of a cage than many car owners, but that day I appreciated his warning...and like he said, “they’re out to get you.”  So I do and they are, and he still is, but at least I am riding.  Thankfully, for there but for the grace of God go I.
As my friend tells me his version of the Golden  Rule, He who has the most gold rules, I realize that so many people wish to control me.  Whether it is by money, rules, or laws to regulate me into complete submission, everyone is trying to rule over some one, just not themselves.  And it reminded me of many trips, spontaneous rides I have taken, just getting on my motorcycle and heading somewhere, with no destination in mind.  No one telling me where to go or when to be home.  The kind where time didn’t matter, as long as I had enough money for gas, a jacket for the cold, and a road ahead.  Just like a travel agent once remarked, after spending his whole life planning for others, but neglecting himself, “travel got boring, so I decided to travel.”  He finally got it, and no better way than on a bike with maybe a friend who gets it, but if none available, alone is just fine.  You see for some they find solace in $200/hour therapist, for those of us who ride there is motorcycles.  Give me the $200 and I can have quite a time, even a weekend, I can air out, clear my mind, and go places and be things no therapist could advise.  And one Saturday ride 40 years ago sticks out, for no particular reason, other than it defines cycle therapy.. Call it “cycle-logical,” if you have ever taken one you know what I mean.
BH and I were out looking for fun, and RT. 100 in Pennsylvania called out to us.  We had seen the exit for it by the Schaeffer Beer brewery man times, but thought more of the beer than the road in those days.  But today was different, and the road twisted, turned, and rode through mile after mile of corn fields, rising and falling like only a Pennsylvania farm road can.  Every once in a while an old inn or cafĂ©/general store, and a cold Sasparilla in Pennsylvania Dutch country is what is needed to quench the thirst, after a huge pretzel of course.  But true to form, we met other riders, doing what we were doing, and soon we were farther away from home than we anticipated, but that was OK, now it was all about the ride.  And soon we started approaching Philadelphia as it got dark, and soon the fields had turned to urban blight, as we had hit the ghetto-no place for two white boys to be on a hot summer night.  Where is the dreaded freeway that we usually try to avoid when we need it?  And why when you are lost, is every light red, and every stranger a possible bad encounter?  But you are never lost as long as you are not out of gas.  Our ride of airing out how turned into a nightmare, especially after I hit a huge pothole, knocking the headlight out of its shell.  And having to fix it on a sidewalk, where a group of kids wondered what was that weird biker doing to his bike?  Shouldn’t that be fixed at home, in the light?  But riding on we did, and arrived home, safe, fresh, and refreshed, less than 90 miles from home, and it only took us 300 miles to get there!  Two tanks of gas, some hot dogs, pretzels, and sasparilla-what could be a better day?  Free of all who want to control us, and free to ride again. And again.  Free from any cages, and it all came back due to the homeless guy and his warning about cages.  How could such a down and out man have so much wisdom?   Or didn’t he even know it?
The word religion means bound, like tied up and bound, denying you freedom.  And since becoming a Christian, I have come to hate it when people refer to me as religious.  I am free, just as Jesus promises, being free in the spirit.  Anything but religious.  Jesus was not religious, that’s why the Pharisees hated Him.  Which really annoys those who are religious, and try to control us with their rules.  It’s like a man once told us in a Bible study, “tonight we are going to study freedom in the spirit, here are the rules.”  I wanted to scream, rules?  We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!  We need Jesus!  Rules or the law only pointed out our sin, and was all about our performance-grace is all about  Jesus and His performance on the cross.  “Lookout for cages,” He would have warned His friends, and for those who wish to control you.  Let’s make it personal-you and me, and enjoy the freedom to be yourself.  No wonder the Pharisees hated Him, they were so bound up in their rules they had no peace at all.  Over 600 laws, and any one they broke could bring them shame and discipline.  They needed Jesus!  Not the kind of God I wish to serve, and not the kind of God who wishes to serve me.  Curves, He leans with me.  Straights, He accelerates with me.  Brakes-He is there with me, and when my headlight falls out, is there to light the way.  Better than a cold sasparilla on a hot day.  With or without ice-your choice.  So why would anyone want to be religious when you can be free?
But with freedom comes responsibility, maybe that’s it.  Some need to be led, and enjoy not being responsible.  Like Nitro tells me, “a horse can be led to water, but a pencil must be lead.” But God tells us that He who has much, much is required.  Freedom requires responsibility.  An uncommon sense of common, and a love of God to guide you.  Not control you, but once you know Him, you find yourself thinking in His terms, rather than your own, and soon they become your own.  Freedom in the spirit-and to ride.
So for some there is religion, just like some need therapy.  They need to be told what, where, when , and how to act.  Jesus, likes motorcycles, gives us a freedom to be ourselves.  The religious call it boldness, we call it freedom and love.  Have you ever been accused of being to bold in Christ?  Maybe you need to let your freedom in Jesus shine more.  Make Him part of your life, be a witness instead of going out witnessing. So for those of us who ride and have Jesus, we don’t need therapy.  We are free, and like the scripture says, “he who is free is free indeed.”  Free to ride the back roads and end up in a ghetto.  Free to follow a road, just wondering where it goes.  And free to get to know the God who created the universe one to one, personally.  So He calls us friends, when is the last time you just went for a ride with your friend?  Jesus set us free from the cage of sin-look out for cages, they’re out to get you.  Wise advice from a man who was homeless, and it works even better with a man who spent His life on the road-Jesus.  Your hour is up, that will be $200 please?  For some there is therapy, for the rest motorcycles. Just don’t call me religious.  And don’t forget to bring an extra helmet along, just in case.
love with compassion,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

you can't put headers on an electric motor-the case against hybrids

The sounds are always there, it just seems we don’t hear them.  Case in point, while riding in a friend’s Asian sedan, the one with a sports package, meaning wide tires and expensive wheels, with no radio on the sound from the tires was so excessive you had to talk over it.  My first thought was how foolish, it didn’t have to be this way, blame it on poor engineering.  Someone had to listen to the tires before signing off on them, but then I realized that no one drives around without the radio cranked up.  At least loud enough to cover the noise, which the volume doesn’t make go away, but just covers it.  A poor design, but maybe they know their audience better than I do, as the owner never complained.  And they think my bike is loud!
When Bill and Bob went hunting, and asked what they would do if they encountered a bear, and could they outrun it, Bill confidently said “I know I can’t outrun the bear, I just have to outrun Bob.”  So much for being your brother’s keeper.  But sadly this approach is taken to problems, cure the symptom, or just mask it-don’t deal with the cause.  Self survival, which just might upset someone.  Which brings me to hybrid cars.  I don’t care for them.  If you are that concerned about mpg, ride a motorcycle.  But they aren’t that cool, so drive a cross between a golf cart and a go cart-with all the personality of a shopping cart.  And I have always wondered, why are the hybrid cars designed with such weird looks?  Why are aerodynamics so important on an hybrid, but not given the same consideration on an internal combustion engine car?  And then I found out-noise.  You see between exhaust, engine noise, tire noise, and other associated sounds, electric cars don’t make many of them, which accentuate those they do.  One noise is the sound of air passing over the body, it produces whistles, and other noises the engine and exhaust noises cover.  Anyone who rides a motorcycle can tell you the impact a fairing has on how the bike sounds, some noise is muffled, some accentuated.  So we put on headers and modify the exhaust-to make it sound cool.  But you can’t put headers on an electric motor-no matter what they all sound like a vacuum cleaner or sewing machine.  So the lack of sound accentuates the ever present noise, and aerodynamics is a must.  But we still don’t hear these stealth golf carts, which can be dangerous.  All in the name of political correctness.  Making a car that is neither.
Talking with some Christian men last night, one wondered why some hear from God more than he does.  He wondered if God talks to him?  Again the answer is right in front of us, probably as loud as the radio covering the tire noise.  God is always talking to us-He never left us, never forsakes us, and His spirit will always dwell among us.  It is us who have stopped listening-or worse yet chosen not to.  We know His voice, but choose our own ways over His, and then wonder where is God.  Jesus tells us we have the Holy spirit to guide us-don’t make it more difficult than it is.  Yet we have developed a hybrid Christian, Jesus is savior, but is He Lord?  He even asked His followers, “why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do the things I ask?”  And your answer is....
God has designed us so we can hear His voice, and recognize it.  Yet we have chosen to turn up the radio, drown out the noise, and God with it.  Then place the blame on God.  It is like the glass being half full, or half empty.  Maybe it is neither, just a poor design.  So rather than have God change, He wants us to change to be like Him.  He gave us more ears than mouth, and we can control our talking, but not our hearing.  Hearing is also the last sense to go before death.  Do you think that just might be by design, a great example of patience?  Yet so many read books on how to be a better Christian, attend classes, and attempt to lead others in their ways, a voice we can shut off, or turn off, but many do that to God also.  Consider that next time you just read your Bible.  Some think it is a biography, when it is really an autobiography.  And we get to know the author, which gives us better insight into the book.  And I have been to His house, and will return there someday-can you say the same thing?
Today when you pray, before asking stop and listen.  Be led by the spirit, He knows what to pray.  And listen for that still, small voice.  Then be bold in love, and follow its direction.  Be able to call Him Lord.  And watch as your life changes, and you go from a hybrid to a thoroughbred.  And thoroughbreds like to eat the good stuff, and God has plenty of it for us.  Tune that exhaust system, don’t worry about externals, deal with internals first.  Let God change you.  An electric car has lousy range, and takes over 13 hours to fully recharge, if you can find a station to charge it.  So you cannot go very far, and are limited.  God’s range is endless, just like He is.  And He makes a beautiful sound in our ears.  Just saying the name Jesus in reverence is powerful-and can be powerfully peaceful and quiet.  Unlike certain high performance tires...which get louder as they wear out.
“Can you hear me now?” the cell phone commercial asks.  Can you hear God now?  Are you listening? Do you want to?  It has been said that the reason people get hit by trains is they never heard it coming.  Jesus is coming, are you listening?  Turn down the volume, turn up your heart, and listen.  The sweet sound of Jesus-headers for the heart.  A tuned exhaust for more power.  Sorry I can’t hear you, you were saying...never let that be said about God.
love with compassion,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

only the names have been changed

The following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty.  Two men worked in an office, a Mr. Vincent Dictive, known as Vin, and a Mr. Stuart Pidd, known as Stu.  Stu was the younger of the two, married, no kids, and an eye for beauty, as he called it.  In truth it was lusting for other women.  Vin was married, kids, and was Stu’s boss, and had tried to bring him along despite Stu’s attitude of how he knew it all.  Stu wanted to start at the top, and had, slowly working his way down, but was too prideful to see it.  Vin was patient, and almost protective of him, but one weekend that all changed.
Stu had been eying a new secretary, and had coerced her into going to Lake Tahoe with him for the weekend.  He told his wife it was with the boys, and she believed it, as he had taken other trips previously.  But his big mouth was about to get him into trouble at the office, as he bragged of how and when he was going to sleep with the new secretary, and it upset the others, particularly Vin.  They too were tired of hearing about his sin, but things were to change.  So off Stu and the secretary went, driving from San Francisco to Tahoe, a drive of over 4 hours.  They checked in, had dinner, and had just seen a show, and Stu’s plans were working to success, at least he thought.  When they got back to the room, a message was waiting for him.  Emergency-call this number immediately!  Not his home number, he was relieved, but an unknown one, still a Bay area prefix.  Anxiously he called, and the man who answered identified himself as Ensign Smith of the US Coast Guard.  The Ensign went on to explain that a strange squall had come up, and certain boats on the dock had been tossed about and damaged.  He wanted to verify with Stu if he was the owner, and if he could come and ID it.  Now Stu’s heart sank, for his prize possession was his speed boat, he lived for it!  Almost in tears, he cried out “yes she’s mine,” and hung up, telling the Ensign he would be there in the morning,  and ruining his so-called romantic mood.  After fretting for awhile, he decided to go back that night, driving 5 hours in the dark, leaving the secretary alone, promising to return after he got the boat business taken care of.  But what he was greeted with at the dock was not what he expected...
There had been no squall, and there was no Ensign Smith of the Coast Guard.  It was a man impersonating the Ensign, and at first Stu was mad, them glad, then wondering who would play a joke like this on him-it certainly wasn’t funny, and it had ruined his weekend and his plans.  Exhausted, he decided to go home, the first smart thing he had done in 24 hours, with more stories to tell to his wife.  And hopefully get some sympathy.  But what he would never know was who called him, but they had done him a favor, and maybe saved his marriage.  It was Vin who had planned the call, he was tired of Stu and his arrogance, and wanted to teach him a lesson.  One that might change his life, insure his career, and let him still be a married man.  And Vin had done it...Stu somehow learned from this, no word from the secretary, but it is rumored Stu would have been in for a let down there too.  She was also in it for what she could get, and was using Stu to get out to Tahoe.  And it seems all ended happily ever after.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, Stuart Pidd was Stu Pidd, or Stupid.  Vince Dictive was Vin Dictive, or Vindictive.  A play on words for names, but a lesson to be learned.  Which raises the question, do two wrongs make a right?  Stu was wrong, but so was Vin, but with better results.  Scripture tells us ALL men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Proven here.  But it also states the ALL things work out for those who love the Lord, and here God used all things, those even bad, to save Stu’s marriage, and used Vin’s charade to do it.  God uses everything to bless us, many times without us knowing, or giving our permission.  “Vengeance is mine,” He says, and God’s ultimate vengeance is us looking at our sin, and turning to Jesus.  Facing how bad we were, and allowing God to change us from the inside out.  For Stu it must have been a horrifying ride to the Bay, with good news awaiting him.  For Vin it was using his own means to teach a lesson, but it really ended up saving friend from disaster.  And in both cases, God had His way. 
Now we don’t know what happened afterwards, but we know Stu’s life had changed.  Just as ours changes when we come to Christ.  Sometimes it takes a life changing event for us to respond, sometimes it takes the threat of losing something valuable, sometimes it is just survival.  Funny how his sexual sin was overshadowed by his lust for his boat, and finally returning to his first love, his wife.  For he like us, wandered away from his first love.  And Jesus is there to reunite us with His Father so we can have life.  Sometimes it takes a vindictive man to point the way, but God can change the bad to the good.  Study the story of Joseph sometime, Stu’s story was nothing compared to Joe’s.  So today you can make the choice, you can be stupid, like Stu, mad at life and take things into your own hands like Vin Dictive did, or turn to Jesus and be forgiven.  Even in the midst of sin, God’s grace was ever present.  Just a story of two men?
But is it?  Is it really a tale of three men, remember Jesus who saves?  If you don’t, you will be Stu Pidd the rest of your life.  And always looking to be Vin Dictive.  Leave it to Jesus, He knows best.  Oh the secretary’s name.  Sindy.  Bet you didn’t see that one coming.  Never thought she was Mercy or Grace.  Things only found in Jesus.  Whose name never changes.  To protect the guilty.
love with compassion,

Monday, October 28, 2013

2bbl, 4 bbl, six pack, or dual quads

Ever wonder what happens when you press down on the accelerator?  What is it that makes your gas gauge sink lower as your speed increases?  What you are doing is introducing air, which mixes with fuel, and then under compression explodes with an electric charge and horsepower is made.  More air, more gas.  Simple.  Now you know the basics of how an internal combustion engine operates.  But what makes my gas gauge dive so fast?  It all has to do with how much throttle, or gas you give the engine via your right foot.  And in the old style carburetors, fuel was metered via venturis, or barrells, or bbl. for short.  Your basic engines in economy cars, we used to call them compacts, could use a 1 bbl., which meant low power, but less fuel usage also.  Two bbl. carbs were the standard, and the bigger engines needed 4 bbl. to operate and make power.  But with more bbls., it meant using more fuel, at least in theory.  But set up in pairs, most of the time the engine was running on the primaries, and only under full throttle, pedal to the metal, did the secondaries kick in, making that wonderful whooshing sound of power we used to hear.  All four bbls. at once, burning gas at an alarming rate, but also kicking up the fun factor.  But when four bbls. wouldn’t do, how about three deuces, or 6 bbls.?  Chrysler called them a Six Pack.  Three two bbl. carbs set up in sequence, under control of your throttle foot, and the harder you pressed, the more power you got  via more bbls.!  But the ultimate was running dual quads, made famous by the Beach Boys song “409.”  A 4 speed, dual quad, posi-traction 409 is what was the hot set up, and those two big 4 bbls. sitting on top of that 409 meant power, and also using a lot  more of Sunoco 260, dyed blue to distinguish it from other fuels, racing gas you could buy at the pump.  And it was expensive, running 35-40 cents a gallon, almost twice as much as your 25 cent regular your Mom’s econo car used.  But every time you put the pedal to the metal, and were greeted by the sound of the dual quads kicking in, and the power that came with it, it was all worth it.  And if you brought along a friend, who would chip in for gas, you cut your fuel bills in half.  Making your muscle car a true economy car, how else could you cut your fuel bills in half and still have all the fun?
And so we had 2 bbls, 4 bbls, six packs, and dual quads-all competing for our gas money, and providing a E ticket experience the more bbls. you had to feed.  All controlled by your right foot!  How easy was all that!  And I still miss the sound of those secondaries kicking in, and being pushed back into my seat as the car gathered speed quickly, who had time to watch the fuel gauge-keeping both eyes on the road was hard enough, let alone both hands on the wheel, why trying to see all your friends and their jealous looks as you blasted by. And until you nailed it, just running on the primaries just like anyone else’s car,  but there when your ego or the situation provided itself.  But carburetors were finicky, and need adjustment, and the more bbls., the more there was to adjust.  Separate linkage for each 2 bbls., do the math on a six pack or dual quad.  But all good things must pass, and today with fuel injection, again powered by your right foot, a computer tells when and how much fuel to use-no more sound of secondaries kicking in, you just get to point and steer.  Limited participation, but with more power, and using less fuel.  But without the sound of the secondaries kicking in-no sound to meet your new found power.  Letting a computer decide for you...and they call that progress?
Many live a life in Christ like a fuel injected car.  Not knowing how or why, just knowing it does, and never finding it boundaries, and worse not even caring to know. “ I have all I need, don’t bother me with more Jesus, you guys just confuse me, I’m religious enough.”  Then there are the ones who buy a high powered six pack or dual quad, but can’t afford to buy the fuel, so never get to use all the power it provides.  They too never fully use all the power Jesus has provided for them, and their secondaries get old, linkage binds, and when needed, the full effect isn’t there.  And of course blame God, where was He when I needed Him?  Not realizing He is and was there all the time.  Just waiting for you to unleash all His power, meekness He calls it, power under control.  And it is available to all who call on the name of the Lord.  Passing power when needed, pulling power when stuck, and the joy of knowing it is there-never needing to fear if it fails.  That’s Jesus-but you must give it all your life, or full throttle to enjoy it all.  Don’t worry about the cost, He’s paid it, and providing all the power you need in every situation.  But what about those who seem to be spinning their spiritual wheels, who never quite get it right?  Too much power, and you will spin your wheels-going nowhere, and creating a burn out-or worse yet becoming one.  It takes that steady foot on the gas to know when and how much-it takes the Holy Spirit guiding us to put all the power needed to the ground when it is needed.  All in your control...
Are you miserly in your relationship with Jesus, going the economy route?  Never knowing His full potential for your life? Or are you all about the power, shredding tires as you apply full power all the time, never allowing His meekness to guide you?  Or worse yet, are you set on cruise, just going along at the speed limit, more concerned about obeying the law than experiencing grace?  Today you get to choose how much of God’s power you have in your life.  You can exhibit self control and meekness-both fruit of the spirit by your choices.  Or are you just feeding your ego.  You can go full throttle to being attention to you, or go full throttle for Jesus, there is a difference.  He is that second sets of bbls. needed and available, and that sweet sound is Him in your time of need.  Sometimes you just need to open them up, to be a witness for Jesus, showing His power in love.  But in all cases, He is there-just waiting to show His power in love.  Will you let Him?
2,or 4 bbls, a six pack or a dual quad?  How much power does you God offer?  You’ll never know until you take Him to the limit.  Sit down, buckle up, and hang on... you are in for the ride of your life!
love with compassion,

Friday, October 25, 2013

legendary love

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down...about a man who so loved a woman that he paid far more for her than was required by law.  In this village, the law passed down from generation to generation was when a man desired a wife, he would pay her father 2 fat pigs, and upon approval, the man could then take the lady to be his wife.  And so it was, and so it has always been, until one day a man came to town, a stranger, and settled down.  No one knew much about him, except he was a man of honor, and looking for a wife.  So as the word spread, all the pretty young girls made themselves available for him, and in a village known for its beautiful women, the choices were unlike any other ever known.  But the man was looking for more than outer beauty, and all the women who met failed to meet his heart’s requirement.  Disillusioned, but not giving up, he was finally invited to dinner by the last pretty woman, and while at dinner, her sister sat quietly.  This sister was unlike all the other women in the village, as she was not pretty, but rather drab and unattractive.  But as the meal went on, and she became involved in the conversation, it was obvious that this man had no interest in the beautiful sister, but was becoming fond of the homely one.  And so the romance had begun.
After a few more meals, it became obvious that she was the one, and so he approached her father to ask for her in marriage.  Unaware of the 2 fat pig requirement for marriage, he left vowing to return when he could obtain the 2 fat pigs required.  But being a businessman, and not a farmer, he knew nothing about pigs, and had to rely on the village folk for advice and for the pigs.  Two fat pigs for her?  They were aghast.  After a period of time, he finally arrived at her door, a period of time long enough that he hadn’t seen his love, and she began to wonder if he was ever coming back.  And her father wondered too, because this strange man was the only hope his daughter ever had of marriage.  So when the man arrived that afternoon, and knocked on the door, and inquired again about the 2 pig law, the father thought maybe since he is a stranger, and my daughter not as beautiful as the others in the village, 1 pig will be OK.  But to his surprise, when the man nodded OK in agreement with the 2 pigs, the father was shocked to see him unloading 5 pigs from the cart.  “But only 2 are required,” he explained again.  But the man insisted on the 5, and such a gift for a woman had never been seen in the village before.  Maybe for a beautiful woman, some would argue, but not a homely one, and after being questioned, he insisted, and the girl was awarded to him.  He only hoped 5 pigs were enough, he would get more if needed.  Thankfully his gift as accepted, the father still shaking his head in disbelief, the village in an uproar over what had happened. 
A short marriage followed, with all the village folk talking about the man who gave 5 pigs for this homely woman, and wondering if the man was crazy.  And he probably was, when only 2 were required.  But soon after being married, they moved away, selling off their goods, and moving to a far away city.  And a period of years went by, with the entire village from her father and sisters, to the other men and women ever wondering what had happened to this couple.  And you know how rumors persist, and some wondered if something bad had happened to her.  Sweet yes, beautiful no, but not deserving of foul play.  And the legend grew....
One day a young couple came into town to visit.  They looked familiar, and when asked where they were from, answered the big city, but yet they looked familiar.  Particularly the woman, as pretty as any of the village women, maybe prettier with a quality that went beyond her physical appearance, and finally one asked her who she was.  Blushingly she told them her father’s name, and they recognized it, but didn’t remember him having a daughter with such beauty and grace.  Only the daughter still at home, and the homely one who married and moved away.  The one the stranger had given 5 pigs for.  But as the people gathered to find out more about her, one woman who had been staring at her exclaimed, “I know who you are.”  But was wrong.  Finally the man silenced the crowd and introduced his bride-she was the homely sister, the 5 pig woman!  But what had happened to her, she was even more beautiful than any other in the village?  When the man chose her for his bride, he saw an inner beauty, and as he loved her more, she became beautiful on the outside.  Her beauty that came from within now surrounded her everywhere, as the man who had paid 5 pigs no more was known as a fool, but had known what he was buying, and no price was too much for the beauty of his wife.  He was ready to offer 10 pigs if necessary, he loved her that much, and she was that beautiful to him.  Then and now.  a lesson for the village about true beauty, and how it comes from within, and is more than skin deep.  A beauty that this homely woman had once only had inside became evident for all to see when the right groom came along and paid the price for her.  And soon she was known as the most beautiful woman ever to grace the village, and 5 pigs became the new price for a wife.  A new standard of love had been set...all because a man saw a woman for what she could be, and loved her.  And watched as she became the most beautiful woman had ever known because of his love.
At one time we were all that woman, ugly and not desired.  But Jesus looked beyond our outward beauty, and paid the highest price for us-His life.  And when we came to Him, we became that beautiful bride in Christ.  And someday when reunited with Him in heaven, the honeymoon will go on forever.  He paid a price none other had ever paid for us, and His offer is still there for those who will accept it.  The world offers beauty, but the Lord offers beauty, rest, peace, and a beauty that starts inside and shows outside.  He sees us as we can be in Him, and loves us just as we are.  Don’t let this man become a stranger in your village of life.  Let Him in today, and become the beauty He desires in you.  Better than any 2 pig, or even 5 pig offering, He paid the highest price, without being asked, that’s how much He loves us.  Even to the big lake they call Gitchagoomi...
A beauty that will touch ever aspect of your life, and give you a new standard of love.  36 years ago I ventured into California, and was willing to pay that price for my bride.  I offered her 1 motorcycle, but would offer 10, or no matter how many it would take.  And today she is even more beautiful to me than ever, the second best deal I ever made, after Jesus.  And today she even has her own motorcycle to ride...and is beautiful in so many ways I feel sorry for anyone else.  Perhaps the best compliment is my sons want to marry someone like her...Jesus gave more than was required, but He knew what He was getting.  Accept His offer today, and find that everything you ever wanted or needed is right there in Him.  The perfect solution to life.  Let’s begin.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together...In Jesus.  To all you 2 pig people, welcome.  You’re beautiful.  Legendary love available only at the cross.
love with compassion,

Thursday, October 24, 2013

filling in the blanks, 45 years later

Mr. Dyer was my 7th grade English teacher in his first, last, and only year at Terrill Jr. High.  Just out of college, he must have interviewed well, because he never fit the mold, or met the standards we were used to.  We had English for two periods back then, and he was the last two of my day, right after gym and lunch.  Almost like taking the afternoon off for some of us.  On Mondays, his 6th period was always interesting, as he told of all the exploits of his long time girl friend Barbara and himself.  Sort of like Animal House comes to Scotch Plains.  And then he would attempt to fulfill the curriculum he was given the rest of the week.  Now other than a great story teller, he remained rather restrained from interaction with us, and most of the time we did vocabulary, which consisted of a hand written sheet he mimeographed, with a list of words at the top, and then 20-25 sentences to fill in the blank using those words.  Not so much learning what they meant, but being able to use them in the proper context in sentences. And he could spend time balancing his check book, or telling us about his new Mustang, or sleeping due from a wild weekend.   And to this day I cannot define many words, but can use them correctly to convey a thought because of Mr. Dyer.  He would allow us to do this in groups, open book, a dictionary, and one particular group of girls always used this time to gossip.  Some would meet one on one with another, trading answers, as no one ever failed in his class.  Just showing up and doing the work was a C.  Finish the work, a B, and getting most right was an A.  Hey we tried, even if he didn’t.  Very few received less than an A from Mr. Dyer’s budding vocabulary students.  And you could tell from the sentences he created what was going on in his life and in the world, for example-fill in the blank, “Viet Nam is a country on the ______ of Asia.” “The V8 in my new Mustang has more _________ than the six cylinder.” Or “what color is the phone Commisioner Gordon uses to call the  _______?”  Coached along by the length of the space corresponding to the length of the word, if you guessed continent you were an A student.  Horsepower, still an A.  Batcave,  same bat time, same Mr. Dyer’s class.  But we also learned that circulation meant how many newspapers the Daily Planet sold each day, how blood went throughout the body, and when a man lost his steady went back into circulation.  Broke was what happened to a glass when it hit the floor, or his finances after making his car payment.  Where else would you learn so many applications of the same word.  But some would be comical, leading to extended explanations, going into the next period, or the next day, which was fine with Mr. Dyer, as another class didn’t need to be scheduled.  For example-“After many years together, John proposed _______ to Barbara.”  The correct answer was matrimony, but when Lello wrote in suicide, we all laughed and finished the day learning about break ups and lost loves.  Didn’t learn what suicide really meant until later in life.  Such was my intro to Jr. High English, and much of it has stuck with me longer than Mr. Dyer stuck with us.
So as a tribute to bad things that turnout good, and as a test and game, fill in the following blanks.  Open book, use your Bible, and no grades.  Pass/fail, pass accept Jesus, fail you deny Him.  Let the games begin.  We’ll start easy...
1-For God so loved the _____, he gave His only begotten son.
2-In the _________, God created the heavens and the earth.
3-and Jonah spent three ____ in the belly of the fish.
4-for all are born into ___ and fall short of the glory of God.
5-we walk by _____ not by sight
Easy huh?  Carry on.
6-he who began a good work in you, will be ________ to complete it
7-for all have ______ and fall short of the glory of God
8-I am the way, the _____, and the life
9-for man does not live by _____ alone
10-and God saw that it was ____
still 100%, Mr. Dyer would be proud of you.
11-and the number of the ____ was 666
12-God is _______ that none should perish
13-this is my son, in whom I am well _______
14-and you shall call His name _____, for He will save the people from their sins
15-I can do __ things through Christ who strengthens me
Almost done, closer to heaven.  Do you see today’s theme?
16-stand fast in the _____
17-I wish you were ___ or ___, but because you are ______, I will spit you out of my mouth
18-and I will give you ____
19-I go to _______ a place before you
20-the _____ of Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
You passed!  Now who are we talking about?  Do you want to make it personal, accept Him now.  And let Him fill in the blanks of your life.  Let the multiple choice tests of life come down to a true/false question, Is Jesus God?  If you answer yes, the final fill in is  you have answered _______ Simon Peter.  And your answer is?
love with compasiion,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

is it plugged in?

Saturday nights were awful for the manager on call at Coca Cola. And the later it got into the evening, or earlier into the morning, the more chance of a service call was possible.  Until we came up with a simple sticker, eliminating many calls, and solving a problem.  The sticker simply read, '”IS IT PLUGGED IN?”  And we were surprised at how the call volume dropped, all by one simple reminder.  Years later with all of our hard earned credit, we bought a 1992 Ford Ranger pick-up.  Which ran great for a few days, then whenever you put it in reverse, it would stall.  Reminding me of how many times a day we go backward.  It had been in the shop long enough to qualify for a buyback, when Burke the service manager, told me, “get in, we’re going for a ride.”  Reluctantly we did, and after 20 minutes of backing up in various situations, he told me they had solved the problem.  It seemed that every time the truck was put in reverse, the linkage put a strain on the wiring harness to the ECM, engine control module, and it pulled away slightly, causing the truck to stall.  Out of reverse, no strain, plug connected, and it ran.  Finally someone had thought to check if it was plugged in!  And after rerouting the harness correctly, problem and symptom solved. 
Years later when at Mercedes Benz, we would get cars towed in when the shifter lever would be stuck in park.  The housing was electrical, we referred to it as a joy stick, and when something was spilled into it, like your latte, it would ground out, cause the car to be stuck in park, and it was an easy $700 repair, that the customer was responsible for.  Not a factory defect, although the cup holder was placed above it, and one time when a woman went into meltdown over it, I told her to take it up with Starbucks, it was their latte, their problem and she left smiling.  Never did find out the outcome of that one, all I was sure of was that it was customer error, and not a defect.
In our electronic age, I am amazed we don’t have more problems.  With power grids overloaded, resulting in brown outs, a precursor to a black out, we are run by electronics, which run computers, which have an eerie impact on our daily lives.  I can remember years ago when we had a power outage in Jersey, effecting the entire NY metro area, after it was over the popular opening line was “where were you when the lights went out?”  And the clever answer of Pat was “at the switch.”  The rest of us were too panic stricken to laugh, but someone had to be at the switch, didn’t they?  And it can be scary, as Andrew and Theresa were stuck in Times Square years ago when the power went out, only the grace of God got them back to New Jersey and safety.  I had never thought of Jersey as a safe haven up to that point.  And so we battle against things we cannot see, things we cannot understand, but still are ready to blame someone else for our situations.
2000 years ago, God was way ahead of us on the electric grid, and needless to say the spiritual one too.  The writer of Hebrews warns us that we fight not against man, or each other, but against powers and principalities.  Just like the electric current that we cannot see that provides us with power, there is a battle in the heavenlies between Satan’s angels and those of God’s.  Even a hierarchy with evil prince’s in control over cities, and you wonder why we are slipping into the toilet of society every day.  But yet we tend to blame others, those we can see who are weaker, or in power, but have no authority, causing strife amongst ourselves.  When the real enemy is Satan, on borrowed time, as we Jesus has won the war for us, even declaring from the cross, “it is finished.”  Yet with souls yet to be saved, the daily battles continue, and if not plugged into Jesus, you can be part of the problem, or even a victim, even if saved.  Satan’s lies sound so good, and since all lies are based on truth, he can twist a few words for his advantage, and you can become a victim.  Sometimes without even knowing it.  So beware, we are told to be as “wise as a serpent, but as gentle as a lamb,”  and also to know that the battle belongs to the Lord.  Let Him fight it-His record is perfect! 
In the future it is possible that cyber wars will be fought rather than ground wars.  Just look at my examples, and look at Obamacare’s web site.  One web site shutting down, or at least crippling the federal government, and no one is to blame.  And in everyday life when we see a web site down, it causes problems.  Let your i-pad lose power, you can access nothing-and it all comes to a screeching halt.  A battle of things not seen, but essential for everyday living in our society today.  But there is hope for those turning to Christ.  He will protect us in battle, we all know the famous armor in Ephesians.  But a key component to the armor is that it must be worn.  And another is the back is left unprotected-you are to face your attacker in Christ, He will protect you and win the battle.  He even has our back!  No booting of our relationship, no pause for repairs, or forgotten password.  His system, the Holy Spirit is infallible, and on call 24/7.  Who is your firewall?  Who protects you from spammers?  Who died for you?  The only answer is Jesus.
So when trouble strikes, are you plugged into Jesus?  Or are you still looking for the solution to life’s problems.  God made it simple, believe in Jesus with all your heart, and confess Him with your mouth and you are saved.  If only computers worked so easily.  Stay plugged into Jesus via prayer-daily, reading your Bible-daily, and regular fellowship with other believers.  Do not let your guard down, for Satan is a lion wishing to consume you, hoping to make you his latest victim.  Remember who our enemy is, not others but the prince of darkness, but more importantly keep your eyes upon Jesus.  For where your eyes look, you will follow.  Now take one last look at your power cords, and stay plugged into Jesus. 
Remember it was God who said “let there be light.”  Don’t be afraid to let yours shine for Him.  Only if you are plugged into His source.  Are you plugged in?
love with compassion,