Monday, August 2, 2010

pride of ownership

We got to spend the Fourth of July in Quakertown, Pennsylvania this year, at their annual Community Celebration Day. What a day! Starting with an old car show, then various games, a great food court-local homemade food is still the best, getting wet from the fire hoses during the Volunteer Fire Department competitions, watching the local baseball team play-we may have been the only ones there not related to the players, and finally listening to the community band play patriotic songs, ending with the the Star Spangled Banner, then the fireworks, it was a great day. And reminded us of how great it is in America, and to be an American.
I loved the old car show. To many, they are just old cars. but this show was different. We are used to the over restored, or over stated cars in So Cal-trailer queens not driven, or old cars with 22" rims-just like they didn't come from the factory-yuk. But this show-limited to the first 350 cars, was different. There were many local cars, cars driven on special days like this, and at least a dozen cars, still original, and still belonging to the same family. Local cars with histories, and stories to tell, from the 30's into the 70's. The oldest, a 1930 Chevrolet, was still driven regularly. And as you admired these cars, I love the smell in old cars, you could almost feel the memories in them. These were the first new car bought after getting married, the one you went to the prom in, the one that slept in the garage, while the new cars sat outside in the rain, and the one kept in the garage while its owner was in the service. And in many cases, then was passed down to the next generation. Respectfully. Many times, with the new owner/family member knowing the histories, and stories that went with it-but when their name appeared on the pink slip, giving them a whole new sense of history-now they were part of it-going from spectator to participant, and soon will be adding their own stories to it. A pride of ownership when their name was on the title. And giving them a special entrance into the past, via their future.
Andrew and Lauren got engaged this weekend, and we went with them to get their rings. And how exciting it is to watch as they go from boyfriend/girlfriend to man and wife. And as she becomes part of our family, she will get to know more of the stories, and they will start their own to share with others. But as they go from boyfriend/girlfriend, their relationship changes, and they will enjoy the benefits of the commitment they made to each other, and just like the latest generation taking over the ownership of the car, they now belong to each other. And when their names appear on the license, for any and all to see-it will bring an extra excitement. With ownership brings a responsibility to each other, one they will get to honor and obey. No more my girlfriend, or fiancé, but his wife. The two becoming one.
To those of us who are saved, we also realize the intimacy of knowing Jesus Christ personally. We are part of the family of God, no longer strangers, but friends, as Jesus calls us. We get full access to heaven, and all that goes with it. Suddenly prayer is important, we love talking to God and we can understand the Bible. And actually enjoy reading it! Fellow Christians become brothers and sisters, we look forward to going to church, and we can fall asleep each night fully assured our names are in the Book of Life-and we are going to heaven.
But many just attend church, or maybe even join a membership role, and never enjoy being part of the family. Like the car,they never get ownership of the car, so never fully enjoy it, and are restricted to just being a spectator. Just looking in the windows, instead of riding in it and looking out. They never get the joy of being a man and wife-just living together, not enjoying the benefits, or security it brings in knowing I belong to someone, and under estimating the joy it brings.
Change your direction today-take ownership. Sit behind the wheel. Know the joy of seeing your name on the title. Know the joy of introducing that special partner as your husband or wife. Grow together as one, til death do you part. But don't neglect your time spent with God. Make the most of it by letting Him into your heart today. And someday when we all get to heaven, will enjoy a wedding feast indescribable.
And let the memories of your holidays be filled with fireworks form the precious memories God has waiting for you-and not just on the Fourth. Independence Day-the day you let Jesus Christ into your life-and into your marriage and into your car.
love with compassion,