Thursday, August 30, 2018

time not well spent

An old tech Bill worked for us at Mercedes Benz.  Retired but working to supplement his social security, we got talking about how fuel injection changed the world of autos.  Once thought to be a hocus pocus, he had actually attended school in 1957 with Chevrolet, and brought in his old lesson books to prove it.  A far cry from the computer controlled systems of today, the basic premise was the same, control the flow of air and fuel to the motor.  Mechanical in nature, not electric at the time, it was problematic, expensive, and a rare option.  Of course today any fuelie 1957 Chevy is worth more, back then just a mechanic’s headache.  Today you just plug it into a laptop and software guides how you want the power to go and where.  Maybe the hocus pocus part as we cannot see electric current, but feel it when we mess up.  OUCH!  Yet without the spark to ignite the fuel and air, nothing happens.  How many remember the auto shop teacher dropping a lit match into a bucket of gas and nothing happened?  No air, but when mixed with it, BOOM!  Do not try this at home.
Twenty years ago when involved in off road racing, Chevy was introducing fuel injection to the Trophy Truck race teams.  A group of race team owners and race preppers sat and watched as a man sitting miles away could change the engine mapping, adding power or fuel economy based on the setting. We were all amazed, and at first thought about the power, remember the one horsepower per cubic inch Chevy ad in 1957, but here it was for fuel economy.  Even a half a mile increase meant another 50 miles per tank and one less pit stop, the difference between winning and second place.  Today that technology is applied to all cars and most motorcycles, my 2017 Triumph T120 getting over 50 mpg consistently, and no one ever accused me of a light hand. Allowing the maker to use a smaller tank and still have the same mileage range. On the Speed and Street Triples using the track and sport modes, even more power and precision is noted.  All going on with just a twist of the wrist, and without being seen.  But technology and progress were met with some resistance....
It seems the old guys at the time didn’t like fuel injection.  Too complicated, they complained, as they would spend hours trying to dial in a carb, and never get it right.  Requiring rebuilding and track time to see if they got it, one click too much on a crew and it was more testing.  Yet fuel injection is pretty much set it and forget it.  Check the latest software, and off you go.  Tunable even for using regular fuel where you used to have to use 100+ octane.  And with more power!  Which translates to more speed...and you get the point.  But yet the old guys fiddle and complain while messing with a carb.  It seems the more things change the more things stay the same.  Technology like prosperity is a good thing, sometimes it just goes on too long. 
Many an older Christian may be the same way.  We fall back on our first teachings when saved, and many got religion when they needed Jesus.  The group I pastor is diverse, from Catholic, to JW, to Protestant, to Jewish.  But we all have one thing in common, Jesus Christ, so rather than bash a denomination, they do fine doing that themselves, we make it all about Jesus.  Keeping the main thing, him, the main thing.  Yet some issues will come up, so we go back to the Word for the truth, it never changes, it changes us.  Or it tries.  We leave it in God’s hands and he does a great job.  We have come together in a spirit of unity in Jesus Christ, not bonded by common belief, but by belief in him.  We let him be Lord, leaving it up to him, trying not to interfere.  But he is forgiving when we do, and we carry on, trying not to look back.  You see we cannot see the spirit of the Lord who guides us, but we know he is there.  More than a feeling, he is ever present, ever lasting, and loving.  Much like fuel injection, he gives us the power we need when we need it and in the right amount.  Meekness God calls it, power under control.  Yet some constantly are referring to their Bible study book of the week, looking for a better way to pray, minister, and live a Christian life.  It is all about them, and when confronted can quote scripture, but fail in believing it and living it.  The same ones quick to judge us, so maybe when we fall short of their theology, we need to remind them we won’t judge you if you quit twisting scripture for your own purposes.  A lesson for all.  And the spirit keeps on keeping on despite us.
If faith is the substance of things believed but not seen, trust comes from the seeing.  From God’s answers to our prayers, to his loving intervention when we need it.  He calls it love, and we need more of it.  But how do we get dialed in, God is not a computer or a how to book?  Not a software program with updates.  It takes us trusting the same spirit that told us we need Jesus to be with us everyday.  Who never sleeps or slumbers when we do.  Who doesn’t need to be tuned or adjusted. Just who we need when we twist the throttle, he is the truth, no opinions needed.  And like fuel injection, he works for Chevy as he does for Ford as he does for BMW.  It is left up to the nut behind the wheel to provide the desire via the throttle, the rest is up to him.  Which is why cars no longer need tune ups, that is what the computer does, just like the spirit does to us.  So many times we don’t realize it is happening, being in tune with Jesus. 
So quit fiddling with the old carb style religion, when  you can have all of Jesus.  Tune in today and be tuned up forever.  Spend time with him instead of with opinions.  You will find the time well spent with him is much better than the time not well spent without him.  We all have the same opportunity to be set free, only those who choose to walk in the spirit truly are.  The things which are seen are temporal, the things not seen eternal.  Jesus Christ, dialed in from the beginning.  May the Quadrajet religion remain in the past forever.  Or in words we all can understand, you could be riding. 
love with compassion,