Friday, April 20, 2012

tom swift and the holy spirit

After a successful series almost 100 years ago, it was only natural, and profitable that the Tom Swift series be followed up 50 years later with Tom Swift, Jr. Tom, who was the hero of many adolescents, was the 18 year old son of Tom Swift, Sr, a renowned world scientist. Tom was well known also, and had invented such wonders as the Sky Queen, the Damonscope, and other devices to aid in the cold war against communism. A man for all seasons, in Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter, while inventing the seacopter, a submarine with wheels that could go miles beneath the ocean, he found the lost continent of Atlantis, built a second seacopter after the first one leaked, fought off spies from Brugaria, communicated with an alien spaceship, and then rescued it when it crashed into the ocean. All in 212 pages, with time left to eat his Mom's famous meals, drive his sport scar, and date his girl friend Phyl. And along with his best friend Bud, still have time for extra curricular activities-far beyond those of mortal men.
So when I saw two of his books at an antique shop, and negotiated with the owner, we talked Tom. She loved the stories too, and had always wanted to go for a date with Bud in his fire engine red convertible, but had little chance since he dated Tom's sister Sandy. And we talked about how the books had fueled our teen imaginations, and left us looking forward to the next book in the series. She was refreshing to talk with, as others I have met in this regard only critique, and never enjoy Tom and his escapades. They belittle the books on technical issues, and other issues such as grammar, sentences, plot, and either too much or too little imagination. And being a writer, I get it. I don't like it, but I get it. Read the book as it was intended. Critics I don't need.
More critics I don't need. But under the influence of friends who read my devotions, I responded last year to an add for a Christian writers seminar. But never got a response. Although I did hear from God. Who questioned why I would go to one, particularly on a Saturday when I should be riding. He asked two question-"Why would I need another editor when I have Him?" True, I write to God, and if He likes it, then I send it out. Personally I have written some I liked, but got turned down by God. His second question was "and do you need a better publisher than Me?" You see what you are reading is read on six continents, translated into Russian for a homeless street kid motorcycle ministry, distributed to the troops overseas by the chaplaincies, and used in prisons to introduce Jesus to those who aren't saved, and to aid in Bible studies. Amazing the places God takes you when you let Him. So both answers were no, and God gave me more insight. And reminded me of how He will supply my needs, not by writing. My last check from sales of my book, Are We There Yet, was 86 cents. I am definitely not in this for fame, fortune, or recognition. And have turned down secular writing assignments because my editor advised me to. Him I trust, but that doesn't mean I don't get tempted, sometimes.
So to those of you who are my harshest critics, I listen, then pass the advice on to my editor. When offered distribution lists to further advance my coverage, I talk with my publisher. You see, He is also my business manager, my personal trainer, and my best friend. And He can be yours too. You don't need to go through me to get to God. Trust Jesus. For God has ways that even young Tom would never imagine. And God has sent Jesus so you can get to Him. If you are reading this now, it is because He wanted you too. I hope you are blessed.
Critics I don't need. And if you don't like that, take it up with my editor. But please, never stop praying for me. Or those that God directs to me. He is still in control. A fact that I hope Tom finds someday. For unlike Steve Jobs who denied God, I would like to read about Tom Swift and His Quest for Jesus. I can see it now, two friends riding on a nice Saturday, instead of being cooped up inside. When one gets a message telling Him to seek God first. To go to a house on the street called Straight, and a man will tend to you. We can call him Paul, and watch as changes his life. And how he becomes a writer, and ....
I guess that one has been used already. And as always, truth is better than fiction. Try out God's book today. Still the best seller. Tell Him Mike sent ya, He'll know who.
Now back to Tom. When we last left him he was wrecked at sea. Water was pouring in, and they had no hope. Ever feel that way? Let me tell you about Jesus...
love with compassion,