Thursday, June 10, 2010

Danny Dunn and the out of nothing created universe

When I was in fourth grade I got introduced to the Danny Dunn book series. Danny was the all American boy-much like Beaver, and lived with his mom, his dad was killed in the war, and Professor Bullfinch who they took in as a boarder. Professor Bullfinch was like the absent minded professor, whose lab was on the property, and he was always inventing new, but unmarketable things-which Danny would find a use for, usually getting in some innocent trouble. In Danny Dunn and the Anti-Gravity Paint, he actually got some of it on his shoes, and walks on ceilings, but finally gets into trouble when he stows away on the spaceship that the professor builds to go to outer space, and goes into outer space. All this without government intervention or permits-or a budget either. Just like your neighborhood when you were growing up, right?
Well its seems that there was a teacher's edition, with notes, and since my grandmother taught fifth grade, I stumbled across it one day at her house. And read it, giving a whole new meaning to the story. I knew the whys and wherefores, and when Mrs. Vanderbilt asked us about the story, I knew all the answers. And she knew something was up. Now Mrs. V was like Ralphie's mean teacher on A Christmas Story, she even looked like her, and where I felt I should be rewarded for initiative, she called it cheating. In a world where she was trying to get kids to read, this old sourpuss punished me for reading-more! I wish the professor had come up with an anti-Mrs. Vanderbilt paint, I would have bought five gallons. She was a big woman. Just loan me Ralphie's rifle-I'd have shot her eye out!
Recently I read a story about a best selling book. Except after its release it was found the printer forgot to include the epilog. Which when revealed to the public, caused book sales to soar as it was collectible now, and when the author was asked about it, commented, "if it's not there, how would they know it is missing?" What was the big deal? So they printed another version with it and book sales soared again. Take that Mrs. Vanderbilt!
Unfortunately in real life there are no Professor Bullfinchs and his inventions. But there are Mrs. Vanderbilts. We get reality, which can be too tough for most people on a daily basis. So we turn to God, and find Him there, willing and able to help us, and be our friend-in time of need, and all the time. But sometimes we have trouble reading His Bible-why is it that it took until the New Testament to get all the easy names? Anyway, He promises us if we read it, that the message in it will not return void. In today speak, it will change your life if you apply it. But you have to read it first. And like the teacher's edition of Danny Dunn, there are study Bibles out there that give background and insight to the events.
For example, when the women ran to the tomb, and found it empty, the stone rolled away, in Greek it means the stone was literally picked up and thrown! No doubt that no man could do that! Particularly one who had been crucified, after being beaten,and then a spear stuck in his side to prove he was dead. Just some simple notes, giving insight to a well known event. Proving God to be God. Another example is "in the beginning, God created..." the fourth word in the Bible-God. And in Hebrew is plural, stating up front and before creation that God has always existed, and showing Him as the Trinity! And the created-means out of nothing, forget about the big bang, or other goofy theories. God was there, and it is in His book. And with the help of a good study Bible, brings it all into a clearer perspective. And after studying it, we can deal with those who haven't read it, but know so much about it. In love, of course.
So don't be like Mrs. Vanderbilt, and chastise ones who read their Bible-even when not in church. It's OK to skip to the end of the book-note-we win!, and to use a concordance. But nothing beats knowing the author-the one who the inspired the 66 books, written by 40 men chosen by God to write down His words. That author-God. His son-Jesus. And the Holy spirit-the giver of truth. The three mentioned in Genesis. Be a Danny Dunn today and be curious-inquire of God and let Him change your life. And as far as anti-gravity paint, didn't Peter walk on the water? Didn't Jesus pass through a wall? And soon, won't He call His church home in the rapture?
Danny Dunn-good reading, but there is this other book, Daniel....
Good reading-from beginning to end-no epilog needed-and still a best seller!
love with compassion,