Thursday, September 13, 2012

the new F word, F-U-N!

It starts when we are young in the neighborhood. We play kickball, and watch as the bigger kids are better than us. "I can do that when I'm bigger," we think, and they are our heroes. Then it's Little League, with tryouts, and although you barely make it in, you think "my time is coming, in a couple of years I'll be bigger, too." Then it's high school-I may be just a freshman, but next year I can try out for varsity. College calls, and as we get older, the competition is tougher, and our view of our heroes changes. Where once the older kickball player was our hero, now we admire the varsity QB, and the hero worship goes on. Until we find that what we have been desiring will only change once we get there, or have attained it. And that the trip there was more fun than the destination.
I couldn't wait for a bigger bike, and when I went from 350cc to 600cc, my friend had a 750. So my next bikes were 900's, and the race went on. Each bike demanding as much from me as I demanded from it-both coming with a price. Big surprise when you discover the police don't care you can go 136mph-and send you to jail, impounding your bike. Or they don't care how fast you get to 60-you just are displaying speed, not racing-the ticket reads. And as the cost of ownership gets higher, we start to look back at how it was more fun on the 350-and with the new bikes I have to go faster to get the same thrill. It was once said of MG's, the iconic English sports car, that it was so much fun to drive because it always felt like you were going faster than you really were. Maybe that is why they aren't around anymore, and why when I see kids playing kickball I wish to join them. Not to be the hero, just to play-and have fun again!
So I wish to declare a campaign to bring back the F word. F-U-.....N-FUN! That we start to enjoy what we have, and enjoy those friends and family God has blessed us with. Rather than waiting for that next promotion, next trip, next faster ride-let's enjoy what we have now. And smile-one of the key ingredients to fun is revealed in a smile. It is just like Gomer said when riding in Barney's new car, "I'm sick as a dog, but having the time of my life." Let's have fun-for today is the time of your life! Without getting sick in your new car.
God tells us to be happy with what we have. Enjoy today-even with all the problems, for each one reminds us of the need for Jesus in our life. Let Him be your hero-try to top Him in anything! I'll take Him anytime for my kickball team. Or baseball. What a cleanup hitter. But yet in life we treat Him like the freckled, red hair kid who can't catch, when choosing sides. "You take Him, I have a good team today," and then put Him in right field. Where somehow all the balls go, and He catches them all. And you find out, "He isn't so bad after all," just give Him the chance.
He works in real life, too. Trust Him in small things, and soon the big things become small when He is in charge. He knows your needs, so who better to meet them? So don't put Him in right field, where you think He won't do any harm-you mean He isn't a set of rules and thou shalt nots? Put Him where the action is-build a team around Him. In life we call it church, and with so many churches failing or changing names and leaving Him out, why not build your life around the one who is the rock? The solid foundation? The one of whom God says if He doesn't build the house, they labor in vein? And start to enjoy life with Jesus. Enjoy church, enjoy the things God has blessed you with, and have FUN!
So that's my campaign speech. Elect Jesus. Bypass all the politics, and the broken promises and dreams of life. Trust God and watch as this thing called enjoyment enters your life, and vocabulary. Where you enjoy life at the speed you are going, no matter how fast it feels. Look forward to tomorrow, because there is so much joy in today. Put Jesus first. Just like the Bible says-and He'll add everything else. And at prices you can afford...
Remember when full throttle was fun? Here's your chance... trust God. And enjoy life. What a teammate. Why wait? Hey, what good is fun if you don't enjoy it?
love with compassion,