Thursday, March 11, 2010

e-bay, the highway, and the way

It started when I mentioned I really want a Street Triple. And someone sent me a list of them on e-bay. Now I don't use e-bay, I don't care for it, but they had a great listing of Triumph goodies, among them manuals. So looking at my shelf, which had seven of them, I got one down to look at why there were so many for sale, and why people would sell them. Maybe they got rid of the bike that went with it, or never used it-most popular answer. So I grabbed the one on top and looked through it. Interesting. Good pictures, but there are warning labels everywhere. To be exact in this manual, for a 2006 Scrambler, there are 137 warnings, but only 116 pages. Good thing I read it-I never realized motorcycles were so dangerous.
Here are some of the more interesting. You can only put a package of 11 pounds on the passenger seat. How many 11 pound passengers do you know of? What about your 75 pound niece? Probably take her out of the box first, then it is OK. And when you do, she should hold on. No bungee cords for passengers. And please, no animals. There are enough squids out there already. Here's a good one-disengage steering lock before riding. I saw a guy on a BMW once ride right into the wall when he forgot to do this. Full throttle-CRASH!Good advice. Did you know gasoline is highly flammable? Remember that next time when it's dark and you can't see the fuel level in your tank. Don't light a match to see. NO, don't use a lighter either. Here's a good one, maintain correct tire pressure in each tire. Now the front takes 32 pounds, the rear 36. Is that why the rear tire weighs more, because it has more air? Here's one for the folks at Toyota. Don't drive a vehicle with a sticking throttle, as it could be dangerous. And did you know that the mufflers get hot when riding? Probably explains scars on my calfs from coming in contact with them. And that burnt flesh smell too. Two more-never ride bike with side stand down-ask John Leonard-he is why they put an interlock on the bike-it won't run with it down. Conversely, put it down before getting off, ask my son , aka Kickstand why. Don't tell him I sent you.
Add to that the various warning lights, now called indicators, we don't want to scare the riders, and you may have pushed the limits of the sense of common. In fact the only warning light not mentioned, is the one that shows up in your rear view mirrors when you go to fast. Usually not a warning in my case.
Warnings are nothing new, and nothing new to owners manuals. Take the owners manual God has prepared for you, the Bible. In the second chapter of Genesis He warns Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge, or they'll die. What part of don't didn't they get? Taking the same approach as we do when the waitress tells us the plate is hot, they touch it. And eat of it. And die! Now they didn't have the manual/Bible yet, but the creator was in house, and talked with them every afternoon. They didn't have to read about it, or Google it-all they had to do was ask! I mean, how horrible could paradise have been? But they disobeyed anyway. So in our fallen state, now that we know the difference, but don't obey it, much, God gave Moses over 600 laws/warnings for us to live by. A simple number compared to the over the 1000 the Pharisees in Jesus' time had. But realizing we wouldn't have the time to disobey all 600+, He broke it down to 10, much easier to break, but really easier to keep.
Still too many! So Jesus took it down to one! Love the Lord with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself. Simple! Right? But still we disobey God's warnings about lust, evil desires, selfishness, husband/wife relationships, and even our relationship with Him. And we suffer. And it is by choice, for He doesn't force us to love, but sets the example of His son. Follow His example, and follow Him-blessings. Disobey, and you're out of the pool! Now I can't say if anyone has researched it, but I believe that man has a little known gene in him. It is the "I'll show you, I'll be stupid gene." A gene that requires a choice, but also consequences. And we don't consider the consequences when it comes time to make that decision.
But God provides a way out, which isn't so far out you can't do it. It is called repentance. And when your heart changes, and is truly sorry, you can turn to the right direction-God, and get on with your life. And since we don't all carry our Bibles around to check every situation, God has given us a conscience. Which shows us His character, and lives within us. More precisely, the Holy Spirit. And since we don't have a robot to follow us around like Will Robinson-"Danger-Will Robinson! Warning! Warning!," He has given us His spirit, so we are never alone. And when we need to pray, is always with us. Not only knowing what to pray-just amen what the spirit says and watch your life change, but telling you what to do and guiding you through that situation.
Well now that you're more familiar with your motorcycle, have more fun on our next ride, knowing all the dangers from studying your manual. NOT! Just more rules. Remember that next time you sin and fall. Get up and follow God. Or like Satchel Paige said, "don't look back, the devil may be gaining." Follow God, the spirit is so much more fun than the law. In fact, Jesus said all the law could be taken down to one line-love your neighbor as yourself.
So next time you cheese me off, and I smile back-be warned. It just might be God changing my life. Get in the word, and stay in the word. Take the warning/blessing of Revelation 22:18-19 to heart, and enjoy an eternal life in heaven. Salvation is not a hard thing-don't make it one!
God's knows, now you do too. Live safe and ride safe, enjoying the ride. As Christians, we should have more fun than anyone. And trust God for the one thing you will never find in an owners manual, religious book, or even on e-bay. Salvation. You see it is too precious and intimate, it takes the personal relationship only God offers. And since it isn't for sale-can't be bought anywhere!
Now if I can only find my glasses, so I can read the instructions to open this stupid cereal box....
love with compassion, you've been warned,