Tuesday, November 6, 2012

it's all over but for the voting

It is hard to believe, but Election Day is finally here. After months-way too many of rumors, lies, innuendoes, promises, attacks, accusations, and downright dirty politics, today we get to vote. And despite the fact that the liberal stations all say one thing, and conservatives say another, we know that the truth is out there. And despite what the polls have told us, and the political pundits have espoused, and the experts have predicted, we still have to vote. So get out and do it-it may be one of the last rights we still have left.
It may be my own pet peeve, but am I the only one sick of political ads? I can tell you what kind of loser, liar, miserable, low life human being their opponent is, but what do they believe? What have they done, and what will they do if elected? And for the incumbent, if your plans are so good, why aren't they in place now? Does anyone run on their record, or do they just hope that the other guy is worse? Do we vote for someone because they debate well, or because their wife is a good speaker? What do Letterman, Leno, and MTV have to do with truth? And why can't what happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas-and not go to Washington? Where does all the money come from-billions of dollars spent, what kind of stimulus package could this be for those hungry, out of work, or homeless? Maybe only a few days, but living one day at a time can feel like an eternity.
How about all those do gooders who are Green? And EPA heavy, keeping America beautiful? Why does it take so long to remove the litter of campaign signs after the election? And how many trees died for their campaigns? Does the Sierra Club follow that one? We hear claims the rich should pay more, from the crowd who demands equal rights for all. And racist undertones from the black caucus, when 90+% of blacks voted for a black candidate last election? No wonder racism isn't dead, but just a political tool. Perhaps the one reality we must admit to is that whoever wins, won by majority, so whether he is a jerk or a hero, the people have spoken. Are they the ones who are jerks or heroes?
Lastly I find too many prejudice Christians who would not vote for a Mormon, or a Muslim. We are electing a President, not a pastor. If we have economic woes, we need someone who is a good businessman. If social issues, someone who is adept at handling social issues. And today as we stand more divided as a nation than ever before since the Civil War, we need to be united as a country...we need a leader! We need to remember that we are Americans!
So even though today we vote for a new president, 37 years ago I voted for Jesus, I made him my choice to be my leader. Apolitical, He is for us, not what is good for Him. His campaigning, forgiveness and love. His stand on jobs-if you won't work, you shouldn't eat. Foreign policy, love thy neighbor as yourself. Crime, He's against it. Sin hurts, still does today. Clean air-as Christians we are shepherds of our planet, we shouldn't need rules when we have morals. And as for campaign speeches, He never accused anyone, Satan did. He stands for truth...He is the truth. He delivers on all His promises, and has the most accurate outlook on the future. His call on taxes was easy, if you owe it, pay it. Note it was the tax collectors who were the lowlifes and overcharged. And He lets you choose whether to follow Him or reject Him-telling up front the ramifications or rewards before you make the choice. And His kingdom goes on forever-you don't need to go through all the nonsense every 4 years.
Does anyone ever notice that politicians go one way with the truth, when Jesus is the truth? If we followed Him, would we need politicians? Yet God ordained politicians years ago to govern us, sadly we follow them just like many follow God, whatever is in their best interests. Then change when the situations don't work out the best for them. So vote today, preserve the right to choose our elected officials. But cast your vote for Jesus, or if you have fallen away, welcome back. His campaign needs workers, a great harvest is coming. Be part of the blessings-and then the promise that awaits.
And if you still choose to follow man instead of God, may I recommend the old Chicago political mantra-"Vote early, and vote often!" Today we will elect another president for the next four years-we already have a King forever!
love with compassion,
ps-You do pray for our elected officials as the Bible advises, don't you? Remember to pray for your enemies, too!