Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lee, Randy, motorcycles, and Jesus

Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God wants to bless us more than we can ask for or even imagine. And yesterday was one of those days. A day, that on the surface would appear sad, but to the heart was a tremendous blessing.
My friend Randy was buried yesterday. We had met when we were both part of a common motorcycle ministry. But unlike many who like to wear a back patch to show they are a Christian, Randy never needed one. And whenever we would meet, rather than ask for prayer, we just prayed. Never much for small talk, we were about God's business, and happy to be doing it. We got closer when this same ministry lost its integrity and allowed legalism and the spirit of Phairsees to dictate it. And he and I were both chastised by it for choosing Jesus over their rules. Not in sin, we just chose to walk with God rather than with an organization. And when he was hospitalized last year, I visited, and rather than bitterness towards not one of them who didn't visit, felt compassion for them. Missing a chance to walk their talk, they showed their true hearts. But Randy and I prayed for them, and still do, for people only care abut how much you know, when you show how much you care. Meekness God calls it, not reacting to them, but reacting in love. Loving them despite their sin. And we continue today to pray for them.
Randy would e-mail me encouragement from time to time, just a short note since we both dislike small talk. Gossip we called it. And the last note I got two weeks ago came at the right time, like they always seemed too. And seeing Cheryl, his wife yesterday glowing through the tears, reminded me of how we had been there for each other, and were friends. One that I will and do miss. And of course the service was all about Jesus, just as Randy's heart was. A blessing, far above all we could ask or imagine.
When Cheryl asked if I would be at the reception, I had to answer no. As I had other business. I was saying goodbye to another friend, who had stood by me in another way. I was selling my Scrambler, which was so easy to do, but difficult. A gift from God, I had wanted one when I first saw the prototype. Cool in a way that only Steve McQueen was, it was modeled after his 1964 ISDT bike, with the high pipes. Cool in any group, from Harleys to sport bikes, I had wanted one. And the day that Andrew and I went to OCT to buy a Bonneville black-I had decided to build one with Mickey like the MI3 bike, Todd came up to me, excited, they were trading for one. And if I wanted it, could have it for what they were offering the guy. Which I did, and in a way only God could orchestrate, the man was selling the Scrambler I desired, and buying a Tiger like I had. And for four years, and over 20,000 miles, wherever I rode, the smile was always there. God's blessings don't erode over the miles. But it was time to sell, and God sent the perfect new owner. And so after Randy's service, I was going to change the oil at Mick's, and deliver the bike to Kyle. A final 150 mile ride to say goodbye if you would. Remorsefully, I understood how some of the people on American Pickers felt when making the decision to part with something they had for awhile. We get sentimental, and sometimes it is hard to let go. But knew I was doing the right thing. It was Kyle's turn, and I know he will enjoy it. Let the blessings continue for him.
But the day wasn't quite over yet, as we had dinner with Theresa's dad and Ballerini and her family. And afterwards, Theresa went by and picked up a DVD of Lee's service. I have spoken many times, but watching myself for the first time I was amazed. I thought back to what Kerry Lynn had told me-it's one thing to read my devotions, but another to be written about. And as God's words for Ballerini and family flowed, I was mesmerized, and blessed by the love of God. Three times in one day I was able to see His good gifts, via two good friends who stood with Jesus in the tough times, and how our common denominator was Jesus. And how He used motorcycles to bring us all together.
Truly it is all about Jesus. And when you put Him first, before any club, church, ministry, or even a motorcycle, He blesses. Way beyond. My friends Lee and Randy know that first hand, they are there. But we still have work to do here. People to love, and show the love of Christ. Some who have only heard the message, but never were shown it. And to some who think a back patch with God's name on it makes you a minister of the gospel, it takes Jesus, and without Him, you are just feeding your flesh. Just like if I had kept the Scrambler for myself. The gospel is about Jesus-not us!
Sometimes you just have to move on, and I know Ballerini and Cheryl will. I pray that as they cling to God, the Pharisee types see the truth in them. As they continue to preach the gospel daily, only using words when needed. Love doing what no rules could do. Perhaps that is what makes my friends special. They care about others more than they do themselves. And is evident in the fact we all share Jesus!
Randy and Lee both fought the good fight. Cancer may have taken their lives, but couldn't take their souls. Together in heaven, pain free, cancer free, and religion free. Only Jesus-just like Randy used to say! On a day that should have brought sorrow, when placed in the hands of a living God brought joy. More than I could ever have hoped for or imagined.
love with compassion,