Thursday, October 23, 2014

wanna be rich?

No one sets out in life to be poor.  No one sets out in life to become mediocre.  No one I have ever met is average.  But yet we are placed in categories in life based on wealth, job titles, what we drive, and where  we live.  Add in Zip Code, where you vacation, and who you know and there are still more categories to claim you.  So we all set out with dreams of making money, of having the corner office, and of driving a Mercedes Benz.  We want to eat steak, vacation in Cancun, and shop at Nordstrom’s.  We want to have the best seats at a concert, be recognized for all we have done, and retire early, yet we miss the real rewards in life.  If only I get that promotion, if only the loan comes through, if only my co-worker slips up and I can get his office.  If only my boss sees how he company cannot run without me.  If only my raise comes through and they really pay me what I am worth.  If only I am made a partner in the firm, then I will be successful.  if only I can lose 20 pounds so I fit into my bikini on vacation, and the list goes on.  Not so much bad dreams and desires, but they are all predicated on the fact that as my outer man prospers, so does my inner man.  It never works that way, as I have known men who get up each morning and check their net worth.  Men whose name opens doors by just mentioning it.  Men who have achieved fame and fortune, who have lived their dreams, who get paid for their autograph.  And I know many who are miserable.  The old story goes about a businessman on his death bed, no one ever heard him wish to make one more deal, make one more paycheck, to buy one more sports car.  But yet they tell of wishing they had spent more time with their families.  That they had taken care of their health.  That they had eaten better, not better.  They worry about how much they leave, and who will get it, and fight over it.  Who will take care of my family, because I never did.  I was busy earning while they were busy spending.  What  kind of legacy will I leave them?  Who will come to my funeral, and how much will I really be missed? 
Jesus tells us that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than the rich to inherit the kingdom of God.  Not that rich people don’t, anyone who has more money than me is rich, anyone who has less is poor.  Yet we find those who have much and don’t share it are miserable.  Jesus also tells us the poor will always be among us, and working with the poor I can see that to be true.  But your FICO score or fancy car doesn’t make you rich, but it can make you poor.  Remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus, who stepped over Lazarus every day on his way?  His riches didn’t make him rich, but his attitude to the poor and needy made him poor.  Yet we find Lazarus in heaven, the rich man in hell, the difference being God in their lives.  Ken tells me I have it easy, try telling someone who has six cars, two homes, and a rich retirement they need Jesus.  Yet we don’t know their hearts, only Jesus does, and he sees what we cannot see, and also what we won’t see. 
A friend of mine, Kevin led the National League in homeruns one year.  He was in Game 6 with the Mets.  He was an All Star, and made millions.  Yet he has cried in my arms, because his daughter is on drugs, and he doesn’t know what to do.  He is lost, seeking God, and finding comfort cannot be found in fame or fortune.  Another old friend was a major hitter in the collector car market.  He even had a fish sticker in his office, helped the poor, and hired a man who had AIDS.  He had compassion, yet he didn’t know Jesus.  He went to church, tithed faithfully, yet it wasn’t personal.  So when I asked him to pray, he was surprised, shocked, and taken aback.  Yet when we did, I left him with tears in his eyes.  So close yet so far.  And yet another man when being transferred, and not particularly well liked was given a token going away party, he was saddened.  No one liked him, he was going to a better position with more pay, and many were glad to see him go.  After the party I went by his office, and found him alone.  Looking up he asked if I came to say goodbye, I told him no, can I pray with you?  And he let my surprise, and when I left he was bawling.   You see we never see the inner man, and we so cleverly hide or camoflage the outer one, but in each case something was missing-Jesus. 
I minster to a man named Michael, who has many problems.  He has been told he is a schizo, a homo, not loved, not wanted, and medicated for his own protection.  Yet God has put him on my heart, and we have become friends.  I have stuck with him when no one else has, and loved him when he was unlovable.  He lives on $850 a month, leaving $200 for food and necessities.  I have and had nothing to offer him but love, and because of that he is changing.  He is participating in Bible studies, cleaning up his act, and he is a different person.  Nothing I did but love him, it was and is Jesus who is changing his life.  Not me.  He now greets me with hugs, and tells me how much he loves me, and wants to please God.  He is richer than many for Jesus is his wealth.  And he gives me things to put in the offering, buttons and pennies.  And he gives to others, where before he could only survive.  Jesus Christ changed his life, and he is rich in him.  Things that may not show on a balance sheet, but things that matter to God. 
Now being rich doesn’t guarantee hell, jut like poor doesn’t guarantee heaven.  Jesus makes the difference, and only Jesus.  You and God make a majority, and his love is so strong it can overcome your sin.  But you must turn to him.  Again we see a rich man wanting to inherit heaven, but will not part with his riches on earth.  And goes away crying.  He even talked to Jesus, got the right answer, but his pride in things kept him out.  What is standing between you and Jesus today?  Money, cars, career?  Would you be willing to serve God even if it is embarrassing to you?  And could effect your social and financial standing?  Would you give to have a building named after you, but hold out on God?  Maybe the story of George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” is your hero.  Yet we have many Mr. Potter’s out there.  Money is not the root of all evil, the LOVE of money is, and we are told the rich man never has enough, and stays up nights worrying about it.  I know poor who sleep the same way.  For the LOVE of money will bring you down, placing valuables over values will make you poor, and choosing them over God will keep you from heaven.  It was the one who hid his talents Jesus cursed, not the one who invested them wisely.  So, you wanna be rich?  Seek God first, and his righteousness, and he will add all things unto you.  One day when broke and bills piling up, I had a nest of birds who kept attacking my cat.  I finally took a hose and destroyed their nest, hoping to send a message-GET OUT!  And stay out.  Yet  found them later playing in the puddle the water had formed in the street.  Happy and carefree and Jesus reminded me of the sparrow who don’t work or earn, yet God takes care of them.  And how he does me.  Without knowing, they trusted God more than I did?  So maybe when life is for the birds, call on the one who created them, tends for them, and cares for them.  But who made you in his own image, with a will to choose Jesus or deny him.  Heaven or hell, maybe not in the order we think. Heaven here can be hell later, but hell here can be heaven later.  So I will leave you with this thought to consider.  A reporter is seeking Mother Theresa for an interview.  He finds her in a hospital full of disentary, the flu, sickness and disease, and is appalled by it.  He thinks she is crazy, and tells her “I wouldn’t do this for a million dollars.”   To which she replied “neither would I.”  The poor will always be among us, I cannot think of a better group of people to see in heaven, can you? 
Invite a rich man today, and increase your net worth.  Investing in the things of God will always bring about a great return.  Tell the lost, rather show the lost the love of Jesus, he will change their lives, like he has changed yours.  For one brief shining moment be that bird without a home, but happy and carefree in Christ.  All it takes is a little love from Jesus, and someone to deliver his message.  Still wanna be rich?  He is taking applications now....not for a million dollars.  Only in Christ, the richest Jew ever.  My boss, my friend, and my savior.   And yours....
love with compassion,