Thursday, June 20, 2013

if Columbus had never returned

A young Christopher Columbus had a dream, a vision that he could sail to the westby going east  As fanatical as it may have sounded, think of the wording, he wanted to attempt the voyage purely based on his dream, but found no takers, financial or other in his home land of Italy.  So travellinwst to Spain, he found a sympathetic, and willing backer in Queen Isabella of Spain, who would finance the entire journey, based on the promise of riches, and of dominating an eastern sea route to the west.  At the time, it was believed the world was flat, and no way could it be circumnavigated, and Chris was labeled a heretic, going against church belief and doctrine, and most thought him attempting a suicidal trip, one that would claim his life and his crews.  But Queen Izzy thought it worth the risk, we are not told if she believed the world round or not, but was willing to wager three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, plus their crews to find out.  You better be right Chris, your life depended on it, but more importantly your reputation.  So setting out without a route, the Atlantic was unexplored, once outside the Mediterranean the edge lies looming, and with no time frame, and no agenda other than to find a trip to the East, he headed out.  What if the world was flat?  What if he had discovered the edge instead of a new trade route?  What if he found something else?  And what if he never returned to answer all these questions?
Setting out on my first ride in a new area often raises questions.  You tend to hear all the worst case scenarios, and often believe them more readily, truth or not.  They can range from bad roads, local Leroy sheriffs targeting motorcyclists, or out of state plates, gas availability, or riding into state with ethanol, or different foods available.  But what if your bike breaks, and there is not a Harley dealer at each exit?  What if the parts aren’t there you need?  What if I get sick?  What if I get sick?  What if despite all these things I have a great time and want to return?  What if I don’t return?  And for what may just be a first ride into a new area, or a cross country run, suddenly you are faced with mounting doubts, which can over ride any fun anticipated.  But despite all the warnings, and all the potential danger, jut like Chris we forge ahead, excited about what lies around the next bend, hoping we never find the edge that some people think exists.  The only boundary being our own doubts and fears, fueled by those who can’t, won’t, and shouldn’t go along.  They have found their edge, and the world they live in isn’t round.  But fenced in by fears...
Now Chris. C. ‘s journey was to be more exciting, and profitable than even he could have imagined.  And today many still argue of his claims of finding a new world, he never did find the route he was searching for, and some can vote him a failure on that basis alone.  So don’t be too hard on old Mr. C., or yourself when your ride doesn’t turn out as planned.  After being invited to a Jaycee picnic when we first moved to Durango, we followed the directions given, and when 3 miles became 10 miles with no houses insight, common sense would have told us to turn around.  So we didn’t, and ended up at Vallecito Lake, a beautiful destination that we would move to later that year.  A place we didn’t know existed, like Chris we had started off for one destination, but God led us on another, and Chris and us have been blessed by it.  Sometimes the dreams we follow take us places where no dream can vision, usually better.  And like most of us, if we were told the events or things we would encounter, we would make excuses, or listen to others, turning back and missing out on the blessings.  Of course, none of us would ever be like that...
Ever since I have been a Christian, I have been inundated by messages and questions pertaining to God’s will for your life.  And along the way as the casualties mount up, you wonder how did so many miss out?  Were they scared off by rumors of the edge, or were they misled by others?  But one thing I can confirm, is that pressing on will finally get you somewhere, and that as God guides, He provides.  And He doesn’t lay out His whole plan for you all at once, for various reasons, number one among them is that you would amend it.  Change it for what you want, as opposed to following Jesus.  You would make suggestions, and end up off the course God has laid out.  Life will throw many detours at you, and some will lead you astray, but some lead to blessings.  Like Vallecito Lake.  But you must be following your guide, the holy spirit.  But what if you get off the right road?  Some churches will tell you that once you get right with God, you are welcomed back.  But since Jesus never left you, He goes down those wrong paths, so you are still protected, and there to guide you back.  He is still planning your route, you just need to follow.  And if you reach the edge, still can turn to Him.  At that point it is your choice, the edge or Jesus?  Simple question, huh?  Simple answer, too.  So what are you waiting for?
So we are faced with the question, what if Columbus had never returned?  How would we know the truth of his voyage?  Would the next Columbus ever come along, or would the world still be flat to us?  Today we know it isn’t, his return and stories caused others to follow him.  When Jesus returned it was proof of what He had said He would do, and those who believe join the millions who have followed after Him.  Without Him we would have sailed off the edge, and sadly many do, choosing to follow anything but Him.  The course God has for you is one of joy and adventure.  Giving Him the glory, and you the blessings.  What may seem like a wrong turn to some, is right to God, but you need to trust Him, so you need to know Him.
It took a man of vision, and a Queen of faith to send Columbus out to the east to find the way west.  Faith.  Which is dead without works.  Use the vision God hagiven you today, and step out In faith and follow Him, n matter where the road takes you.  The safest place to be is where God wants you, and sometimes you will never know until you go out and test the waters, or the roads.  All roads lead to will never know until you get out and follow one.  You may be closer to the edge than you think...I don’t wish to live not knowing, do you?
love with compassion,