Wednesday, July 30, 2014

it's all gonna burn

Many great times can be spent around a campfire.  Making s’mores, singing songs, and telling stories.  But when that fire rages out of control, and causes neighborhoods to burn, then fire is a much different story.  Having been close to too many fires while living here in SoCal, and even having one at my home, I know first hand how devastating a small one can be, let alone one that takes everything.  And the consolation given from well meaning others, “well, it’s all gonna burn any way,” is of no consolation.  Where were these people when you were building your home, starting your career, and on the way up.  Was it’s all gonna burn your encouragement then?  Or were you trusting God instead of bad advice to be successful?  Yet many feel that they must console others with quoting scripture out of context.  Maybe the only time these Christians quote the Bible, or at least think they are.  They are like Job’s friends, who mean well, but end up making it worse.  What are friends for, I’ll let you know when I make some.  But yet some stick close, and help you through the situation.  Led by the love of Christ, rather than self gratification, they know Jesus, and well enough to know when to listen, and when to speak.  They praise God in the good times, seek Him in the tough ones, and never lose sight of Him.  They are the ones who may have wood, hay, and stubble in their lives, but when it burns, have the fruit of a faithful relationship with God to show for all their time.  They are the ones who saved for a rainy day, like we were told to do as kids, but when a fiery night comes, are not taken by surprise.  They know who to turn to, and it is always God.  
How many remember that God was bragging on Job, when He was confronted with accusations about Job’s loyalty?  Maybe explaining why bad things can happen to good people, it is just a chance for God to shine, and brag.  Just think, God may want to brag on you, are you ready?  Will you stand the test?  Or do you go yuppie, knowing the price of everything, but don’t know the value of anything?  If you lost it all, would you still have everything in Christ?
Many years ago while still in high school, I met a girl my age. Come to think of it, we probably are both still the same age.  We were both getting our BMW’s serviced at the dealer, and she was with her mother, quite upset.  She was crying, loud enough to get attention, and I just had to know, what’s the matter?  Her mother answered first, “we just bought her a new BMW for graduation, and all she does is complain about it.  I don’t get it.”  And she didn’t.  Then Miss Teary Eyed joined in, “mother how good you get me a red car, you know I wanted blue?”  And she obviously didn’t get it either.  I wonder how she would have felt about my green 1600, bought with money I made delivering papers?  Would she have even shared the same waiting room with me?  Maybe the one time Ralph Kramden’s advice was needed, “POW!  Right in the kisser!”  “To the moon Alice!”  And away we go!
How would Job have handled her?  Maybe a good example was how he responded to his wife, who told him to “curse God and die.”  Not the quote I would like to be remembered for for all time, but stop and look at her condition. She too had lost everything, including her kids, riches, and possessions.  Would you have consoled her by telling her it’s all gonna burn?  But yet Job, showing his true character simply tells her, “you aren’t being yourself.”  In essence, you are acting out of character, not a fool, but acting like one.  He showed her compassion in the depths of their loss.  And although we never hear from her again, she did get to enjoy all the same blessings Job did when God replaced everything Job had lost with twice as much.  Except for his wife. I wonder if she drove a red or blue BMW?
So it will all burn, Jesus says so.  Yet we cling to that we cannot keep, yet deny that which we cannot lose.  Job knew God, not just about Him.  He lived a godly life, and when the storms came sought refuge the only place he knew-the Lord.  Today you may be facing a rainy day, a fiery night, or trouble with your red car.  The color change won’t fix anything about your attitude, only turning to Jesus will.  Let go of your valuables, and learn of the values of Christ.  Things that cannot be lost, so valuable they cannot be replaced.  Things so expensive they cannot be purchased, even on time.  They are love, joy, peace, and patience.  In the midst of the storm, Jesus is there providing them.  Yet many just want to curse God and die, and for them it’s all gonna burn.  And sadly so will they, not a choice I care to make.
Share a s’more with someone you love tonight.  Tell of all the great things God has done for you.  Do like John did in Revelation, and bear testimony of the things you have seen.  And be prepared for joy unspeakable, and encourage others who may need a lift.  It’s all gonna burn may be true, just make sure it isn’t your s’more.  For as Job found out, there s’more to God and His riches than we can ever imagine.  BMW’s come and go-only Jesus will remain.  How sweet it is!
love with compassion,

available by prescription only

I have an idea for t shirt that should sell very well.  Taken seriously, it is a warning, taken as a joke it is a sad statement, but taken without a prescription is deadly.  “MEDICATED FOR YOUR PROTECTION!” reads my newest shirt, and in the general state of world affairs, too many are medicated.  Self medicated.  Government medicated.  Medicated by the lure of no tomorrows.  Medicated just to get me through today.  It starts in school, when Billy pulls Patty’s hair, and he is ruled with ADD or STP when really he is just a KID.  But being out of control, not under someone’s control, he is medicated.  Changing his personality, his play habits, and having someone else control him.  He is dumbed down, able to be better controlled, by a teacher, school system, or government that knows best for us.  Later as he becomes unproductive, he is a long term ward of the state, they still know what is best for him until the day he dies.  All the time a victim of nothing more than being a kid, but rather of a state that wants to control him.  And at first it sounds good to his parents, but soon they become depressed because he is not normal, and soon they have anxiety attacks and more drugs prescribed.  And soon you have a whole family medicated, but not for their protection, or even ours.  But some faceless, faithless state that wants us all to be the same, to be under their control.  Confused?  Don’t let them know, there is a pill for that too.  And if you are lucky, your insurance provider will cover it, with only a co-pay.  To the end, the government knows best.  Just ask them, just don’t identify yourself.
From saltpeter for soldiers and inmates, to Retalin, for our last generation of playful kids, many new prescription drugs are available today.  Many tested on us without our knowledge, and definitely not our consent.  But many illegal drugs are used with our consent, just not the governments.  And some that are legal, alcohol for instance, take a toll on daily lives, families, careers, and ruin lives at all ages and social levels.  I have never met anyone who had a horrible life and alcohol made it better?  Or when trying to become more successful, found drugs or alcohol the secret ingredient to success.  Early in my business career, I learned not to drink, but to encourage my opponent.  Any advantage I could get I needed, and many fell willingly into the trap.  And never got out.  The best advice I was given was, “if you never start, you will never be an alcoholic.”  Works for drugs, sex before marriage, and other types of sin also.  Decisions we make, unaware of the consequences, thinking it will never happen to us.  All the time, we are medicated, insolated from reality, and although reality can be rough, at least it is real.  And real I can deal with...
So what does the Bible tell us about drinking?  We are told in Proverbs 20 wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and leads to fights.  Sound familiar?  But rather we are told Ephesians 5 do not be drunk with wine, it is dissipation, but be drunk with the spirit.  Filled, one way a sin, another a blessing.  And Jesus tells us that no one who has tasted of the new wine He offers, wants to go back to the old wine of before.  But what is this new wine He offers?  Is it over the counter, must you 21, or is it a new drug only available by prescription?  Now before you start quoting the Bible, I didn’t realize you read it,  to defend the fact Jesus turned water into wine, His first miracle, know this, it was new wine, not old, fermented wine.  And a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the new wine Jesus promises believers.  It represented joy, the joy of Jesus, and of that wedding day to come when we are united with Him in heaven.  And it is offered to all who desire it, in fact we are given the holy spirit when we are saved.  But few choose to fully explore His full potential, no ads on TV for it, no discounts on holidays, and no age limits, know that it is given in love.  So that we can live a fuller, more productive life in Christ, until that day of His return.  And it was that same spirit that led us to Christ.  And still comforts us today...many times without our even knowing it, acknowledging it, or thanking Him.  And there is no law against it, in fact it fulfills the law, just like Jesus did, and sets us free.  Now what are you drinking?  Make mine Jesus, straight up, neat.  The way life should be, able to enjoy every blessing coming our way.
But many times it is the blessings that avoid us, or we avoid them.  Where to turn then?  Turn to friends like Job did, and you end up defending them, and still turning to God.  Be like Jonah and run, and end up on a three day all expense paid cruise to where God wanted him in the first place.  But below deck.  Maybe my old friend Larry, he of 28 kills for pay, 7 for revenge, as he talked to young girls one night said it best.  “You can be knocked over the head and taken away to be done with whatever that person wants to do with you.  You never know when you cross over the limit.  And taking the first drink is crossing over that limit.”  Is that what you want for your daughter?  Born again after years in prison, God saved him and changed his life.  Still listening?  Or maybe the words of Nahum sound familiar, “when drunk you will find refuge from your neighbor,” but how do you tell if he is friend or foe?  You will try to hide your sin, but it will still be evident.  And evidence, not what I want to show the world of my life in Christ.
So to all who find it trendy to drink wine, you are falling under another spirit’s control.  And causing a food shortage soon, as the grapes now grow where corn, beans, broccolli once grew, and cattle once grazed.  How much did the bottle of Two Buck Chuck really cost?  But my advice to my sons is what I want to leave you with.  I asked them “how would you feel if you needed me and I couldn’t come because I had been drinking?”  Suddenly it is more personal than ever.  Learn from Larry, listen to my advice, but always go to Jesus.  And next time you are hugging the porcelian shrine of too much to drink, ask where the god found in the bottle is to help you?  My God is alive and well, and there with me, and you when you need Him.  Clean and sober in ways we cannot imagine, but need.  No prescription needed, first thing in the morning and last one at night.  And in the in between times, He is there too.  And tells us He will drink no wine before His time, His return.  He is the fresh wine, the new life, and the vine He wants us to be part of.  He is life without the possibility of parole.  He is what we need, and who we need.  Make the choice now of who’s control you wish to be under, Jesus or the state?  Suddenly that funny shirt isn’t so funny.  Live life in Christ today to its fullest, let nothing get between you and God.  His spirit is not only free, but sets you free.  Wake up free and clear headed every morning, or be like God warns in Jeremiah 25, “drink, be drunk, and vomit.”  Sounds like an easy choice to me.  Especially when He warns that a sword is coming for those who are drunk.  Jesus Christ, maybe He makes more sense than you realize.  Clean and sober has never been so much fun.
love with compassion,