Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Harry Callahan Ministry Coloring Book

It seems Inspector Harry Callahan, aka Dirty Harry, has shot one too many criminals again, and the mayor wants to have a more politically correct police force. A kinder, gentler force, more stylish-in Harry's words. So he has been put in personnel, and is interviewing candidates for the inspector position-where women will be included in the mix. Being his usual charming self, he asks the first woman "how fast she can run the 100"-upsetting the others in the interview. Then back to business-"what is your most important felony arrest?" None! "Well perhaps you can tell us about your most important misdemeanor arrest." None, again! "Well, what gives you the right to be an inspector, when others have spent years on the street, and you have no experience?"
End of interview But not end of story.
I have watched as two men sit in the same service, yet one goes out and shares the gospel in his daily living, while the other continues to be taught. Can't have enough teaching. Both heard the same message, but only one's heart was affected enough to take it to the streets, to live it. To apply what he has been shown. It is more than an intellectual exercise. But the other studies the word, and he is in it, but the word is not in him. He makes plans to go out witnessing, as a church activity, but doesn't realize his life should be a witness. One group of men grow within a group, never getting out from the covering of the church-although they do ministry work, their field is limited. You see given the chance to visit the sick in the hospital, they can't go because they are in a Bible study-can't miss the chance to learn more about God's word-and that is OK. But the one who goes, who hears the calling, is the one who will be out not only learning the word-but living it. "Git 'er done," they say in the south, and those who take the Dirty Harry approach to ministry do. While others get good grades on staying within the church's doctrines, some churches even have a man of the year, the others are out making a difference, not living under any church rules, but being guided by the spirit. And a funny thing happens, when guided by the spirit, you stay within God's law, it's called love, but may step on the toes of a few religious types. "That's not the procedure or program my church teaches. " And I say "good for you guys-their toes should not have been there to start with." God says about obeying His plan for you, "well done good and faithful servant." Don't let your church get between you and the Lord!
How many of you know the word, but don't take it out to a lost and dying world? If you aren't, you are in sin. Jesus said "as you go, share the gospel." A command, not a request. It should not be witnessing night, or Bible study night, or even Sunday church-get out and live it. Make it a passion, and watch the blessings flow. Don't miss the call while having your nose buried in a book!
God has given me a passion for motorcycles, and bikers. And so it is natural for me to be out among them, and sharing the gospel by being myself. It is easy for Jesus to come out of me, for He is in me-and what is in your heart, will come out of your mouth. Golfers-it may even work for you guys, too. Jazzercise-if your passion, take Jesus with you. Take what God has given you a love for with you-but take Him with it! Don't sit under the church roof and think that you are ministering to others! Jesus was mobile-and you should be too. Don't give me, "I got them to church, now it's the pastor's job." Don't depend on Miles to change their hearts-he can't. And don't depend on the church to send you out. Take your passion, and along with the vision God gives you-and get out and get 'er done!
But be ready for the church folk to be upset. You see Harry was a great cop, the rank and file didn't like it-made them look as bad as they really were. They knew all the rules, just like the Pharisees. And when you get out, the scoffers will take you to task, "how can he minister, he doesn't even go here? He has no degree. Who does he think he is? Do you see how he is dressed?" No apologies, just a child of God, living the gospel. And just the thing you should be doing.
Today Jesus has put someone in your path. By sharing the gospel, they can say "go ahead, make my day." And you will have. And you don't even have to go out witnessing. Just be the witness that Jesus wants you to be-show love, compassion, and mercy. And watch as it gets returned to you in all the aspects of your life, and in ways you never could expect.
Look behind you. Do you see joy, healings, blessings, tender mercies, peace, patience, and meekness in your wake? These things shall follow them that believe.
How do you ride 1000 miles in a day? One mile at a time. Get out and ride with Jesus, one life at a time. And when asked, "what's your best time sharing?" be able to stop and think of all the times you have. Build a library to choose from. Get out and from under religion and get turned onto Christ!
By the way, I ran the 100 in 10.4 seconds. Only once, but I did. And make sure your most important felony arrest wasn't your own!
love with compassion,