Wednesday, May 12, 2010

you better watch out-I'm tellin you why...

A young mother in her thirties, struggles with her cart in the grocery store, telling her six year old son which items to get from the shelves, as she is 125 pounds overweight and cannot bend to get them.
A respected man is called in before his boss, and asked to explain the pornography found on his computer at work.
A couple from church, members for years and well known, are faced with their secret sin being exposed as she is rushed to the hospital with a bleeding ulcer from drinking.
As the unpaid bills mount, the collectors call, adding strain to an already overburdened family. Creating a rift between the parents, and threatening to break up the family.
A young woman comes crying uncontrollably from the Planned Parenthood office, after being told that she is pregnant, and the child is not her husbands, as she is not married, but the father is.
Look around, these scenarios are not unusual in today's society. And they all share a common theme-these occurrences did not happen overnight. They are the result of a bad decision made, and over time becoming a habit, and soon controlling and ruining a life. Taking the style right out of the life, and not only destroying the person afflicted, but their families, careers, and even their reputations. All because of a wrong choice made.
Picture the young mother, once attractive, but after her second child puts on weight, and then continues to overeat due to the depression-which only makes her more depressed, so she eats more. Soon she cannot satisfy her husband, and he begins to look elsewhere. The kids, embarrassed by their grossly overweight mom, soon lose respect for her, and start to get in trouble after school, rather than going home to their mother. And soon their grades suffer. All because of an eating disorder-gluttony, and how over the years it has taken control of their mother, and the family.
The tenured manager is called before his boss. During a computer upgrade, pornography is found on his computer, and is effecting his life-outside of work and at work. "It's just one little web site," he argued, "I'm not hooked," but the records show hours every day dedicated to this perversion. And when he is terminated over it, is faced with telling the truth to his wife, admitting his sin to the family, or as in too many cases, lying to cover one sin with another.
"Wine is not alcohol," they laughed and told their pastor. "And besides, we only drink it with dinner." And that is how the downhill spiral began, believing a lie. Touching something God has instructed them not to touch. And soon they drink a six pack, to unwind after a hard day at work, made harder because of the hangover each morning from the night before. And soon their social group has changed, and they begin to drink more, as their new friends love to party. "Beer thirty, let's drink," they chant, and the downhill continues. Until one night in a panic, one of them is bleeding from the mouth, and is rushed into surgery. Calling their pastor, he is there when the doctor tells the other spouse they must stop drinking, or it will kill them. And physically and emotionally they feel ruined.
She needed to keep up with the latest style to look good for her husband, but soon, the bills began to get more than they could pay. She did the bills, so she hid it for awhile, but when he began getting called at work about past due bills, the truth came out, and the marriage suffered, as did the kids, and the home. In a futile attempt to pay them off-more borrowing, they finally separated over money-or lack of it. But at least she looked good in divorce court, which was right after bankruptcy. Moral bankruptcy had already happened long ago.
And as the young girl cries out to her lover, he tells her he wants nothing to do with her. He never loved her, it was just for sex, and he is going back to his wife. "Deal with it," and an uncontrollable urge for love has left her broken, pregnant, and with no one to turn to-except the abortionist. Do away with it, don't let this mistake ruin your life. But she goes into the abortionist's office-not realizing the demoralizing effect it is going to have on her.
And the sad thing is none of the above had to happen. They were all the victim of a bad choice, substantiated in the mind, and then OKed by their friends. A slow decline into the abyss of sin, so slow and subtle the changes are not noticed until it is too late. Disasters that happen over time, from an accumulation of sin. And it doesn't have to be this way. Jesus told us to repent-turn from your actions and turn to Him. He will show a way out of each one, but you must seek Him, and then obey. And sadly there is a price to pay, and the longer it goes on, the higher the bill due will be.
Seek Him now, if you are even on the edge of these catastrophes. Call out to Him, and let Him help, before your sin finds you out, and others do too. For it is your bad decision, sin, that finds you out, and not God. So confide in Him, give Him your burdens for He careth for you. And find that He has instilled on earth a family called the church that is there to help you through, and help you so you don't fall again. It is called love-and is only found in Jesus Christ. No programs, self help, or religion will help. It's all about Jesus.
Look around-you have more to lose than your possessions. Trust Him now before they are the last to go. One decision got you where you are, another can get you where you need to be. It's up to you. Let your testimony start today-with Jesus. Their is no single isolated sin, each one touches many others you care for. And we never know who we touch-until it is too late.
Change the course you are on today-do it for your family, do it for your career, do it for yourself. But do it-in Jesus' name.
love with compassion,