Friday, October 30, 2009

you light up my life

I find there are two types of people in the world. Those that brighten a room when they enter, and those that brighten a room when they leave. It is up to you to decide which one you are. And trust me, the clues are there. And certain types scare me. If you are the kind who always wears clean socks and underwear, in case you have to go to the hospital, or if you actually read the instructions, then follow them before starting a project, or if you have never written your first name where it says last name first-you scare me. But if you are the type who is fascinated by the fact that the ruby slippers were the same size as Dorothy's feet, who actually ride by tachometer, then translate rpm to speed, because you know the speedo is inaccurate, or don't trust a politician when he says "trust me," you people are my kind. You brighten my room, both ways-just remember you have to enter before you can leave.
The following is a test, based on the Bernard P. Fife School of Law Enforcement. He tells us that there are two rules in the jail-the first rule is obey all rules. Thanks to Mr. Clean Socks and Underwear here. But the second rule is no writing on the walls-it is hard to clean off. And here's to you who do, then are able to erase it, or better yet leave the solution to the problem written on the wall-hoping that it won't get erased before it is rewritten. The law versus the spirit-doing daily battle in a life near you-yours!
I have a problem with people just believing what is taught in church. Ask questions-the pastor will love it-it shows you are paying attention, and you might learn more. For instance, I don't like the moniker that Thomas has unfairly been given, Doubting Thomas. This dude had faith, read your Bible. And when not present in the upper room when Jesus returned after His crucifixion, He wanted the same evidence that the others had. He is just like us when the spirit comes upon us-HE WANTS TO SEE JESUS! And Jesus answered his prayer, giving him a private showing-but also leaving him with a lesson in faith. Blessed are those who believe and have not seen-it is called faith. By faith Thomas demanded-in faith Jesus answered, and by faith we will see Him someday soon. As for now, our hearts confirm His presence, just like the ones Jesus met on the road, again they were amazed how their hearts were touched when in His presence.
Nobody talks about the whale-it's all about Jonah. I figure here is a great chance for good liberals to club us about being cruel to the whale. Here is Mr. Blue Whale being cool, when one day while eating he swallows Jonah. And incurs this incredible stomach ache for three days. While swimming away from home, not feeling well, can't pass this meal from either end, and all we do is talk about Jonah. What was the whale thinking? Was he a good Christian whale wondering why God didn't answer his prayer? Maybe he believed in healing and lost faith when he wasn't? Or-maybe in three days, he became like the tomb, and couldn't hold his catch anymore-no matter how good it tasted and wanted to feast on it more. But when he finally vomits Jonah on shore, he is never mentioned again. All the trials and tribulation-then after yakking Jonah on shore-he is never mentioned. Ever feel like the whale, that something touches you and then it is gone, because no faith made you try to understand it? Your brief time to meet Jesus passes because you think he is just another meal? Or wrestle with God over something and all you come away with is a bad hip? Or after you do what God asks just bask in his glory, remembering that the book of Jonah is about God, not Jonah? Let's hear it for the whale. And if someone asks, point them to Jesus-they already read the book, now quiz them on it-or better yet, enlighten them.
Or are you still ditzing on Mrs. Job? One statement by her and "we sing we got the rope, we got the tree, all we need is Mrs. J!" Where is our compassion? This poor woman not only lost all her riches, but her children, her home, and was reduced to watching her husband suffering before her very eyes, and could do nothing. How many because God didn't jump to attention when you barked a request have given bad advice, maybe from a broken heart like hers, out of frustration? Or maybe her message was flawed, but the intent was honorable. You see I have instructions not to be CPRed back to life-I want heaven! How about if I curse you because you keep me alive? You see Mrs. Job was just like us-but didn't give up hope. She got the same rewards as Job did, but maybe not the full blessings. I will ask her when I see her in heaven. Don't make a judgment based on a single conversation! Aren't you glad God doesn't? Why not show the same mercy to others that He shows us? Just be glad she didn't take her advice into her own hands and did it for Job! I am so glad that none of us have ever done that-yeah.
Well, it's time to leave the room. If the room gets brighter, enjoy the law. If it gets darker when you leave, enjoy the spirit. For where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty-evidenced by the light! For Jesus is beauty and light, no darkness at all. Same room, same door. And he's knocking. Either let Him in, or leave the room. Either way never leave Him, He never leaves you.
And you may want to stay away from the beach-some huge fish have been spotted lately-big enough to swallow a man! Don't believe me? Put your hands in my sides-I know that fish, and the man who endured three days in it. Just don't tell my wife. You may not like the advice she gives you. And when she points you to Jesus, how will you answer?
love with compassion,