Friday, November 4, 2011

the seasons of love, part 5-death

Two years ago I was in two motorcycle accidents in one year, I was hit twice, neither one my fault. And a well meaning friend was curious if God was trying to tell me something by my accidents? Like give up riding, because it is dangerous. So while visions of careless women on cell phones, drinking lattes while they should be driving, and under the influence of children flashed before me-a daily event for those who ride and try to dodge them, I simply answered, "yes He did. He reminded me of how some women should not be allowed to drive cars." Which is the truth, one had turned in front of me without looking, then yelled at me while I was pinned under her car, and the other woman had a suspended license. She hit me when I was right in front of her! Not the theological answer he was pursuing, but truth none the less.
After church one Sunday morning, a man saw my Triumph shirt and started telling me he had an older Bonneville. He loved to ride, but his wife wouldn't let him. My first thought was how can a man with such great taste in motorcycles have such bad taste in women? Then I met her, very attractive-until she opened her mouth. He introduced me to her, saying I rode, and then she proceeded to tell me how dangerous motorcycles were, and how as a Physician's Assistant she had seen too many riders who were seriously injured. That was it-she was going down-40 years of stupid "motorcycles are dangerous" comments were coming to an end that day. I even tried to lighten the tone of the conversation, by telling her how I used to be in the medical field, I used to be a patient. But this not quite a doctor just stared. So I told her, "I'm really glad to meet you, because I have a medical question." Now she was interested. "I have had four friends in the past two months die in their sleep. I would think that this makes sleep a very dangerous thing to do? Is it safe for me to go to sleep tonight?" Her silent glare told me more than any words, before she grabbed her husband and stormed off. Him smiling, hers, a little less than any smile I've ever seen.
Now Frank and I have discussed how we are not afraid to die, but not quite sure about the process. But sleep? If we had a choice of how to die, which we don't, isn't that the number 1 preferred choice? But sadly, although sleep may be the process, it is the where you land after death that is more important-more important than how.
Two thieves were crucified with Jesus. One turned to Him, and repented. Jesus assured Him that He would see him in paradise that night. He had avoided hell by accepting Jesus-right now was the closest to hell he would ever get. But the other thief denied Jesus. And although just a few feet from him, this was the closest to heaven that he would ever get. Same question, same Jesus. Different answers. One man's answer condemned himself, the other man's answer saved him.
Death is a one way door-forever. No handle on that door from the inside to escape. think about that before you fall asleep tonight. You have no promise of tomorrow. But Christians do-we have the promise of heaven, so if we die before we wake, we know that we will wake up with Jesus. Think of that before you fall asleep tonight, just might change the way you pray, or start you to praying. Jesus is the way to heaven. And He doesn't send you to hell-He died so you don't have to go. Your answer should be obvious-but it is still your answer. Will you trust Jesus with your life?
God has given those of us who ride a passion for it. I don't wish to drive around in some vinyl lined, econo-box death trap thinking I am safe. That ain't life. Life is for the living, and how I live is up to me, how I die is up to God. I cannot choose the time, the place,or the method. Timothy tells us to fight the good fight, to keep the faith, and have a good conscience. Good Godly advice. Works whether riding or sleeping. So don't let the sun go down on your anger, or your fears either. Or your ignorance. Trust God. For a good night's sleep and all the rest. And if you happen to be in the medical field, I pray that you rest peacefully. Sleep can be a dangerous thing. I bet she never realized how safe riding a motorcycle really was? I hope next time she is offered a ride she accepts, and see what freedom in Christ is all about.
Good night.
love with compassion,