Monday, March 19, 2018

"my friends all drive stick shifts, I must make amends..."

I learned to drive a stick shift in the safe confines of the parking lot of Terrill Junior High.  I knew the dynamics of a clutch from riding a motorcycle, now all I had to do was transfer it to my feet from my hands.  My Mother drove a stick, how hard could it be?  For two weekends I practiced with my Dad, starting off and then shifting into second.  I was getting this thing, and after stalling at every other stop sign, felt I had it down.  A few more days, and I was confident enough to drive my Dad to get his new car, all the way up in Bernardsville.  And after school we went...
Now I was doing well, no stalls yet, looking cool, arm out the window, radio set to WABC, when we approached a railroad crossing going uphill. and I had to stop, just as the barriers went down.  “RATS!”  Or its unprintable alternative.  And as we waited for the train, and the cars began to line up behind me, I thought of the line from David Crosby about looking in his mirror and being paranoid, except in mine I saw an audience of cars, all waiting for me to stall.  And as I became more nervous, being told to stay calm was the wrong thing to do, the train passed, the barriers raised and I stalled.  And for a second, my thoughts were cursing whoever invented trains and the tracks they rode on, roads and whoever made them go uphill, every person behind me, as I was sure telepathically they were all talking about me and either cursing me or making fun of me, and finally whoever designed the planet with hills, just so I could stall and be ridiculed.  For what seemed like minutes, but was really only a few seconds, I had panicked, gone into a complete prideful mode, and hated stick shifts.  I would make it on my next attempt, and would live to drive and learn how to start off uphill, why you park downhill when you can, and now I could drive any car out there.  My friends all drove stick shifts, and I had made amends.  I was a man and had it all together....and the legend lives on.....
The measure of true spirituality is found in those who do not place self confidence in self effort.  From a young age we are taught to do it ourselves, and how important our self confidence is.  But in God’s economy, or when driving a stick, it is a fool who trusts himself rather than God.  Learn to be proficient and confident, and you will succeed.  You can do it all by yourself, when you master it.  As we fail miserably.  But the Lord shows us that self confidence is found in trusting him, just the opposite of ourselves.  We were designed to face life weak and unable, so that we would need God, and he could work in our lives and show his love, and how much we need him.  He enjoys being God to us.  But yet we think we can do it alone, even among believers who quote “I can do all things in Christ that gives me strength.”  Then try to do it alone.  But there is a self confidence from God, but when it is only learned or trained, we are destined to fail.  The trials of life differ from those given after a class or reading a text book, in then when we fail, we get hurt.  No “do overs” in real life. 
We are told to have faith, but when it is in us, or our abilities, or our knowledge, we get prideful, and fall sort of God’s glory.  Knowing Jesus allows us to know that we must eliminate faith in ourselves, and place that trust in Jesus.  Just the opposite of what we are taught by the world and some Christian courses.  When we fall short of confidence in Christ, it may because we have more confidence in ourselves.  Which leads to over confidence in us, and we can drift away from God.  When Paul writes to put no confidence in the flesh, we begin to dissect it, and pretty soon get confused, and when the first hill appears, we panic.  We get paranoid, and we fail.  No training or practice will make the difference, only Jesus can and will. From his training, background, accomplishments, no matter how much he studies, how much he reads or memorizes, Paul still found his confidence in only Jesus.  His only power to persuade people via the gospel came from the holy spirit, how different it may have been if he felt otherwise.
Today when I face a hill, my confidence is to pray first.  The more I learn the more I find I don’t know, and much of my knowledge is useless in spreading the gospel.  It takes Jesus, we initially put our confidence in him at the cross to save, then it goes astray as we are taught.  I can tell where a person is today by asking about their first teaching as a new Christian.  If any teaching or philosophy other than Jesus is introduced, we are doomed to fail.  We may know John 3:16, but do we trust it?  You may know the four spiritual laws, but do you have the spirit?  You will portray him who you trust, and too many times we only trust ourselves.  Rather winning an argument than seeing Jesus changes lives.  The spirit of self reliance or self confidence can ruin many a believer for life.  We won’t always be in the safety of a church congregation or of a parking lot.  Someday we will have to go out and drive.
At least that day I didn’t drift back into the car in back of me.  Or give it too much gas and do a burn out or a wheelie.  We call it a friction zone, when the power meets is released and we move forward.  When we can upshift and keep going.  I wonder how many would have commented “what a good driver” if I hadn’t stalled?  My ego would have liked to hear those words.  Instead I heard the voices of ridicule in my mind.  Living for self is no way to live, for to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  Now I can drive a stick, but still making amends.  Still working hard with no help from my Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?  With an automatic of course...the line forming behind me never ends.
love with compassion,