Monday, June 7, 2010

only when empty are we full

If you grew up in the sixties, you remember the nightly news, and the opening lines were always how many dead or wounded that day in the latest fighting in Viet Nam. And if the numbers were high, we were all terrified, but if only light casualties, the newscaster told us it was a good day. Unless you were counted in that days casualties, then your perspective was different. And did you ever notice that on weekdays the numbers were always higher, lower on weekends, reinforcing how governments around the world choreograph wars, while soldiers still carry out the battles-but mostly on weekdays when the politicians are at work, never on a weekend when they were off.
The Iran Hostage Crisis, day too many, greeted us in the late seventies, until the day of Ronald Reagan taking the presidential oath, and trying to upstage him, downstage Carter, or realize that in Ronnie they would face a real foe, released the hostages. But we all can remember the opening lines. Today is----, day --- of the hostage crisis. And for 444 days, where after two weeks the news story is usually played out, the drama continued, an eternity in broadcasting, that was how the broadcasts were opened. And it was even longer for the hostages. Being held hostage by Iranians, and us by the news. Both prisoners-only we could change the channel. A solution not offered by the Iranians.
Today is day 49 of the oil spill disaster in the gulf. And as more beaches, eco structures, and lives are disrupted by the spill, politicians and oil companies alike are still looking for the answer. And of course, who to blame. Taking advice from an old Iacocca adage, "never put two number twos together to form a number one," we see the Obama administration now on the scene, and what physical damage is done, will only be exacerbated by the political implications. And as the oil continues to leak, does anybody really care about the leak? How about the men who lost their lives and their families? What does day 50, or 51, or 444 bring our way? And as we continue looking to man, to solve his own problems, we are reminded of the better way-in any situation.
God reminds us to look to the cross. The cross at Calvary. Where on that Friday afternoon, Jesus was crucified, for our sins. How many times I hear in hospitals, "the doctors have done all they can, we need to pray. " When the correct first aid would have been to pray immediately, why wait? So, how many of us look to the cross when problems arise? And how soon? And if we do, what do we see? Do we see Jesus on the cross, as depicted in so many crucifixes worn around the neck, or do we see an empty cross? Your answer may surprise you.
The answer makes the difference, as if you see Him on the cross, His work isn't finished. But if it is empty, historically accurate, then "It is finished, " just like He said, and He will handle the situation-but you must let Him. But if the cross is empty, then where is He?
Look in the tomb. If His body is there, then He is not resurrected, and you pleas/prayers may be in vain. But if it empty, which it is, then He has defeated death, and is resurrected! And you will be too, without your problems-they will be left behind. But you won't be! And He is ready to handle any situation you bring Him! Friends betray you-He knows about betrayal. Hungry, naked, without a place to stay, or sick? He has been there, and knows the way out-there again, you must seek Him first! Which raises the question, if the tomb is empty, where is Jesus?
The Bible tells us in heaven, seated at the right hand of God. The most favorable seat. And unlike Jewish priests, who couldn't sit, because their work was never done, His work is complete. He sits, and is waiting for you to call on Him right now!
What you do in a given situation, will either guarantee success, or failure. Or a prolonged agony that could have been dealt with long ago. Jobless? What day are you in? When will you look to the cross? Marriage a wreck. What do you see when you look there? Finances gone. If the tomb is empty, you are on the right path. But don't stop there-look up-set your sights on things on high. Look to Jesus-the answer for any and all situations. Follow Him-He is the way through, not around the situation. He is the way out. Far out, huh?
Simply put-look to God, and not at your surroundings. Look to Jesus, and not your situation. Joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of God! Unlike politicians, He works weekends. And unlike broadcast news, He doesn't report it, he makes it! And has some headlines awaiting your situation, so call on Him! Why wait-do things get better without Him?
Day one-I needed work, after losing my job, and Jesus gave me the desire of my heart, Matthew 25 Biker Ministry. Not anything I would have thought up myself, but for last 28 months a joy and a blessing, despite the headlines. And He continues to meet my needs-Grace, and take me through daily situations-mercy. In ways I never knew possible. Man plans, and God laughs. Isn't it about time you began to smile and laugh again, without being laughed at? You won't find joy in the news, politicians, or man's answers in crisis. Joy is only found in Jesus Christ-at the cross.
Your problem may seem big, but He is bigger. You or problem may seem too close-He is closer. None to small, or too big. Every problem you bring Him is like Goldilocks' bed. Just right, and you can rest in Him. Get a good day's rest, into night. With the Lord. And He doesn't need your help-or advice! Call on Him now!
love with compassion,