Thursday, March 1, 2012

...with powers and abilities far above mortal men...

When Sue Perman, a secretary for the editor at a large metropolitan newspaper, was asked about her boss's schedule, she replied, " I plan it daily." Upon being asked which date boot camp reminded him of, the young man replied after some thought, "March forth." Just some bad puns to get you going this March morning, that here is starting out like a lion, and by lunch time hopefully has turned into a lamb. There are many old sayings, old wives tales, or traditions that we live by, sometimes without knowing it. It is hard to find someone who claims not to be superstitious, yet we all have our own beliefs or opinions in all matters. And "I don't care" counts as an opinion-so don't go there.
Growing up in the 60's I remember when long hair was going to be a curse on America. In the 70's it was disco(some truth in that one), and in the 80's it was all about me. Did that mean that if we all got together it was all about us? No one ever asked me. And in the 90's I was too busy raising kids, so I'm not sure what was going on. Under the influence of children is my plea, and I'm sticking to it. Been there, done that, have the bruises to prove it. The t-shirts are long gone. I learned that is why you have kids while you are young. And if they ever leave the house, there is a special time after for you and your wife-your time. Sometimes even referred to as our time, if the two battle scarred make it through, and still are able to do things together.
Thankfully we did, but at one time I read how the 40's were a major cause of divorce. A time that after the kids were gone, you two had to actually have a two way conversation, and it took awhile to talk without interruptions, arguments, and insults being hurled your way. Thankfully the five years when your kids were between 15-20, when you were the stupidest people on earth has passed, and the two of you can reunite in love. Compare wounds, go over any notes about key battles, and go onto "your" time in your life-as long as you agree with each other. A special time when your career has reached its potential, you have a little money to do the things you want, and now have the time. Just like you planned it. And so we did for a few years, actually they may have been the best years of our lives, and then I got laid off. Like is so prevalent today, it doesn't matter at what level, who you work for, or how long, no one is immune from it. And at that point, all your plans change, it is harder to find work, the kids may have to move back in, and the future that seemed bright at one time, now only shows dark on the horizon. It would take Sue Perman and her ability to plan it daily to get your life back to where it should be.
I have asked men who are out of work a revealing question. "Do you miss the job or the paycheck?" I cannot remember anyone who missed the job. It is all about the paycheck, "so we can meet our needs," I am told. God tells a different version, and even the strongest of Christians forget it when they are faced with no income. His version is He supplies all your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. It is not all about us, but all about Jesus! So...why not ask Him what He wants you to do, instead of going instantly into worry? He knows your needs, and your desires, so why not turn to Him? Go out and minister to others in need. Stop by the church to see what things need to be done, and seek God 100%-maybe for the first time ever. Unlike the advice I read today, that if you are unemployed you should spend 35-40 a week in job searching and preparation, seek God first. He knows much better than you, or some worldly commentator. He knows what lies ahead, and when He says He knows the plans He has for you, they include HIM! How can you fail if you side with God? Isn't that super, man!
And for the past four years that has been my testimony. I have no other choice, but it always isn't easy. Seems everyone knows how to run my life better-sound familiar? And you may have to change your lifestyle, as God changes your life. Actually you get to. But now I get rewards via blessings that far outweigh any paycheck or reward I ever earned while working-I am in God's will, and because I seek Him first, I have a peace that surpasses understanding. While He meets my needs in ways I never could imagine. Ways not learned in school-unless it was Sunday School. And while to some I may appear careless-especially to those who misquote scripture-it says if who won't work, not don't work, holier than thou one-instantly seeing things through the eyes of the world, but I am really care free, for I have cast them on the one who careth for me. And He takes care of my needs according to HIS riches, not my feeble savings. Or embarrassing income.
So don't wait for unemployment or other disaster to start to follow God. Do it today, avoid the panic and rush later. It works. See above. So I will leave you with a question for all you Bible students. And those who claim to know it all. "Who were the first three who left the tomb when Jesus told Lazarus to come 4th?" Think about that one a minute, I even stumped Ray one night. And we both laughed. Be secure in knowing that to God you have always come first-can we say the same about Him?
Look up in the's a's a plane... it's...time to look up to God!
love with compassion,