Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the perfect partsman

The next time you need a special order part for your 19-whatever Whiz Bang Special GT, and the parts man tells you he needs the money up front, have you ever wondered why? Why must we, who are his most special customer, pay up front? I mean, he's the parts department, aren't they supposed to have parts? Why should I pay first before I even get the part? How will I be able to tell if it's the right one? And there you have your answer.
In any parts department, there is an area, where it is filled with special order parts that never were picked up. And some are even paid in full, "I just have to have it by this weekend!" but sit there in a dusty box. Sometimes the parts man was just worn down, and gave in. Sometimes he knew the person, and did it as a favor. But the fact remains, er the part remains there, never picked up or called for. Which creates problems at many levels.
First-the dealer has put money into a part he doesn't need, and has paid for. Second-with today's systems, if the warehouse doesn't have it, they can check dealer's stock online. And if the part is available from another dealer, get it direct from them, usually marked up. And you pay the additional freight. Or what does happen, the part is rare, so the factory has another made, and it sits until it is ordered. And worse yet, with obsolescent systems in place, where the dealer can return these parts on a once a year basis, now the factory has a huge supply of parts, they probably can't use. So...
they sell them off to another source, like a flea market guy, losing money on the deal, and when you stumble upon the part you need, by accident, just because he had one, it may be the one you ordered before, but never picked up. And you think that this flea marketer, now eBay source is great, he has it all, when really he is just trying to sell parts like the dealer, and just happened to have the part you ordered from them in stock. I have seen stranger things happen. All because the parts guy was a good guy, and held up his end of the bargain-he special ordered it, but you didn't-you changed your mind. But have no problem telling others that this parts department is always out of stock of what you need. Be aware-if there ever was an ordering but not picking up most wanted poster, you may be on it-just to warn others! Remember that next time you jut have to have that part-NOW!
James tells us we do not have because we either do not ask or ask with wrong intentions, and this leads to confrontations. Why do even the most hardened parts men know this, but Christians fail to believe it? Like when we pray. Three answers we can get from God-and they may not be the ones we want to hear. But are always the right one. The first is yes. Oh how we love when God says yes, and reveals Himself to be as smart as us in answering our demand. We may even call Him great, thinking He agrees with us, when really we need to agree with Him. The second is no. What can God be thinking? Didn't He hear what I want? C'mon God, let's get after it? And He is-and as I have learned, no can be a better answer than yes. I limit myself in prayer, my parts department stock is low. His isn't. And I find that every no has always brought me to closer to a better yes-if I just wait on Him. His third answer is wait. Yes and no I can deal with, but wait? How long? For what? When? And the one that really tells God I don't trust Him, why? Do I really know better than God?
God's shelves are not empty. He knows what parts, for what situation, when and where it is needed. Think of Him as a "just on time system," He has no back stock from ordered but never picked up parts. His system is perfect, just like He is. And since He made you, knows what you need, and when. So why do we grumble?
Trust God. Get to know Jesus. He know the business. When you ask, listen. When He says yes, rejoice. When He says no, rejoice even more. And when He says wait, wait. Realizing that He promises more than you can even ask for or imagine. Nothing for Him is a special order-except that it is for you. And you will never be obsolete to Him, no matter how many pieces you bring your life to Him in.
And if He can save a soul like you, the rest has to be easy. All you have to do is ask, and then let Him.
Jesus Christ-no restocking fee-He has paid it all. Still need the address to that dealer?
love with compassion,