Wednesday, September 19, 2012

secret millionaires-with God it is no secret

I once watched a show called Secret Millionaire while channel surfing. Not a show I would normally watch, or stay up for, but it caught my attention. The premise is a millionaire goes undercover in a poverty stricken neighborhood. They don't tell who or what they are, but grow into the situation. And they find many people doing so much with so little, and find out that although they are rich in money, or valuables, they are poor in values. Something we all can relate to, only pride keeps us from a full disclosure. But at the end, they come clean, and admit who they are, and give these "good Samaritans" money to carry on with their works. To aid in their cause, and many times it is a blessing. I tend to look between the lines, and see the real problem, or how money doesn't always solve problems-just look at our Federal Government. It takes a heart, and a vision, that these people may or may not know they have to minister, and a reliance upon God-who just like the rains, His grace falls on the just and the unjust.
I have known people over the years who have had rich relatives, the proverbial rich uncle. Who in times of need has always been there. Benevolent, caring, and loving-checkbook in hand. I have had the benefit of being given when needed, and blessed abundantly by family, friends, and others. Really blessed when I came to know that all blessings come from God-sometimes they just take different routes, and different messengers. But the source is always the same-God! So why do we look for the proverbial rich uncle, or to the benevolence of suffering friends, when we have a rich father we can go to at any time?
When God gave me a vision for ministry years ago, He promised to meet all my needs. When advised by others in ministry to send out support letters, God told me no. He said "if you ask for it, it is not a gift. And I like to give good gifts." And so He has, we do more with less than ever before, and continue to do so to this day. When I was sick and had open heart surgery, God provided even before we could ask-or pray. Although this caught us by surprise, it was no surprise to God, and He still meets all our needs. When Theresa mentioned we would need a place to stay, a friend told her of another friend with a house we could use-free! Pat called it"God's House" and was blessed we could take advantage of it. Not knowing she was a secret millionaire. When Tina put us on a prayer list, we know her in Escondido, but was living in Phoenix, a friend in Tennessee saw it, called her friend in Albuquerque, and they brought us meals. And then another friend of hers did also. More secret millionaires-and blessed servants of God. From the man who rented us a car, and waived the $250 drop off fee to the pharmacist who gave us the New Mexico resident discount-saving us over $200, these secret millionaires were put in the right place at the right time by God. In some cases when our needs were known, we had to use discretion on which offer to take-such is our loving God.
So to all you secret millionaires out there, a huge thanks. Our prayer-that you were as blessed giving as we were receiving. So take heart-which now has a much deeper meaning to me, and allow God to meet your needs. He wants to, and through Jesus all things will be met according to His riches and glory. Let Him decide how to meet the need-but be willing to accept the way He shows you. As we learned His resources are boundless, and came from many people we never had met or would not have expected. Sadly some we had expected to help, never answered the call. We also learned that "call me if you need anything" took the person to answer the phone when we called. Not so with God. From Dal driving Theresa to Albuquerque-only 250 miles that night, to Pastor Pat giving great counsel, and having his ministry offer us a car, to the hospital and the free motel rooms, PJ of PJ's Triumph, and so many other little things we saw from God's hand, we not only renewed our faith, but stepped into obedience-and the blessings continue.
But you must let them. Like salvation, which is by grace, to fully experience God's grace you must trust Him. Then you must obey-no matter what your past experiences tell you-don't lean on your own understanding of a situation. Look to the cross-where the victory was won, and rejoice in it! And watch as the story of Jesus Christ becomes real in your life, and a part of your life. Don't ever say no to God, or to a secret millionaire He has sent to bless you. You not only rob yourself of the blessing, but rob those also who choose to bless you-in obedience to God!
So to all of you who love God-thanks for being a secret millionaire. Bet you didn't know you were. And remember, it doesn't always mean money-letters from inmates who missed my letters when I was sick were a priceless blessing. Phone calls, e-mails, and messages from some who I haven't seen in 25-40 years meant more than a big bank account. So let your richness shine through in love, just like Jesus does. Who by the way owned nothing-remember He had to borrow food, to bless others, rode on a borrowed donkey into Jerusalem, and even was laid in a borrowed tomb. But what He gave could not be measured in dollars. So don't you either-the riches of Jesus in you are just waiting to pay a dividend-let them! Maybe today is the day that we see you as that "secret millionaire" that God so lovingly provides to meet someone else's need. According to His riches and glory....
love with compassion,