Monday, September 12, 2011

the right man at the right time

Those of us who are proud to be called Americans have earned the right by birth, being born within a set of laws, or being naturalized. It is a term not to be taken lightly, but unfortunately for many it has. Just like all the new Charger fans since they won yesterday, living in San Diego doesn't make you a fan. And just like when they start to lose again, and so many will find other things to do, although you still live in San Diego, since you have lost interest you are not a fan, although you can claim the right by zip code-when it is convenient for you. Claiming the rights when beneficial to you is not a new system, but an over used and worn out system-with a name we rather not be called by-hypocrites.
But after watching ex-President Bush at Shanksville, and listening to Bill Clinton's response to the money needed to finish the memorial, it takes more than being an American-it takes being a patriot! And on a day to remember the 40 heroes, how refreshing to hear from both parties how George Bush was the right man at the right time, and to him I extend my hand of thanks. He is a true patriot, and makes me proud to be an American! For more than the job title demanded from him, he loves the US of A, and it shows even today. And even though Clinton still shows poor taste in women, and has some gaps in his morality, I was proud of him to step up and announce that he will get the final $10 million. But the questions remain-why did it take ten years? Why didn't the Federal Government come across long ago? Why wasn't this considered stimulus, but all the pork to keep the useless representatives in government ok? Why did it take so long? When will it ever end?
Our founding fathers were true patriots, willing to give all to start a new nation, conceived in liberty, inspired by God, and led by His spirit-the Creator they called Him. The 40 heroes of Flight 93 are heroes, and how many of us have risen to the occasion when needed? We are all Americans aren't we? Why are we not all Patriots? Talking with a lady at church, we were discussing the 80/20 rule-20% do 80% of the work. Except she noted it is more like 90/10. And I was embarrassed for her, and me. For we all call ourselves Christians, but a real Christian by God's standard is a sinner who has repented and given his life to Jesus Christ. Who by that simple act of believing with your heart, and confessing with your mouth, gain eternal life in heaven. But how many are patriots of heaven? How many are willing to put God first by asking Him, "what is it you would have me do?" Should we even have to ask? And even when they ask, ignore Him or don't heed His reply. For His answer is simply love God, then your neighbor. Yet are eligible for all the glory of heaven by their beliefs. Somehow it doesn't seem fair-maybe that is why God has the job and I don't. He looks at us by showing mercy when we fail, and giving us grace when we walk in the Spirit. And never asks that of you which He cannot deliver you to do.
I am blessed to be a Christian, but I am not a blind one. I see the fallacies and foibles in people, and try to love them anyway. And I am proud to be an American, but rather be known as a patriot, for I am not blind to politics either. All gave some-some gave all. Jesus gave it all. Today I ask, how will you represent your citizenship? How will your actions and morals define you? Who are you really? What can I do for you today?
Trust God. For no other choice is a viable one. In fact if you don't, you are in sin-a place where no one should want to be. Go past political agendas and party beliefs-do what is right for America, and do what is right for all. And for Christians-do what is right in the eyes of God, and you will be doing the right thing. Escape church propaganda, doctrines, and rules-rise above in the Spirit! Enjoy the liberty that God promises you, and behave like a patriot of heaven. Represent Jesus in thought,word, and deed. In the spirit. Let your light shine. Jesus tells us these things shall follow them that believe. It's ok this once to look back. What things are following you? If they are not love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, long suffering, and self control-put on your patriotic Christian heart and serve God! Jesus Christ-the right man for the right time-NOW! Don't wait to find it out when it is too late.
In a nation on which God has so wonderfully shed His grace on thee, is that too much to ask?
love with compassion,