Wednesday, October 30, 2019

death-do it right, you don't get a second chance

I asked a boss of mine once what he looked for when hiring, his answer surprised me, “ten years.”  He felt if you could get a commitment of ten years, you could achieve success and make his job easier.  So much for the five year plan that was popular before the bucket list became the next trendy idea.  But ten years, I can’t think ahead five minutes let alone five years, and you want me to commit to that long a time?  If asked, how many times have your views, dreams, and ideas changed in the past thirty days, let alone five years?  Some of us live from crisis to crisis, never coming up for air, five more years of the pain and suffering?  Or even if asked after a good day, how would your answer change?  Moving on up as the Jeffersons did, or movin’ out, a big difference, just ask a college grad living in his parent’s basement for a few years. It seems in every generation, in every age, in every career, movin’ out or moving up may be a dream, but never a reality.
I remember making $2.25/hour, and my boss making $5.00, oh all the things I could do with all that money.  Then it was a $1000/month, then a week, and life that was supposed to be better, got harder, the more I made, the more it demanded of me in my time and my money.  So money wasn’t the answer, short or long term.  We seem to think we have unique problems, but really we are more alike than we care to admit.  It was only after I was asked about an eternal plan, not five years but millions of years, that my mindset changed, and so did my life.  Jesus tells us that we will not encounter any temptation that is not uncommon to man, that can be a relief or a curse.  But when becoming a true Christian and letting the spirit lead, suddenly life is injected with life, and it changes as Jesus changes us. Think you’re having it rough, consider Moses and the Israelites for a the day before indoor plumbing and fast food....
It had never been easy for Moses or the Jewish people.  The Egyptians treated them as property, worse than cattle sometimes, and not as valued people or even people.  But God let Moses know he saw their affliction, and things were about to change.  He would take them out of their temporary affliction, and into a promised land.  You can be sure each one had a different view of a promised land, but few would have agreed with God.  The key was that their present situation would not be their permanent reality.  As believers in Jesus Christ we too have that promise, that he will lead us out and into a better place, yet many Christians suffer needlessly.  When we truly know and trust God, we can see beyond our present situation, past the moment, and even past the five year plan we have made. 
At present, I'm well aware that some of us are experiencing health needs, emotional needs, family needs, and financial needs. These are not uncommon concerns. These are the common struggles that we all face in the midst of our sojourn on this earth. But for those who walk with Christ, and know Him by name, these are momentary afflictions, not permanent conditions. Just as the people of Israel were emancipated, through Christ we have been freed from our slavery to sin, and assured of our permanent place in God's eternal kingdom. We too have a home in a Promised Land.  When we think eternal or whole perspective of God and life change.  So what is your eternal plan, and does it line up with God’s?
God knows your name. Be known as one who knows His name, and rest in the fact that He who spoke creation into existence also holds your life in the palm of His hand.  Maybe if we look back five years and see how far God has taken us, we can focus better on him.  He knows the plans he has for us, not hidden, but you must trust with all your heart, more than a bumper sticker or phrase, it is scripture, God speaking.  And he has given us his spirit so we can connect with him and know, but still leaves the decision up to us, for true love demands a choice, it cannot be legislated or forced upon us.  Yet how many times have you been dragged kicking and screaming into blessings?  He also says obedience is better than sacrifice, can I hear an amen?
We will only die once here on earth, no do overs or second chances if you don’t like the results.  The gates of hell keep you in, only Jesus keeps you out. So what is your eternal plan, does it include Jesus?  Do you even have one?  God has one, and  you can be a part of it, it is your choice.  Death if done right to a Christian is the continuance of a relation with Jesus, if not, hell is a continuance without him.  We will all face death, we don’t know the time, the place. or the way, but we can know where we will end up.  Only Jesus can change your today’s situation and also your tomorrow’s.  If you only trust in his death but not his resurrection you are missing out, suddenly five years seems such a short time....
And ask any Israelite that travelled with Moses, it’s worth the trip, even their shoes never wore out.  Can you say that about your Nikes? 
love with compassion,