Wednesday, June 6, 2018

what do you do when you're stranded and you don't have a roll....

 Quick, name an invention that has changed your life, and you wouldn’t want to do without?  Motorcycles, computers, TV’s, microwaves all are fair game.  But think simpler, what common items do we use everyday, yet take for granted?  For some it is the miracle drugs that keep us going, electricity in the home is good, so is indoor plumbing.  But think simpler, something we really take for granted, and when it is not available, we can blow our cool?  Think simple, think of where you maybe thinking....I’ll give you a hint.  It is not gender specific, isn’t affected by your social or financial status, and never asks for your opinion.  It takes on the dirtiest of jobs, and when not available.....well.  One last hint, do the initials TP mean anything to you? 
By now you may have surmised based on the clues and your public school education I mean toilet paper.  Just how important is it?  Ever try to finish the job without it?  Ever get stuck when the roll is almost empty, or gone altogether?  How can a simple item like TP, or lack of TP be so important?  Of all the things invented, I wish I had the patent on toilet paper, think of how I would clean up.....But yet how much of it gets wasted every year?  Check into a motel, anything less than half a roll is replaced, so what happens to the few last pieces, are they wasted when they are still useful?  Is it possible that carrying an extra roll of TP when traveling may be more important than wearing clean underwear?  Am I crazy, or do you now find yourself checking the supply before you sit down?
When it comes to gambling, the best odds are blackjack at 7 to 1, against you of course.  But one casino has taken the gamble out of using the toilets, at least for the poor.  Pechanga estimates they discard almost 20,000 partial rolls of toilet paper a year.  Ought to make a few land fill groupies upset, and you thought plastic bottles were America’s #1 ecological crime.  But the smarter heads at Pechanga, the execs not the men’s room, have come up with a plan, and it works.  File it under a fair deal is when both parties benefit.  They donate the partial rolls to a rescue mission, we think food and drink, but how often do you think of other needs for the homeless?  A simple way to minister, an overlooked but necessary need fulfilled.  Not recycled in the truest sense of the word, but taking a consumable and putting it to work.  Something to consider when coming up a roll short next time.  “Honey, we’re out of TP,” and everyone in the neighborhood now knows it too.
But that is just what ministry is seeing a need and filling it.  Which is what Jesus did, and exhorts us to do.  We have sock and blanket drives each winter, toy runs each Christmas, but what about the rest of the year?  When Jesus fed the 5000, how long was it before they were hungry again?  Yet we do one good deed, and move on to the next, never considering how consistent food, water, housing, clothing, and yes, toilet paper really are.  Consumables, because we use them and need to use them again. 
When we come to Christ and become a Christian, not only does our heart change, but our thinking does too.  A regeneration is how Romans describes it, and some of us need more generating than others.  We need to use the brain God gave us, and when in conjunction with our heart, act accordingly.  But it takes the spirit to guide, I see people affected by those hungry, then donate apples, neglecting to see how many cannot chew or have missing teeth.  Feeding centers placed in industrial parks, far away from the homeless and hungry.  Bus passes given to those who are by no bus route, and being invited to church, yet not being welcomed when the do show up, not properly attired.  Well meaning, just not well takes Jesus.  We see it everyday, free this or free that, but do we ever wonder why it is free?  Or if it is useful? 
For instance, I used to get a lot of rich women’s close donated.  But not every homeless woman needs an evening dress, but a friend found a use for them.  When offered 100 prom dresses from a store, he wondered what good are these?  Then he considered the homeless kids who cannot go to the prom, and ended up giving away all of them to girls to go to the prom.  Simple, yet you argue we don’t need to go the prom.  Do you need a closet full of clothes?  How many sets of golf clubs?  Expensive dinners?  They are all part of our lifestyle, and believe me, the girls esteem was boosted.  One night out to be special....or have we fallen so much we forget?
So life may be more than prom dresses or toilet paper, but both meet a need.  That is what ministry is, and where teamwork begins.  Jesus invites us to be part of his ministry, to help those in need.  Something to consider the next time you’re stranded and stuck on the toilet bowl.  What will you do when you’re stranded and you don’t have a roll?  You’ll agree, we will never take toilet paper for granted again.  Someone at Pechanga came up with the can we better serve man in the name of Jesus? I hope your answer surprises and blesses us.....goodness and kindness, against which there is no law.
And you thought computers were going to eliminate paperwork!
Talk about being a roll model....
love with compassion,