Tuesday, August 27, 2019

there ain't no easy way out....but there is in

The story goes of the man who was afraid to fly.  He had never been on an airplane, and heard all the tales of long lines, strip searching, and waiting to board-all before you even enter the plane.  But once on the plane, the wait continues, as you breath diesel fumes from the jet engines, fight for luggage space, and sit crammed in, hoping the person next to you bathes, is smaller, has no loud kids, and is friendly.  Then the take off, my favorite, hoping for a tail wind so you can get there sooner, and praying for a smooth flight.  Then the landing......and he wishes he had ridden his motorcycle.
Based on time allowed, it can be easier to drive or ride and make better time than flying.  Getting up early, getting to the airport at least an hour before your flight, and then the flight, finding your luggage, getting ground transportation, then off to the hotel.  It seems life can be a lot like flying, maybe a faster way in some cases, but is it worth the money and inconvenience?  Do you arrive fresh and rested, or tense and wasted? Make believe food trying to eat it while bouncing around.  Real sized people in a set 2/3’s their size.  Paying for your luggage to hopefully arrive when you do, and then there is the return flight.  Not looking forward to that, are you?  But some based on time and money must fly, and never get to see what  we who ride do.  Maybe it just comes down to better planning, or better trust.  Now I must admit I haven’t flown in almost ten years, and ten years before that, it boring, I feel cramped, and have gotten over my claustrophobia, although  my shoulders still have marks from the passenger next to me.  And lost time when the man who was to pick me up went to the wrong gate.  Fortunately it had a happy ending, I was picking up my 1978 Suzuki GS1000 to ride home.  With all sins of flying forgiven.
But life can be like the man having to fly, and making the choice based on advice.  Given the choice of two airlines, which one would you choose?  Airline A has a wonderful take off schedule, pretty stewardesses, big seats, great food, and free extra baggage.  Known for their smooth flights. With some of the best rates in the industry.  But has a horrible landing record, seems its pilots cannot find the runway, over shoot it, skid off it, and have emergency vehicles waiting for them at each landing.  Then there is Airline B, never on time, makes you wait, food is questionable, rude stewardesses, cramped flights, expensive tickets and no allowance for extra baggage.  Planes are old, take off is scary, they are known as the bouncy airline.  But they have a 100% safe landing record, they always arrive on time, and never have had an accident.  Tough choice, seems there ain’t no easy way out, or is there? 
Our lives are like the two flights, one wanting all the great things of the world, but shunning God, hoping their good works, their money, position, and religion get them to heaven.  The other one trusts in Jesus, knows life is rough, full of adversity, and is more concerned about the landing, where he will spend eternity than his position on earth.  He trusts God, follows the spirit, lives for Jesus, and sleeps well at night, knowing that if he dies before he wakes, he will be in heaven.  He may take what appears to be a gamble in life, but will not gamble on his after life.  He has learned to trust the things of God rather than the things of man, Jesus instead of his church, and the spirit vs. his own desires.  The eternal to him is more important than the temporal, which will pass.  And is willing to hang on for the ride.  Even if it is on a motorcycle.  His ways make sense to God, but seem like foolishness to man.  For him there is an easy way in, Jesus Christ.  The question is, which flight are you on? 
Or you can be like a friend of mine the first time he flew, when landing and the flaps moved to slow the plane down, he thought the wings were coming off, shouting “the wings are coming off,” and causing a panic where some had to be assisted off, and cared for medically.  All because he didn’t know and didn’t trust.  Now personally I don’t like to fly, I have a rule, if I cannot ride there, I am not interested in going.  But love to fly in small planes with friends.  And helicopters, I have been life flighted, still like them, go figure.  But I know where I will end up at the end of my life.  Jesus makes all the difference.  There is no easy or other way out of sin and into heaven.  As tough as life can be, where we land is more important.  My ticket to heaven is stamped “one way,” as in Jesus, the way.  What does your ticket say? 
And my ride back on my new used Suzuki?  I had figured four days for the 1400 miles, ended up doing it in two. Great ride, time spent alone with God, no airport lines, and my bag strapped behind me.  My ride is like my life in Christ, all I need, no extra baggage.  Seems excess baggage can be costly in more ways than one, dump it today, trust God, and enjoy the ride.  The rest of you....happy landings...
love with compassion,