Tuesday, May 17, 2016

a sense of mission

When Henry Ford II was refused by Enzo Ferrari to buy his car company, Hank the Deuce made it clear he wanted to beat him, at the one thing Ferrari did well, racing.  So he picked a man called Leo Beebe to head a team to do just that, with three key races in mind.  Le Mans, Daytona, and Indianapolis were his targets, the mission given to him, and he put together the team that did it in 1966. His key first win was at Le Mans, and after 24 hours of racing, swept the first three places.  Hank the Deuce had won, his team had been given the mission to not only beat Ferrari, but win the race.  A tough mission for any trace team, but for one two years old it would seem insurmountable.  He had put the right man in charge and given him the mission, on a note Leo carried with him in his wallet, “you better win.”  Just put one of our cars in the winner’s circle.  And following the advice of Hank’s late grandfather, Henry Ford, did just that.  Hank and Leo were old friends, but the mission was obvious.
His advice was as simple as the man who had put America on wheels with the Model T, “Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, working together is success.”  The key word there is together, for even a great car with a poor driver had no hope, just as a great driver in a poor car had little hope.  They needed strong engineering, a devoted pit crew, and committed racers to win, all motivated by one man, Leo Beebe.  And “you better win” was Henry Ford II’s demand, he would beat Ferrari!  And no one expected a one-two-three sweep, that was teamwork. And Ford would win Le Mans for 4 straight years, 1966-69.   It worked 50 years ago in racing, and it still works today.  And even 2000 years ago.
The bigger the mission the bigger the egos may show up.  The old saying “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” is not new, and when the apostles, under the guide of the Holy Spirit started the first century church, God had given them a specific mission.  They were told to “not wait tables,” a mission for others, but to be apostles.  No New Testament was written yet, their words and teachings, the Apostle’s Creed was it, carried verbally by them.  A tremendous job of prayer and preaching...a responsibility to God and for others.  So when told to not wait tables, they weren’t being given favor over others, as the cry would be today, but given specific instructions from the spirit.  And when they followed it, the church grew, and all involved got to see the gift given them in place.  They had come together to form the first church, they kept together as the spirit guided them in progress, and working together were successful.  But it was the spirit guiding them that brought the success, for without the spirit their would be no team, and no one to guide them.  The apostles had spent time with Jesus, seen him at his highest and lowest times, and his example would guide them via his spirit.  For only a true apostle has seen Jesus....now it was time to distribute the gifts of the spirit to others as needed.   It is on the basis of scripture that the church rests, on God’s Holy Word, the Bible, and we need to remember that Jesus was and is the word incarnate.  A living and breathing and resurrected word, no other holy book can compare to.  Little did Henry Ford know 2000 years later his philosophy of building Ford Motor Company would be built upon what the holy spirit said to the first church.  And it still works today....
Some years ago I was a chaplain in a national motorcycle ministry.  When taking a national position with them, I had to step down to step up.  No more teaching, but now onto newer responsibilities.  I missed the teaching, so when asked to speak at a rally, jumped on it.  But after accepting, was given some good advice.  “Pray about it, another Mike may be waiting for the chance.”  And I did, and turned it down, and another man was waiting for his chance.  And he stepped in and accepted the challenge.  My ego had said yes, but the spirit knew best.  A decision I am glad I made.  For the minute the church, us strays from the spirit’s guiding, the moment the scriptures become all about us, we are in error, and guided by self rather than God.  We lose our light, our strength, and our ability to function, for for the church to function it must be built upon the rock.  If only religion knew this, imagine how strong the church and its presence would be felt in the world today.  We need that sense of mission from the holy spirit again to be strong, coming together to from a bond, staying together to grow and progress, and working together to see success.  Not our success, but the success based on the Lord.  If it all about us, we already fail.  Sometimes a church is failing and it is just too big to notice it.  But the individuals do...and Hank the Deuce’s note should be carried in our hearts, “you better win.”
For losing means hell and damnation, the basis for evangelism.  Not filling a building, or sending out others on missions.  If the mission the spirit has given you has failed, the church fails, and no matter how many good works are done, no matter how many Bibles distributed, or ministries created, if the spirit is not in it you lose.  We need strong leaders who trust God over personal success, and men and women to follow their example in the field of life.  “You better win” is not a threat, but a fact, for losing is hell.  No second place wins for heaven, and like Le Mans, life is an endurance race.  Where you finish is the goal, how you get there during the race can have an impact, but where you are at the finish is the only goal.  Losing by seconds after leading the race is still losing, just as he who dies with the most toys still dies.  Fortunately we have a written New Testament today, but it only works when the advice is taken, and we need teachers and preachers, as well as those who serve and wait tables.  Jesus gave the ultimate service on the cross, but he also washed feet, a humbling experience.  Would we bow to wash feet?  Would your pastor?  Your priest?  Bishop?  But if you do, you are emulating Christ. Remember all the apostles died martyr’s deaths.  Still interested in the position?
The primary function of management is to motivate.  If it doesn’t it fails.  What motivates you?  If not a who, the spirit, take some time to listen to what the spirit is saying.  Come together in the spirit, grow together as one in Christ, and work together to be successful.  For where God guides, he provides.  Each one of us has a place on God’s team, use the gift he has given you and enjoy the blessings that come from it.  A successful waiter is better than a poor manager, a live dog better than a dead lion.   But both need the spirit to guide them.  Leo was told “you better win,” only in Christ will you ever win.  And a podium finish awaits all who believe.  See you in the winner’s circle, at the cross.  Like an old mechanic one day told a woman after fixing her AC by replacing a fuse, and she balked at the price.  “Why so much,” she asked.  “Because I knew the right fuse.”  And the winner is....
“Great leaders inspire a sense of mission. Good people with a proper sense of mission will find a way to get the job done.”  Leo Beebe
love with compassion,