Monday, February 1, 2016

future outlaws

Look at any new car today, and right there on the window sticker it tells of how many and how effective the air bags and side air bags are.  Today a vital point to many safety burdened young parents.  Ten years ago when a customer asked me if their new Mercedes Benz was a safer car with the bags, they pioneered them, I told her “the safest car is the one that doesn’t get into an accident.”  Which only confused her young yuppie mind, as that message didn’t appear on the sticker, or any ads.  But go back a few years to 1956, when Ford in their new models is introducing safety advances such as padded dashes, dished steering wheels, and seat belts.  Without much fanfare, as they are afraid the other manufacturers will use the news to tell everyone that Ford does not build a safe car. Sales are very slow, but by 1966 the NHTSA makes it a law they are in new cars, but not required used by the occupants.  Can’t force people to be careful.  Just watch CHiP’s from 15 years later, not even Baricza wears a seat belt, because it isn’t the law, yet.  And I think of kids sleeping on rear package trays when we were growing up, or my sister riding on the rear center arm rest in my Grandpa’s 1959 Buick Electra, she and many of my generation are still around to collect social security. 
Of course today these habits would be frowned upon, and mostly are illegal.  Riding in the front seat of a car without seat belts?  How can you?  Except if you are an infant who is too small and can be killed by exploding bags, they ride in the back.  Do I see a whole generation who feel inferior because they had to ride in the back of the car?  How do they explain that to their peer group who rode in pickups?  We didn’t know it at the time, but in the future we would be outlaws for our car habits, pulled over and ticketed.  We were “doing nothing wrong officer, honest,” would be our plea of riding in past comfort, but today paranoid when someone doesn’t buckle up.  True, they have made the cars safer, just not improved the quality of the nut behind the wheel’s driving skills. 
Remember riding in the back of pickups?  Today just taking our American Bulldog to the vet and her riding in the back raises safety issues, and legal ones too.  Maybe the dumbest ride I ever did was from Albuquerque to Los Angeles without a helmet, seriously affecting my hearing.  But it was legal then, today will earn you a trip to court.  If you are caught, back in 2007 on the final Torches ride, we met in San Marcos.  One guy had ridden in from Alabama sans helmet, didn’t know California had one and had ridden for his first few days without one, not getting stopped.  Maybe Ultra Glides are invisible....but he was and we all are future outlaws as more laws change or are enacted for our protection.  But let me ask you, with so many drunk driving an even texting laws on the books, why do half of all highway fatalities list them as the cause?  Maybe improve the driver.....but that is too much to ask. 
Now I wear a helmet, by choice, and I think I should get an insurance discount because I do.  But it is my choice, and it should not be a law telling me I have too.  How many turned into outlaws when the 55 mph law went into effect?  Just the day before 70 was safe and legal, then speed kills.  56 gets a ticket, you can lose your license, and you are hurting the ecology because you are driving a gas guzzler.  Hey if they really cared they would have made it mandatory to ride a motorcycle, we already got great mileage.  And we’re having fun, trying to avoid safety mom’s texting in their SUV, getting 12 mpg.  In our helmets as prescribed by law.  Shhhh, don’t mention Honda has an air bag option on its Gold to you my past, present, and future outlaws, I find I couldn’t be represented by a better class of people. 
So what good is the past to reflect on in this current safety fueled era?  Look to the Bible, and Paul telling us the things that happened to Israel were for our edification.  To learn from their mistakes, even if they didn’t know they were making them.  Isaiah can be looked at as a separate Bible, split into two parts like ours with a New and Old Testament.  66 books, 66 chapters.  39 referring to Old Testament, chapter 40 foretelling of John’s ministry of foretelling of Christ.  The voice carrying into the wilderness.  Warning future outlaws of a way to be saved.  And the last chapter is our Revelation, telling of a new heaven and new earth to come.  With of course Chapter 53 telling of a suffering servant, a messiah, that perfectly describes Jesus, long before he entered into the world in a manger.  And he writes of a chosen people, chosen by God.  Not because they are better, or different, but chosen for the savior, the channel for Jesus Christ to come through them.  And today his church, those who believe, have been chosen by him to share the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.  Former outlaws, hookers, bikers, soccer moms, and other sinners who have been forgiven and accepted it in Jesus.  We didn’t know it until he came into our lives via the spirit, but we were all sinners destined to die.  Keeping the laws couldn’t save, but they looked good in public, just ask any Pharisee.  It takes a changing from within to change the outer actions, and only through Jesus will we be changed.  So why read the history of the Old Testament?  Maybe to see how God dealt with sin back then, and does now.  How we are all sinners, we need a savior, and it is only through grace we are saved.  No seat belt will save you from an accident, but may save you if you are in one.  Keeping the commandments won’t save you, but can help you live better.  Especially the one about loving your God with all your might.  Helpfully added with all your heart and mind, if you aren’t very mighty like most of us. 
So I wear my helmet, wear my seatbelt, and would like to ride in the back of a pick up but won’t.  They won’t prevent an accident, but can help if I am in one. Laws won’t save, grace does.  Only found in Jesus.  We were all outlaws once, and will be until the day we die.  So get over it, be forgiven and get on with your life.  Knowing you are saved and going to heaven.  A feeling no safety equipment or law can provide.  Sinners by birth, saved by grace. 
Reading the prophets helps us see the future, by seeing the past.  Still the safest vehicle is one that isn’t involved in a crash.  And the one who is saved by grace is saved.  God never changes, but our laws do.  Don’t get caught being good on your way to hell, seek Jesus today and be saved.  Paul did, and what a difference that made.  All of us will take our final ride in the same vehicle, a hearse, where the soul goes is up to you.  Jesus saves, so be safe and be saved.  If the only thing you know about your future is Jesus is in it and heaven is the final destination, you have made the right choice.  Go live knowing when you die where you will be.  The rest feel safe and secure knowing if you crash, the airbags will protect you.  Many airbags will save you in a crash, but never warn you of hell.  Just think of how secure you are in your final destination knowing you never ride in the back of pickups.  You sanitize after shopping.  You wear a helmet.  Text while driving.  Or just live like hell.  Maybe the old bumper sticker was right, “drive like hell, you’ll get there.”  So please ride safe, if not for your sake for mine.  “The life you save may be my own.”  As said by James Dean in a PSA just before his death.  In a car crash....
love with compassion,