Thursday, March 22, 2012

laws-they're not just for lunch anymore

Once upon a time, school teachers were good and old, refer to old black and white movies for verification. And the position made them respected. A rare combination, and available to me growing up-until 4th grade. When I got Mrs. Vanderbilt-and she got me-in more ways than one. She was the old part of good and old, and reminded me of a matronly, prison guard from Jimmy Cagney movies. She would be the matron telling the woman walking to the electric chair how to have poise-enforcing it with a stick. The one who had the law on her side. A woman who had the innate ability to suck the fun out of any situation, "you're here to learn," she made me wish for 5th grade, or to be back in 3rd. And she was able to take my favorite two parts of the day-gym and lunch and make them miserable. If she was a horse, you would have shot her.
She would leave us alone at lunch, probably to scheme with her other Hitler Youth teachers, and the teacher on duty would walk the halls and check into our classrooms in this pre-cafeteria era. And the teacher on duty wasn't looking for good, but to punish, using Gestapo tactics refined by the Nazis in WWII. So Mrs. V, and the other Hitler driven teachers, would encourage your classmates to rat you out-tattle we used to call it. Right after telling us no one liked a tattle tale. And then praise those who ratted you out. Always there word against ours, and ours was never heard. And for me and Skip-another rebel if there ever was one, Lisa was our nemesis. She sounded so sweet, and so pure, and was such a liar-or at least exaggerator. So Skip and I were always in trouble, or the illusion of it, thanks to Lisa, who took it upon herself to tell Mrs. V. "I saw Mike and Skip talking loud at lunch." My, how crimes and times have changed. And we had energy-as all 4th grade boys have, and couldn't wait to go play kickball during recess. But in Warden V.'s infinite wisdom, she took two boys who needed to get rid of their pent up energy, and made them sit during recess, after having us sit in the hall, with all the other "bad" kids that Lisa and her narc friends had ratted out. So we would go back from recess, with all the energy we had before lunch, and now a desire and a hatred of Lisa, teachers, and snitches. A lesson I never forgot. And they call that education?
You see the more laws you have, and with kids you need some, the larger the police force you need to enforce them. So they encouraged your classmates to rat you out, and then told you how good you were for doing just that. Making Lisa the most respected girl in the class by Mrs. V-funny how all her classmates hated her, and we were never polled on that. But it made those of us who ate lunch in the hall a tighter group, which when you add bitterness, is a formula for disaster. Fortunately in the pre-Kennedy assassination 60's we weren't revolutionaries yet, that was still to come. But the most important lesson this 4th grader learned was there are too many laws, uneven enforcement, and to hope that snitches would be a failing breed. If you wish to breed discontent, make another law. And that the any law, no matter how altruistic it sounded, was at best meant to control, and at worst meant to rob you of freedom. Too many cops, because of too many laws, and definitely too many Lisas. For the law brings death...
And it still does today. Politicians tell us to pay higher taxes, but neglect to pay their own. Ballplayers have a girl in each city they visit, but that's OK. Yesterday Peyton Manning signed a $96 million/5 year contract to throw a football-in the entertainment business known as the NFL, which now has become too rough, and needs to over regulated so players don't hit too hard. The opposite of what we were taught. Where have we gone wrong? Maybe Billy Jack got it right 40 years ago-"when the police break the laws we have no laws." Or as God puts it, "everyone does right in their own mind..." Only He looks at the heart. And as a woman I knew years ago from OSHA told me, "it is impossible for her to know all the laws, but I can guarantee I can walk into any business and find something wrong." This from an agency that at the time was self supporting-the only source of income was from fines. You do the math. Lisa now has an organization-from the government and it's not here to help! How do you sleep at night?
We need to turn to God and His grace. Where He doesn't expose our sin, but our sin finds itself out. Jesus is not a cop, looking to find fault and then prosecute. He came to seek and save. So when sin is exposed, we can either continue to indulge in it, or turn to God. Who is not like Mrs. V, and doesn't approve of snitches. He calls us to unite-a popular term today-in the spirit. The spirit being the key. Uniting in God! Becoming like Him. Seeing things His way, and leaning on Jesus to do it. Put drug offenders together in rehab-you get a better source for drugs. Put a group of car thieves together-you end up with a better car thief. It works in church too-put a group of people seeking God together, and the spirit is present. In fact it welcomes Lisas and offers them the same love, if only they repent like others. And the spirit guides-not forces us. No Lisa's there to rat us out, for where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And just like the religious Pharisees who seem to inhabit some churches today, Jesus still sends them fleeing when they confront Him. Satan accuses-God forgives. You see darkness cannot stand in the light-God is light! So stand in it with Him, lean on Jesus, and avoid those who seek to rob and destroy you. Did you know that every book in the New Testament warns of false teachers, and those who seek to get between you and God? Who give a great appearance, but inside are wicked and evil? Whose thoughts are for their benefit, not yours? Using the laws they make to establish a power base, not knowing that someday the same laws will be used against them.
So live under grace-it's free. And when grace is used against you, it is from God, in love, and for your benefit. He forgives and forgets your sin-most unlike the lawgivers and those who feel they must report you for your own good. Turn to Jesus, let Him forgive you, lean on Him and enjoy His love. Where there is no condemnation, and no laws except one-to love God first, then your neighbor as yourself.
Lisa the fink was treated as she treated others. She never got it. Pleasing God is different, walk in His spirit, and enjoy the freedom. Remember He has called us to be witnesses of Him, telling others, not judges, reminding all of their falling short of the law. We can all use more love, compassion, and comfort in our lives. Seek the only one today who can provide that for you. Jesus Christ. And leave the laws behind.
Trust God, who came to seek and save-not remind and punish. As Jesus told many, "go and sin no more." Let that be your best advice today for yourself, and others. In the love that only comes via Jesus Christ.
Hey Lisa, Pharisees, and all you religious types-are you listening? Would it surprise you that God loves you too? It is not too late to change-today may be the day of your salvation-beats sitting in the hall during recess! Mrs. V never got it that in the hall we were free from Lisa. She wasn't in the hall-a bonus not revealed by us. You see, the world can provide justice in its own warped way! God's is better-grace. Your choice.
love with compassion,