Friday, November 11, 2011

cars-I don't get it, how do you ride in them?

Theresa and I are taking a short overnighter today. It is supposed to rain, and rather than fight LA traffic on two wheels, we are going in her car. Which is a novelty of sorts for us, for we don't go many places in the car. Some won't even ride in one with me-I am told I drive like I ride, not true-I have never lane split in a car. Tempted-yes, done it-no. So I am in a completely different mind set this morning. A foreign one, where I have to make different decisions-I hope I make the right ones.
First off-I don't care if it rains or not. I'll be in a cage, it won't matter. But I hope it doesn't for all my brothers who ride today-and may get wet. Second-I have to pick a few CD's to take with me-I'll have sound, not just the beautiful music of my motorcycle. Maybe if I pretend I'm on a Wing it won't be so bad. Third-packing is different. I have lots of room, and although it is only one night, I can already tell things laid out that wouldn't go if we were riding. Just because you have extra room do you have to use it?
Fourth-I will dress different, even in my choice of shirts-still a t-shirt, no collars, please. Fifth-When we stop at various motorcycle shops, I will be an outsider at first. But after talking hopefully they will see that I am one of them. And be accepted. And when I am in my friend's shops, I will be subject to the same harassment I give others when in a cage-I hope they don't enjoy it too much-remember, you too may have to leave your preferred mode of transportation home some day-and take a car! I will be waiting! Sixth-We will have to say yes to certain items when shopping. Where before we had a built in safety zone-we can't buy it and take it with us, now we have room. Hopefully a serious lack of funds will deter us from otherwise sound decisions.
Seventh-Theresa and I will have to talk to each other. Not just by hand signals, or while eating or fueling, but actually have conversations while driving. Almost like when the kids left the house and it was just the two of you-but we'll endure. Probably talk about how bored we are, and how we wish we were riding. It is so nice when your best friend is your wife-and rides. Her own bike! Eighth-I had to fill the car yesterday-and even at Costco prices it was over $40! That's two fillups on the Tiger, and three on the Bonneville. Plus less miles per gallon. This car thing can be expensive-and life changing! Hopefully it is a passing fad!
Lastly I know I will still wave when passing a bike-reflex I guess. And we will both laugh. And wish we were riding, because of the brotherhood and the freedom. The only solace I find is that if it pours, I will be in my Ford Mustang rain suit, an umbrella with four wheels and a roof. I will be a stranger in a familiar land-so be warned. And please pray.
I have a habit of noticing new people at church. And instinctively go over and meet them. I want them to feel welcome, and come back. To feel free to be themselves, to worship freely, and enjoy the time with Jesus. But so often we greet them like they are in a cage. We don't approach them-warning-new person approaching. But even worse, they get greeted like a biker-bigger warning, stay away! Those types should be in a cage! And both instances are wrong. Welcome strangers! You were one once, and I have been told there is no one stranger than me. A comforting thought for you-I still wonder how much is a brag and how much is fact.
If you can't ride, at least show the love and freedom of being a rider to others. If a Christian, and we don't know you, please don't avoid us. Be brave, come over and introduce yourself. We would like to meet you and fellowship with you. And if you ride, then it's really cool. For Jesus, Theresa, and motorcycles just don't get any cooler. God's love doesn't lessen for us when we are forced to drive instead of ride, work through the adversity and rise above the cage! Wave to others, smile-no bugs in your teeth behind a windshield, and spend the time getting to know your best friend in a strange situation.
And pray for sunshine! One day at a time should not have to mean cars!
Well, which is it? Prayer or warning? Maybe we just need to go for a ride-too many decisions to make when not riding. Or when not riding with Jesus. So please, never stop praying for us. For behind every rain cloud shines a brilliant sun, and in your heart a brilliant Son, our friend Jesus.
love with compassion,