Friday, January 22, 2010

there is always a sunny day on the other side of the clouds

You know you are in trouble when you look out the window first thing in the morning and find 6" of fresh snow on your motorcycle. You don't remember it being there when you parked it last night, and although you cranked up the blanket on the bed, don't remember it being that cold. But here you are, faced with a bike wrapped in snow, and also unridable because either the plow is late, or he has been by and plowed you in. For all of you who don't live where it snows, I found this a sort of amusement for the bored plow drivers, who on their return trip won't look you in the eye, but you can see them grin as they pass. Bagged another. Which doesn't so anything for your condition, so go back under the blanket for another hour-and enjoy the quiet which snow seems to bring to the country.
We don't do snow well here-in fact we don't do rain well either. Talking with my friend Nathan, Corvair and Scrambler aficionado and founder of BA-MOTO, British bikes and American cars, he was riding the 35 minutes to work in the rain. When I asked why he didn't take the car, he told me the Greenbrier van's motor is stuck, and he doesn't drive his '63 Monza-black and immaculate-in the rain. When I teased him as he sat there shivering, he really admitted it didn't have any wiper motors. You never use them, so he removed them. Not to lighten the car, as old racers do, but because it was one less thing to rebuild or replace-and he didn't plan on driving it in the rain. Now he wishes he had, as he has an equally cold and wet ride home-at least he can lane split.
God tells us the rain falls on the just and the unjust. While the bikers I know are praying for sun and warm, the farmers are praying for rain for the crops. Who's right is a matter of need. And sin can be like that too. There is no isolated sin, like there are very few isolated showers. Those who claim prostitution is a personal sin and doesn't hurt anyone, need to visit the families destroyed by adultery. The rampant STD's running through the country-and realize how this sin affects us all-in taxes and pain and suffering. When 40% of kids are born without fathers, do we see a problem that no government program can solve? And when you make fun of virgins and those who choose to wait-stupid only compounds the issue.
But God-two great words that seem to be echoed when we need Him, tells us that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. For where His spirit is, there is liberty, and a way out from the situation. And often the way is nothing you considered. Because His ways are different, and if you spend time with God, find they are always better. You see I didn't have to be anywhere when my new bike got covered in snow-you can ask me and I could tell you it's never been in rain, did you ever think to ask about snow? So God gave us a morning to rest and sleep in-and when the roads dried later that day-had enjoyed a great time alone, and had a great and warm and dry ride home. We could have fussed, and rushed-but God's way was better. Instead of rushing home to nothing, we enjoyed each others company courtesy of God.
I'm sure Nathan is dried out by now-both he and Jamie rode together. But a better way is to be ready-to have your wiper motors installed. They were put there for a purpose and so were you. And it's ok to ask God, so you can know. And you don't have to wait until it pours. Or you have snow covering your bike. Or until you have fallen into sin and ruined relationships and your health.
How we react is more important as our actions. As I get older, sometimes I get wiser, and find that most of my life is out of control, and I spend more time reacting than acting. Which is ok, because I know who has the answers. And your reaction sets in motion a new set of events. So if you can, stay pure and sober-like Dean Faber told Flounder, "fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life." Enjoy the day God has given you, even if it rains. For somewhere a farmer is thanking God for it. So put on the rain suit, or ride in the cage-but have a great day with Jesus.
Oh, and if the snow is deeper than your motorcycle-pull the covers up, turn up the blanket and enjoy some time of rest-just may be the very thing you need, but never would have asked for.
love with compassion,