Thursday, May 31, 2012

all aboard

There I was, caught in a moment of weakness, and a commercial got through the TV before I could change the channel. And as I endured the 60 seconds of propaganda, the message at the end brought me new life, and gave me the solution to all our energy needs. It stated that CSX railroads could move 1 ton of freight, 500 miles, on one gallon of fuel! And there was the answer to our energy problems-we should all drive trains! Think about it, if we could get that type of mileage on something that big, just imagine what we could get on just the engine, with maybe a caboose in tow. I just have to have a red caboose. Think about it, I might never have to refuel! And then all these great industries would spring up, tracks would have to be laid everywhere, thousands would have jobs created to go to, and the economy, the energy crisis, and the future of the world would be rescued-all just by riding a train! And here was the answer, that I would have missed, if I had not been remote challenged that evening. I wonder, how many other life changing ideas I miss because I don't watch commercials? Maybe driving the train last month up in Perris was just a hint of things to come. Do you think so?
Now before you again condemn me and call me crazy, I remind you I am, or at least can be. And the sane mind will tell me, "Mike, you don't understand." And like you, we have both been told that many times in our lives, and will until we die. As if understanding ever solved anything. When my father died, people would tell me they understand how I feel. "I don't, maybe you can explain it to me," has become my answer. And these well meaning ones go away. Not understanding. You see, Jesus never promises understanding. But He does promise a peace that surpasses it, so I became a wimp about understanding years ago, and just go right for the peace. You can have your so-called understanding, I have the real peace that only comes from Jesus.
And I can back it up with the word. Not preaching, at least to others, maybe myself, but when I am confronted with things I don't know or understand, I go to things I do know-and understand. When I wonder about those who hold signs begging for food and then say God bless you, I turn to God. Who tells us that He has never seen the righteous hungry, or their children begging food. So I trust God, and eat well. When told if you don't work, you don't eat, I tell them the truth. It says won't, not don't. And God meets my needs, the way He wants-but all blessings come from Him. He meets all my needs according to His riches and glory. So why beg those who don't have, go to the rich guy-who wants to provide, makes sense.
But Mike, you don't understand. You're right, I don't. Give it up. Seek and trust God first. Sick, He is the great physician. "Well I prayed and he died anyway." Perfect healing for those who are Christians is physical death, we go to heaven. No pain or tears. "My wife just doesn't understand." And you do? It takes two, maybe you both need to change. Trust God. Having trouble with your faith in a tough situation? Jesus said we will have trials and tribulations. How's that for evidence of Him? That oughta build your faith, but not your understanding. Now that He has proven Himself-again, will you trust Him with the problem? So when the devil comes a knockin', and I see him at the door, I just turn to Jesus, and say, "it's for you." And He handles it! Why do we make life so difficult? Are you beginning to understand? Or just trust?
"But God told me NO!" Did you ever think that is because you were asking for something outside of His will? That maybe He has something better for you? A no to me means that a better yes is coming. For God has promised me that all things work to good to those who trust Him and are called to His purposes. ALL! Good and bad work for me! There may be pain in the night, or on a TV commercial, but joy comes in the morning.
You may be right, trains may not be the answer. Remember the old line when you were a kid, "when they were handing out brains, you thought they said trains-and you missed them?" Just showing the frivolity of trying to understand something. It is easier to trust, the promises are surer, the rewards greater, and if God is for you, who can come against us? God+ us is a majority! And He never loses. But isn't it enough to trust Him just because He is God? He knows the path He has set for you, for a future and a hope. Follow Him and see the path. You may find that the rails aren't always smooth, so He takes you on the road. Just like where Jesus spent time ministering-on the road. Among the people. Who will think you are crazy for following Him. But they don't know Him. They are lost. They don't get it, they just don't understand. It's up to Jesus to change their hearts, not you. So let Jesus do what He needs to do, and follow Him. Lean not on your own understanding. Good advice found in Proverbs 3:5. Godly advice. Which only works if taken.
As for my idea about solving the energy crisis, scripture does tell us "He is high and lifted up, and His train fills the temple.." Is it possible that if we just turn to God, and lift Him high, that He knows the answer? If He can save a wretch like me, miles per gallon should be no big deal. I get 40-45 mpg on my motorcycles, no energy crisis here. Maybe it was something I heard years ago...Do ya think so?
love with compassion,