Thursday, February 23, 2012

the failure of success

It is a rare event when someone sets out to be a failure. Even mediocrity is considered failure in our society, so what truly is the meaning of success? Selling millions of records? Filling stadiums for concerts? Having your own amusement park? How about the best table at Arby's? You see success can mean many things to many people, but it also comes with a price, a price that may not show up at the time of initial success, but invariably will show up someday. A bill that comes due, and it never comes at the right time.
Did you know that Michael Jackson died over $400 million in debt? That his personal spending habits were some $30 million per year? But in death, his estate is now worth over $1 billion? Where are the MBA courses on that? Where is the work hard, amass millions, and then die for others to enjoy them course? Did you know that Whitney Houston sold over 170,000,000 million albums and singles, and at one time was worth $100 million, but died in debt? And as the mourners and the fans lined up to say good bye, to worship them one more time, what kind of example did they leave to them? Is that the encore performance you desire? Why would we want to be like them? If money buys happiness, why were they hooked on prescription drugs? Why is everyone who came in contact with them now enduring their life being compromised, along with their values? Is this entertainment? Maybe if they had only charged another $5 per CD, or another $100 per show they would have been happy-or at least happier! Sadly it takes no financial talents to make money, but to keep it and not lose it does. Yet the King of Pop, and St. Whitney went to the grave miserable, in debt, and leaving a legacy for others not to follow. Not a new story, for drugs and death are not new to fame and fortune-it just will never happen to me. Money with no values=nothing. And when you die, you leave the same amount as the poor man-everything! Even the Kardashians can't keep up with that.
I watched as they interviewed a lineman in the NFL. The football entertainment league. He was paid millions to tackle people, obviously a talent lost on many others, and when asked how he felt about $5/gallon gas, said he thought it was a great deal. The guy that filled his Land Rover now was charging him $50! Maybe this is why so many after leaving professional sports, or are one hit wonders go on to being broke. The exception to the rule is Wayne Rogers, aka Trapper John on M*A*S*H. He quit the show because it was costing him money, he is an investor and one of the richest men in Hollywood-notice he is not in show business anymore. If only Michael or Whitney had talked to him first. But would they have listened?
Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon, the smartest man who ever lived. When God asked him what he wanted, he said wisdom. And it showed-when he used it. But Ecclesiastes is written when he wasn't walking with God, and shows how empty a life with riches but no Jesus really is. Sex is good-how about 700 wives, and 300 concubines? Fame-how about parks, memorials, and buildings named after you? You think South fork was big, his ranch was a nation unto itself. And like Michael, Whitney, and so many others, when he died he left it behind-for others to enjoy. To some who did nothing to earn it, but now enjoy the benefits of their life, and their death. And you need to ask yourself-what are you working for? What will you leave behind? What is the legacy I am leaving my kids? What did I teach them about values? Or was it valuables?
The rich man never has enough-which is why Trump and Buffett continue to wheel and deal past their retirement ages? What can they personally need that they don't already have? Will one more monument bring success? What happens when something, or someone is their God, and it isn't Jesus? Maybe that is why God tells us blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. A new heaven and a new earth-coming soon courtesy of God. Where there is no pain, suffering, day trading, record deals, monuments, managers, drugs, or anything else between us and God. Just like He wants now, as stated in the Lord's prayer-"on earth as it is heaven." Can we say that now-God, your will be done? Thy kingdom come? On earth, just like in heaven? Why did the apostles ask Jesus how to pray, rather than how to make money? How to build a business? How to organize a book tour? How do we do a telethon to raise money? And you thought it was safe within the church-sadly the church invited the world in-shut the doors, and won't let it out!
Turn to Jesus today. Tomorrow is promised to no man, or woman. Michael didn't wake up and say "I think I'll die today." Whitney wasn't looking forward to death. So let me ask you, do you trust God enough that you are? Is heaven calling, and you can't wait to go? Or are you looking for that one last deal, last meeting, last new car, or job promotion before dying? What you leave behind will tell us more about the values you had while alive. Let the only debt you leave behind the legacy of who Jesus Christ is in your life. The most valuable thing you can pass onto your friends and fans.
My God is alive, and well, and resurrected! Is yours?
love with compassion,