Monday, June 14, 2010

he's still the real thing!

One of the simple rules to have at your advantage during negotiation is to be be the lustee, rather than the luster. To have something that someone will pay well above its value, is better than being the one paying the price. And every once in a while, the opportunity comes along to do just that. Once was when working for Coca Cola, a box of incentives, aka prizes for a contest came in. One for each salesman, so no one would feel like a loser, and the winner getting first choice. Jack, the sales manager opened the box and when he saw a golf umbrella made it known he wanted it, but couldn't have it due to not being part of the contest. But jokingly mentioned he would trade anything for it. And he wasn't joking! So doing the proper thing, after winning the contest, I chose it.
Now golf to me has only one purpose, to keep people off the roads and driving a golf ball rather than their car on weekends-when we are riding. I can find no other reason for it, and question any sport where your score is based on a handicap. Mental or physical. So I chose the golf umbrella, partly for the cheese 'em off factor, Jack knew I hated golf, and he hated me, and also because he had this Coke racing jacket I wanted-as did many others. White with red cuffs, a black and white racing stripe and a patch stating "it's the real thing-Coke!" every place he wore it people commented. And the fact he had the only one I'd ever seen, and treasured it, just made it more valuable to me.
I waited him out, and when finally he made some offers-"not interested, hee-hee-hee," he wanted to know what it would take. The jacket-that's it, nothing else-so don't offer. And I had him. Just like the monkey who puts his hand in the cocoanut, and finds the hole too small to get both his hand and the prize out-I had him! And he knew it.
Agreement struck-and to make it worse, I left the umbrella home over the weekend, more cheese 'em off factor as he had been planning to play golf and show it off-rain or shine. So Monday the trade was made, and 25 years later the jacket still hangs in my closet. A double victory-and a lesson to all who negotiate. And I still won't play golf!
Imagine if you would, a group of soldiers, arguing over someone's clothes. For some reason, they were desirable to them, and they ended up choosing lots over them. Nothing special about them, no logos or anything, and add to the fact they were stained with blood from their owner sweating blood in the garden. And then additionally being worn after he was scourged. Stained with sweat, and blood, why would this garment have any significance or value? And add to that the owner was being crucified, they didn't even wait for him to be dead before they started bidding on it. True the owner had been a public figure, even had an audience before the governor, Pilate. And even though innocent, the crowd still yelled "crucify him!" and so they did. But why were his death clothes so valuable when he wasn't even dead yet? And it wasn't until He was dead the centurion acknowledged who he was, but by then the clothes had a new owner.
And when the new owner got them home, what did his wife say? "I'm not cleaning that mess, get that robe outta here." Just dirty laundry to her. Did keeping them original add to their value? When the new owner found out who the old owner was, did he attempt to sell them on e-bay, or negotiate with God, to get into heaven, and further profit? Why would someone be more interested in a man's clothes than the man himself? Did his colors make him, or did he make his colors?
2000 years later, the question remains unanswered. And people still choose the things God has created, instead of the creator, God himself. For the clothes you see belonged to none other than Jesus Christ. So many see Jesus as a nice man, teacher, or profit. But the Son of God, no way. And choose the creation, when they can have the creator-and eternal life that goes with Him. You see, clothes cannot buy righteousness, or make you righteous, and God looks on your heart, not on the exterior like we do. To us clothes make the man, but to Jesus, He made the clothes. But the soldiers got ripped off, only the centurion recognized who he was, and got the real prize. Look around your life, is it filled with things-or does it reflect the things of Christ? Only when Jesus is in your heart and life, will you bear fruit. Don't wait for a deal on e-bay-get the real thing today-Jesus.
Twenty five years ago I won a jacket in a negotiation. But 35 years ago I took Jesus into my heart. Only one brought life. And only one is truly the real thing. Choose the things which are not seen-eternal, and forego the things which are seen-temporal. Jesus Christ-no matter what the outfit fits all. And in the only style that never loses it-and is yours without any negotiations. Such a deal He has for you!
love with compassion,