Monday, August 8, 2016

your 15 minutes

Andy Warhol, he of the subject of David Bowie song and the originator of Op Art, once advised us we each would have our own 15 minutes of fame.  A time when we are the center of attention, when our egos would reign supreme, and even those who don’t like us would acknowledge us.  Quite a promise from Andy, and we can each look back upon times when we were recognized for an accomplishment.  But my mind wanders then, if I have had my 15 minutes, is that the best life gets?  Or if I haven’t, how will I know, or worse yet, what if I have and don’t know it?  Seems like the worst times are spent worrying or considering it, with my eyes on me the whole time.  Is that 15 minutes of fame all about me after all?  And what if it is infamy, maybe Reggie Jackson was right when he said “fans don’t boo nobodies.”  So I have learned, and still in the learning process, that if my life is all about me, I find life shallow, unrewarding, I miss out on many things due to having to do it my way, and miss out on many potential blessings.  Is there more to life than what it can give to me?
Early in my Christian walk, I admired those who got up and preached before a crowd, who espoused the word of God to many, and who garnered attention to themselves.  And there were times when I was the center of attention, and found I didn’t like it.  I  wanted to be recognized, maybe just a pat on the back, or a kind word, but became embarrassed when adulation were heaped upon me.  I was the driving force, not the spirit of the Lord, and my fruit was a bit rotten.  It gave me the credit, as if Jesus couldn’t have done it without me.  And today I function, and live my life finding I get more done, and see more of Jesus in my life and see his light shining through me, not my own, when I sit in the back and let him lead.  When it isn’t all about me, when Jesus truly leads by his spirit, I see his handiwork in my life, see the fruit of the spirit in my wake.  Scripture tells us “these things shall follow them that believe,” what things are you leaving in your wake? 
Over the years I have won many awards, even had a wall full of plaques at one time in my office.  Then one day I threw them all away, only those allowed in my office could see them, and they were about my past, and said little about my future.  And less about God in my life.  But two moments, one when I was enjoying 15 minutes of fame, and the other on vacation, I rather reflect on, and be my testimony, of who Jesus is in my life. 
I worked for a National company, and won Salesman of the Month two months in a row, right before their 10 year anniversary.  Everyone was invited to Dallas, and I was recognized on stage, and afterwards many wanted to meet me.  And in a group, one asked “why are you successful?  What do you do?”  And my chance to prolong my 15 minutes tantalized me, but I asked instead, “you really want to know?  You really want to listen?”  And when the group acknowledged a resounding “yes,”  I shared how Jesus Christ changed my life, and how any success I had was because of him, not my own talents.  And it got quiet, except for one man, who was listening, and when the crowd broke up right afterward, approached me, “I too know Jesus, I just didn’t know he was part of my job too.  He is the key that is missing in my work, thanks for being so bold.”  By the way, those two plaques I won that night got pitched, but I still remember Lee asking me, and thanking God for letting my light shine before men.  Jesus got the credit, I got the blessing, so did Lee.
We are told to be ready in season and out, still not sure what that means, but be prepared is what I learned in Boy Scouts, so we need to be.  On one vacation visiting the Ephrata Cloisters, a community in the 1700’s that were waiting for the return of Jesus, and now a Pennsylvania state park, the ranger kept talking about their waiting for Jesus to return.  Like any tour, some listen, some don’t, and at the end, we all met in the chapel where the community did.  When asked if anyone had any questions, one man asked “what is this return of Jesus you talk of?”  And the ranger didn’t know, she was an employee, just doing her job.  So I raised my hand, and asked her if I might explain, and for the next 15 minutes, shared the gospel to a crowd of 25-30, who were interested, who had taken the tour, and to who now it became personal.  No altar calls, no praying, just answering the question asked, letting God do his thing via me, his spirit versus mine.  You never know when you may be called upon to share, what are you doing with your 15 minutes?  What things are following you?
We never know who is watching or listening, we look around but rarely look up to where God has his eyes on us.  Maybe if we did our walk or ride would be different.  Something to consider, our lives are not our own.  They belong to Christ, and it is he who we represent.  That ought to scare a few of you...and yet Jesus loves me this I know, because the Bible tells me so.  But when I get to share his love,when guided by his spirit, when it is his light and not my high beams of ego blinding others, his love goes forth through me.  Maybe as simple as answering questions, rather than telling all you know.  Talking with a man Thursday who is known as the Bible Man, he knows scripture so well, he fell short when I asked how personal Jesus was, a opposed to knowing words on a page.  I challenged him, He said dared, to listen to the spirit, to go to prayer letting God speak first, then answer.  As he continued to quote scripture, I asked him to let God lead, and he was breaking down, when I told him Isaiah 65:24 how God knows what we need before we ask and already has the plan in place and active, he took a whole new attitude.  My words “nothing takes God by surprise” surprised him, and he said he was going to listen to God tonight first when he prayed.  Can we do the same?  Why just 15 minutes when we can have eternity in Jesus?  And why do we call him Lord but don’t do what he asks? 
Maybe Reggie was right, fans don’t boo nobodies.  Look how they booed Jesus...if only they had known that only 15 minutes ahead laid heaven....he is somebody, and without him we are nobody.  Are you willing to trade your 15 minutes for eternity? 
love with compassion,