Monday, May 7, 2012

I still wave at trains, part 2

I always look forward to the first weekend in May because it is time for the ATHS Truck Show. But this weekend I really needed the break. Andrew had been to the ER three times, I had a torn muscle in my back, we were exhausted, and my father died on Saturday. Then I got a phone call Saturday afternoon, telling me the service was on Tuesday, in Jersey, leaving me no time to get back. Excluding me from any involvement. This after earlier in the week being told by my mother she wanted NO service, and would wait to intur his ashes until we came back this summer. But I could send flowers. And then my mother accosted me on the phone Sunday, cursing me and God, and telling me she was cutting me out of the will-because I was hurt because I was told not to come visit him during his illness. Also keeping my sons from seeing their grandfather. And being skillfully not invited to his service. I have the e-mail. So I needed the truck show! Which is again being held at the Perris Railway Museum, which has real trains, in a county like setting. And this year, Kelly and Theresa would be bringing the kids along, and Landon was bringing his Thomas the Train toy to say hi to the train.
As we rode into Temecula, the traffic suddenly halted ahead, and we saw 40 motorcycles on the side of the road. A semi was doing a sweep blocking off traffic, and then blocked two lanes, protecting the bikers. We stopped to assist, and saw a Soldiers for Jesus patch holder praying with the downed biker, he was OK, his bike was unridable. After the events of the past day, it was refreshing to see total strangers bound together in a common cause, not caring about specifics, just dealing with the problem. Legacy Vets, Viet Nam Vets, and others-more concerned about the safety of one of their own than any politics.
But God knew my heart, and what I needed that day, and had a big surprise for me. When we arrived the train was just pulling out, and Landon got to see it close up. As we walked the truck show, BIG trucks and some cool restored and unrestored trucks, it got time for the kids to ride the train. As Theresa and Kelly sat in the passenger car with the kids, not knowing what was about to go on, we took pictures, then sat to watch. When suddenly the engineer called from the cabin, "Hey do want to ride the train? Come on up into the cab!" If he asked twice, I don't remember, as I was up the ladder and in the cab so fast. Theresa too. And as it pulled out, I was waving at the people-from the train! A smile so big it brought tears. A gift from my heavenly Father, knowing just what I needed, and when. Reminding me how much He cared. My thanks to Ken Schwartz, engineer and superintendent for his great offer. He will never know how much it meant to us. But he wasn't done-or was I. He had me sit in his seat, and I drove the train for about 1 1/2 miles on this short line! And then brought it to a stop. And then when we told them about the kids, he had them come up and sit in his seat, and blow the whistle! Mike had driven the train on their first train ride! An afternoon I will never forget.
For God so loved the world, He gave His only son-Jesus. And gives us life abundantly. Out of the ashes we rise...there is no one like Him! Or His love! Jesus saves-not by words, or by deeds, but by a change of heart-faith He calls it. He also calms and loves the hurting, which I was. Trust Him today. Is it OK to say that that afternoon His train filled my temple?
Over the past week I have ridden anything from a 165hp Ducati, to a Street Triple to a Tiger Explorer. And driven a train. 110 hp to thousands of horsepower. Can you say that? I can! And I even kept it on the track, at speeds up to 14mph! The train, not the bikes. Thanks Lord, for your special care. Not a bad week.
Oh, and please pray for my sister. Reread her words of the note she sent out on my mailing list-you guys. And see I never called her horrible. Reread mine. A prayer request. All lies are based on truth, God knows. Write to my Mother too. She needs love. But pray first. And pray for us too. That the work that God has called us to goes on. As for the quote she stated my father said, "paper will stand still for anything," the only Google items I could find it quoted on was relating to a modern Christianity teaching, that Jesus wasn't God, didn't know who He was, and never was resurrected. Not my kind of Christianity, or truth. Not THE truth. Another lie. Be careful who you quote. God's word will last forever.
No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace. The truth has set me free-I hope it did my dad. I hope someday it does my mother and sister. No airing of family problems, just praying like God instructs us to do-for the lost and dying. Who loved his dad very much, and never got to visit or say goodbye.
love with compassion,