Thursday, July 14, 2016

feelin' alright?

How many times as a kid, or teenager, did you tell your mother “I don’t feel like going to school today?”  Or as you got older, and more responsible, “I don’t feel like going to work today.”   Ever been asked how you felt about something?  How do you feel about the Chargers moving to LA?  Did you feel that earthquake?  Doesn’t that cool air feel good tonight?  Feel how good the seats in my new car feel.  That vinyl feels just like leather.  I hate the feel of sand between my toes.  You hurt my feelings.  “There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west...” sang Led Zeppelin.  I’m feeling the effects of the weather.  Or riding a motorcycle is a feeling like no other.  Even an old dreary song told us “feelings, nothing more than feelings....” and the list goes on.  We are a very feeling type society, doing things and making decisions based on how we feel, rather than what we need to do.  And in too many instances get our feelings hurt, hurling us into more less than desirable feelings.  It’s the events that prime the emotions that cause the feelings to either go our way or not.  Very rarely are your feelings hurt when you don’t get your way, how many times after making a statement that someone disagrees with do you have to ask “did I hurt your feelings?”  And yes our feelings will actually cause us to respond the other way, causing us to lie under the conditions, “you don’t care how I feel, do you?”  Feelin’ alright?
But feelings are fleeting, and can cause us problems making decisions.  I love that new bike, I can’t live without it, just months after you said about the same about the shiny one in your garage.  I used to love going into New York City as a teen, until I got mugged, now I hate the place.  So feelings can and do influence our decisions no matter how much we admit it.  And when emotions, or opinions get confused with the truth, you have a formula for disaster.  When my sons were growing up, I always told them “don’t make any big decision based on a high or low emotion.”  Like I do sometimes, and valuable lessons were learned when they did.  Maybe the words “I told you so” were invented for just such occasions, rousing up even more feelings.  How many divorces happen today because “I just don’t feel the same way about them anymore,” confusing love for an emotion.  Thanks to Tina Turner, another marriage disaster telling us “what’s love, but a second hand emotion?”  Still feelin’ alright?
But the Bible tells us that God is love, that he is more than an emotion, more that a feeling.  Another song title?  He is the person of Jesus Christ, and we are warned in scripture that the heart can be deceitful, and let us down, not to trust it.  So why do so many pulpit people tell us to trust our feelings?  And then wonder why when we do we need more counseling?  When God made us he made us a body, physical, a soul, the heart, where your feelings live, and of spirit, the part that cries out for salvation, and can only be fulfilled by Jesus.  But if it feels good do it, offers up another recipe for disaster, and in today’s world we have become so feelings dictated that free speech now means you can say what you want, as long as I agree with it.  So where is a person to turn?  Again to God, who via his spirit will guide you. 
Jesus was accused once of being harsh, and his answer was “have I made you my enemy by telling you the truth?”  Imagine if Jesus didn’t feel like going to the cross, remember it was his decision and his alone to go?  If he didn’t feel like forgiving Peter, if he didn’t feel like being crucified?  What if he acted on feelings instead of his spirit?  What would the gospels be like without him?  How do you feel now?  But his being love, remember he is God incarnate, his love for us knew no bounds, and he died for us so we could be reunited with his father in heaven.  So that like him we too will be resurrected upon our earthly death, and live forever with him.  Or without him if you many have been offended to hell, when they could have been offended to heaven by hearing the truth? 
A story today told of some teens calling some blacks the N word, and the blacks were offended, their feelings hurt.  Which started the politicians into action, writing more laws about hate speech.  Hey, these kids were just expressing their feelings...weren’t they?  Maybe if we quit writing laws, and start showing God’s love the actions may change, for the law kills, but the spirit brings life.  Nowhere was it mentioned in the article about forgiveness, just revenge with more laws.  Did either party here show greater love for their fellow man than to lay down their lives for them?  To get over it and move on?  But based on feelings, both parties are continuing a stupid process that will go on for way too long.  With more feelings than truth involved.  Didn’t Jesus tell a woman caught in sin “go and sin no more.  Get over it and move on.”  Stupid hurts, and soon becomes a lifestyle, and a curse for life.
So turn to Jesus, the spirit has been calling you to him, and yes it will effect your feelings, God calls them blessings, happinesses he wants to give you, and when we find love to be the person of Jesus Christ rather than just a feeling about a situation, or more than a religion, you will feel the peace and joy he brings.  Heaven calls, you don’t have to go to hell, now, feelin’ alright?  Knowing Jesus sure makes me feel better.....feelings and all.
love with compassion,