Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the news today will be the movies for tomorrow, part II

As a Christian, I hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Faith in God keeps us hopeful, but with Hollywood banging away on this false Mayan calendar prophecy, many have gone to the worst case scenario-rather than seek God. Not only is Mayan prophecy about end of the world not found in Mayan prophecy, it is extracted from a cyclical orbiting of the universe, extracted from their calendar, but it figures great to those who lie on the Internet, produce movies-Hollywood, and works right into the devil's plan to corrupt more souls. More lies, inaccuracies, and innuendos that many rush to believe-fortunately there are still those that cling to God.
Lies are nothing new-just go and look at new cars and duck the untruths that sound great, but deliver nothing. We are all fed up with political rhetoric, regardless of party, who all lie for their own good-while millions suffer because of their greed.
My unemployment benefits ran out over a month ago, so I have been watching the news for an extension. The unemployed today are different than any other time in history-we were making good money and our jobs went away, never to return. It is not like a factory closing, then reopening-jobs in finance, financing, professionals, and other high end jobs are gone. Leaving a class used to making $100,000+ now reduced to working for $9/hour at Wal-Mart, thereby displacing those who would have those jobs. Recently I sent my resume in for a job, and got a message back that I was one of 4,195,000 whose resumes are on file! So here I sit waiting by the phone for that call-that never arrives! So I decided to investigate-lesson one-those in power do not like to be asked questions. Aren't you glad God does!
I called the House Ways and Means Committee, they were listed as passing the latest bill. Not only was I greeted by a real person answering the phone, but told that it had been passed and Senate has had it for over two weeks. They referred me to my Senators-but then directed me to Sen. Harry Reid's office. Where surprise, a real voice answered the phone. And immediately began to blame the Republicans. I chastised her for bi-partisan politics, challenged her patriotism, and she said I should talk to Jon Kyl in Arizona, the senator who blocked it.
Another voice answered the phone explaining that the Democrats are the problem. When I chastised her, she explained how the system works. Harry Reid called for a floor vote-all present must unanimously pass, or it goes to committee. And they called a vote only one hour after drafting it. So Kyl voted negative, so they could read it! While we all starve, by the way.
Today I learn that the reason he vetoed the bill was because it was not only for UI Extension Benefits, but also the wily Dems wanted to give more money to ACORN-the ones under investigation by the Federal and many state governments. They tried to pull a fast one, and the Dems got busted. That is why they are again blasting the Republicans.
While people starve. And lose their homes. Aren't you glad God's form of government-grace, a loving, benevolent despot takes care of us? He knows our needs, and meets them when we obey. Without obedience how do we know what to do? We need to either trust God-or the government? Who do you have faith in? Whose world do you see coming to an end? Remember God's people will be gone when the worst seven years of tribulation ever to visit earth happen. Believe Him now, and miss it. Or hang around, and watch while people follow the Mayan philosophies-by the way, where are the Mayans today? Ask Nostradamus-by the way where is he today? Or you can trust the Bible-never wrong, always right-and inspired by God.
Jesus said as in the days of Noah, and with rampant homosexuals, lying not being a crime, the wrong is right, and right is wrong, and then add pestilence, crime, and religious prejudice toward Christians, the time is right for the rapture. Maranatha! In Greek-rejoice Christ is coming soon! And I hope your faith is in Him. If not, I will be happy to give you the numbers to your representatives in Congress. A partisan truth mixed with party politics. More of the same.
Jesus Christ! Alive and well. What a movie His life would make! And imagine the tribulation from Revelation's perspective on the screen! Left Behind! Nah, who would believe it? Don't wait for the movie-read the book now, while you can. The Bible-still a best seller!
love with compassion,